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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 1917x712, Screenshot_75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8175798 No.8175798 [Reply] [Original]

LINK 45 btc sell wall, guy who was flaunting 1.2 mil sell wall couple of days ago must be back !

>> No.8175828

I hope that some rich as fuck dude shows up and marketbuys it all at once.

>> No.8175862
File: 182 KB, 872x587, KringleOffer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rn Linkies are in small league p&d category. 100 BTC sellwall breaks our backs.. Hmmm..
#Resist bros.

>> No.8175889

Bro holy crap you just saved my ass. I will be watching this order. He just moved it lower.

The sharks are coming

Thanks again. You might have helped me make a lot of money off of this

>> No.8175890

Is there any coin that's being held by a smaller group of people than Link? There was a lot of talk about it being held by a surprisingly small amount of people, which makes the fact that there are whales unsurprising to say the least.

>> No.8175901

Watching this chart I see some protecting movement. The wall has to be secured by little sellorders of 260 LINK - Thats the fucker that is anoy the chart with his 4x BTC worth of LINK. If this fucker would have want to sell this mass of links, he would have done it long ago by selling bit for bit. But as you can see, you guys are played.

>> No.8175916

Ignore the fucker and buy his wall, someone managed to take a 100k of him last time and he ran away

>> No.8175927

you are right dude!
Watch this wall beeing swollowed if owner wont chuck

>> No.8175950
File: 114 KB, 574x520, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch this threatening buy wall popping up.

>> No.8175954

this and it's happening to Cardano

>> No.8175979

>threatening buy wall
>implying it's not the same faggot spoofing the order books
The absolute state of /biz/. Miss the times before red*it invaded this board.

>> No.8176013

sell order removed..he just having fun

>> No.8176047

I hope he got rid of all the weak hands

>> No.8176053

If he took it off, it's not because he was having fun, it's because he finished what he wanted to do, and odds are he'll do it again. A lot of coins are like this, which makes it a waiting game for anyone who's not a whale free to nudge the price in whatever direction they choose. It's probably even worse now in that specific case, since he likely wanted to buy some, which means the asshole whale now has an even bigger stack. Yay.

>> No.8176086

Interesting stuff.

>> No.8176090

again shown up..slowly eating alive

>> No.8176091
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He sold

>> No.8176094

i'm not an asshole :(

>> No.8176117

not sure he selling or buying small chunks from weak hands

>> No.8176123
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>> No.8176129


>> No.8176148
File: 71 KB, 707x500, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're crossing the line.

>> No.8176177

if you let me slip a finger in i'll give you a 1000 linkies

>> No.8176188
File: 13 KB, 205x246, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'd be in your situation...

>> No.8176205


Pull a trigger and take all his linkies hahah

>> No.8176210
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>> No.8176232

I'm (for reals) a chad faggot if that helps change your mind?

>> No.8176259
File: 123 KB, 1142x704, 1451680274505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea.

Everybody puts their linkies on the ground and walk away or >>8176205 gets it!

>> No.8176269
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, CP9xD7zUkAEkD5p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, jewish gun. What are you shooting with? soap-bullets?

>> No.8176273

I may be a whale but I promise I don't have fat fingers

>> No.8176275

Fag here. Give me linkies whalebro and I’ll give you the D.

>> No.8176325

Show me the D and then we'll talk linkies

>> No.8176358
File: 9 KB, 258x195, unkn0wn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calm down, anon, they're the ones stuck with Link, and that's punishment enough. Be the bigger man and walk away... just walk away...

>> No.8176361 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8176419

lol. that is a nice d tho.

>> No.8176452 [DELETED] 

And it’s actually mine.

I’ll just leave this here


>> No.8176454
File: 2.27 MB, 2399x1438, 1520414205254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to sell about half my stack at 5144 sats when the wall popped up and people started selling. Then I chipped 4019 Link off it when it was temporarily lowered to 5069 sats. The buffer sells got eaten and then we started taking pieces of his precious wall like piranhas, he moved it pretty quickly. Take that, whale!

>> No.8176488

Hell yea bro, good job. I did the same. Only made like 20 bucks off of it and it was intense but it was fun. Learned a lot tonight. This whale's making us money at this point.

>> No.8176503

you're welcome :)

>> No.8176578

Wait, can you explain in more detail why the whales do this? I'm still pretty new to crypto and trading. Does putting that sell wall up drive the price lower?

>> No.8176610


>> No.8176640

Unless it gets too much eaten off it for the whales comfort, then it's gone! Or it just gets moved back a bit.
How long can you run away >>8176503 ? People are hungry for your Linkies.... XD

>> No.8176644

>put up a massive sell wall
>if you want to sell you have to put your order below the wall
>whale buys orders below his wall and at his desired price

>> No.8176681

not so hungry that i'm not still accumulating :)

>> No.8176705
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1200, 1520404526675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so can I expect The Great Wall of Chainlink to still be there in the morning? I haven't been getting much sleep with crypto and all, so what do you think about 0700 Pacific time? Or is this monstrosity going to be up until the 14th?

>> No.8176714

it'll be gone

>> No.8176737

I appreciