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8175872 No.8175872 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8175877

The next few unlocking scripts will be critical for bitcoin

>> No.8175935

How do you know this?

>> No.8175944

Aliens. Aliens told him.

>> No.8175963

Well Bitcoin is the least of our worries if ECDSA is broken. Luckily you're talking shit

>> No.8175971

Senior NSA Official just sent an internal memo to the presidents office not to use sha-256 signed messages since most likely the russians have caught on, anyways this white house is leaky as shit and it was just hinted a reporter in thewashingtonpost. Seems legit since they cracked SHA-1 so easily makes sense

>> No.8176003

im not but.
they solved the polynomial time vs non-polynomial time problem (P Vs NP) and couple the quantum computers that can find hashes at O'nlog(sqrt(n))

>> No.8176007

hinted where?

>> No.8176019

Im already switching over to md5 and RSA for all my diffie-helman key exchanges and hashing and you should too.

>> No.8176038

the article was taken down immediately obviously thats huge for national security

>> No.8176039

nice larp
t. CS w/ PhD in cryptography

>> No.8176093

the you are the perfect person to backup my point
after isnt it true that the generator points that were provided for use in the y^2=x^3+(o)x+7 curve have a mathematical trapdoor other than the random points that were chosen?

>> No.8176118

LOOK even the SECG website is down
the standard was provided BY THE NSA.
they have sat on it until this critical moment in bitcoin.
truly the next few hours will be critical for bitcoin.

>> No.8176124

don't you sign transactions with the ripemd key?
why would they go through the trouble to find his sha key when it's way harder to do that?
Nice larp btw

>> No.8176131
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>> No.8176135
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>> No.8176163

I watched a vid on that and as far as i got it they tested the shit out of these numbers. They didnt come up with them accidently. I can be wrong though but my IMPRESSION was that these numbers where choosen very carefully and a lot of mathematicans have checked them independently (as its not easy to find proper ones and a backdoor is only one of multiple potential problems).

So as long as there is no source im rather sceptic.

>> No.8176181

no bitcoin private keys are derived from the elliptical after youve cycled through a "sufficient" number of times.
now obviously when you provide the unlocking script the public key is revealed and then is available for cracking.

>> No.8176224

yes but just like the reimam-zeta hypothesis and other unsolved problems in math its still unknown if fundamentally the discrete logarithm isnt a polynomial time problem. Since they have been known to hire the best mathematicians in the world i am teetering on the edge of believing they cracked. After all why is bitcoin dumping so suddenly. we will see in the next few hours if this holds true... they are critical for cryptography

>> No.8176247

What does this mean in real life?eg what are the >implications?

>> No.8176262

SHA256 signed messages? SHA256 is a fucking hashing algorithm, you don't sign things with it.

>> No.8176294

it means that if like i said in the next few hours the big exchanges suddenly start realising that the big btc cold wallets are showing activity somehow (even though they have been dormant for years) they will assume the supply has gone up. that would be catastrophic to their predicted supply curves and they will beg to start buying, now if as the cypherpunks suspect the NSA is behind this, they can start making millions of dollars in dark money they can use to fund SAP operations like they did with iran-contra

>> No.8176304

haha, Are you writing scifi fan fiction?
I hope these idiots on Biz don't get fooled by your bullshit.

>> No.8176311

they forgot to carry the 1

>> No.8176312

are you a fucking idiot?
you do realize how man in the middle attacks and packet injection is stopped for some files on the internet? the hash is published by the author to ensure that the file that is received is valid. if even one bit is changed the hash is completley different.

>> No.8176327

so they cracking the golden vault and crash the market? fuck man.

>> No.8176333

that fact that you think im writing sci-fi underscores how catastrophic this is.
this is literally a worst case scenario
ive seen tv shows deal with this situation
nobody wants to think its true which is why the exchanges and the bitcoin developers will hail the return of satoshis use of his bitcoin. this will add to hype.

>> No.8176334
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>mfw I realize this is DJB shilling curve25519

>> No.8176336


>> No.8176341

Well, P is not NP. So fuck off.

>> No.8176348

we will see how it plays out in the next few hours its absolutely essential to bitcoin

>> No.8176350
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>> No.8176354
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What is this mambo jambo? Feds found out who Satoshi is or what?

>> No.8176363

ok john von neumann id like to see your paper detailing the proof.

>> No.8176367

Disprove it, faggot.

>> No.8176374

no but now they can pretend to be him since they have his PGP keys and can sign messages in his name. Not some craig steven wright "signing demonstration" bullshit im talking proper signed messages with his pgp key on forums. Theyll be hugely influential but i doubt they would use it for some kind of disinformation or imitation style PR campaign .

>> No.8176391

Big if intelligible

>> No.8176407

The washingtonpost put up a fucking article on how suddenly all the staffers had to hand in their phones and the one that has been leaking all the juicy details of trumps habits over heard them talking about how world cryptography is 'at risk'. the article was taken down immediately leading to some cypherpunks to posit that , due to the recent rumblings of possible collisions found and on top of the spectre and meldown cpu hacks that in fact the NSA has PROVED P VS NP!!

>> No.8176410
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>op provides no evidence
>faggotry continues

>> No.8176414

Also, describe a solved math problem that isn't known to every mathfag in his first semester.
I want to be entertained.

>> No.8176451

SHA-1 collision paper:
SHA-256 paper highlighting possible risks (written last year november ,interestingly during peak bubble):https://online.tugraz.at/tug_online/voe_main2.getvolltext?pCurrPk=69018
Bitcoin ECDSA backdoor discussion (2016):

>op provides evidence

>> No.8176455

>over heard them talking about how world cryptography is 'at risk'
>muh quantum computers
>read it in my boomer magazine

>> No.8176472
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Alright guys, explain it to a low IQ retard like me. Or is OP just a shitposting conspiracy fuck?

>> No.8176477

YOU DO REALIZE THAT: some cryptos like IOTA have intentionally made their crpyto completley quantum resistant

>> No.8176479

nice fud, almost believed in the beginning
sold 100k thanks

>> No.8176504

OP here these fucking posturing /biz/tards will jump at the first chance to tell you im larping like they already have alls i can say is go learn the basics of cryptography yourself and see (takes like 10mins to understand discrete log problem and P VS NP) heres a good book:http://math.fau.edu/bkhadka/Syllabi/A%20handbook%20of%20applied%20cryptography.pdf

>> No.8176507

This guy is a low IQ retard, he is writing about things that are real mixed in with things that are not as well as adding in some stuff which has not been invented and probably may never be invented.

>> No.8176508

he started this poast because he heard a rumor that some shitter in the whitehouse (who?) overheard someone (who??) talk about cryptography (not a specific type) being 'at risk'

so it's like the worthlessness of a usual internet rumor, but cubed? I will vote #2

>> No.8176522

Skip page 654 on "US government standards" and youll see how they did it

>> No.8176537


>> No.8176569
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>> No.8176584

I can't say much, but I've got insider information that Sergey is in talks with the Department of Defense, where they've expressed interest in using ChainLink and smart contracts to control nuclear launch information. Despite hints otherwise, the current launch system has very little automation and relies on a human to eventually push the button. The problem is that although they can access the information such as missing nodes (launch sites) or early warning triggers that could prompt a launch, it still has to go through a single source to verify the data and eventually make a decision. The solution they're hoping for from smartcontracts.com is a transitional process towards full automation, starting with a temporary solution where a majority of the data sources into the oracles would still be human operators choosing to press a button. That is to say, if there were theoretically five data sources feeding into the oracles, three of them would be humans choosing to launch the missiles. The side-effect of the transition is that human-controlled launches are given an extra layer of confirmation through the smart contract where there's less likely to be the situation where one node acts on faulty data and triggers a run-on effect. I can't say where I got this information, but you won't hear about this publicly until it's already been operational for at least a few years. Russia's building their own next-gen nukes as well, so strap in for an exciting decade.

>> No.8176585

I'd ask if you were an idiot, but at this point it's pretty clearly the case so why bother? That's a hash of the files, not a signature.

>> No.8176597

>has not been invented and probably may never be invented
can you really be this gullible anon
just like gregory perelman solved the Poincaré conjecture one of the millenium prizes, P VS NP can also be prooved and the Poincaré conjecture was solved by one highly talented russian. Do you think the US government with all its resources and talent dont have a probability of solving it?

>> No.8176625

>where they've expressed interest in using ChainLink and smart contracts to control nuclear launch information.
Nigger, please. The DDSACCS is still run on 70's era iron, that uses 8" floppies. They keep talking about upgrading them, but they take that shit seriously, and there's no fucking way they're going to use ChainFuckingLink for the nuclear arsenal.

>> No.8176630

AN actual doomsday machine i knew that even the smallest nuclear powers could build one but fuck.. i guess if you merely wish to bury bombs theres no limit to the size. and you could hook it up to gigantic complex of computers where a specific and clearly defined set of circumstances could be programing in a cheap tape memory bank.

>> No.8176660

why not utilize the immutability of the block chain for the nuclear triad? it would be so easy to keep track of warheads; reach consensus on launch locations and provide a decentralized network when and if the nuclear football is kicked id say its far better than a central point of failure like NORADs base in that mountain

>> No.8176730

Why not? Because it's unproven, it's open source, and there's no way we're putting our nukes under it's control until it's been tested to hell and back to make sure it's THE most secure system ever invented, that's why. the DDSACCS don't fuck around, they've refused everything on the fucking market since the 70's, because they didn't consider it secure enough.

Blockchain tech has a long, long, long fucking way to go before even banks start using it, IF it isn't replaced by something better, or tech built off of it - and there's no fucking way our nukes are going to rely on it, not any time this decade. They're just now upgrading the floppy drives, but there's no way they're looking at crypto-tech to replace the systems.

>> No.8176745


>> No.8176760


Oh shi,,,

>> No.8176765

ok fair point anon , im out of my element here but out of curiosity are you part of our nuclear forces?

>> No.8176767


Stop larping you sorry faggot.

>> No.8176782

Oh what so p equals NP? Thanks anon, do you have any insights into the riemann hypothesis too?

>> No.8176789


can't even be bothered to do a quick Google search before LARPING

>> No.8176792


>> No.8176805


>> No.8176910

Wew lad, atleast use scrypt.

>> No.8176934
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Detective pepe here, I have investigated this with the NSA and the CIA, rest assured this anons claims are false

>> No.8176936

Nope. And if I was, the last place I'd be posting about it would be 4chan. The whole issue with the nukes was a story that made the rounds last year. I also know people who have done DoD contracting, and heard what a pain in the ass it is - and that was for non-critical, non-weapons system level stuff.

It's common sense, really. Blockchain tech is too new and too open for the DoD to even think about using, in any publically available form like ChainLink. IF - huge IF here - they were to even consider it, it would be a form of it that's not available to the public, just naming it would probably violate security clearances, and a DoD contractor or worker wouldn't be talking about it to some kid who posts on 4chan. Do you realize the fresh hell that would erupt in the Pentagon if their upgrade plans for the nuclear arsenal was being posted about on 4chan? C'mon. Common fucking sense.

>> No.8176940
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Can someone greentext what is happening in this thread? Apparently Im retarded

>> No.8176949
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A bunch of faggots LARPing.

>> No.8176963
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>solved one of the millenium problems because a larping weeb created fake internet money designed to destroy the banking system


>> No.8177052

only safe cryptography left is the one time pad

>> No.8177112

Supercomputes on every city fuck we were warned about this fuuuckk

>> No.8177824

>The next few ______ will be critical for bitcoin
OP is a faggot

>> No.8178876

Holy shit. Didn't understand a word but sold 100k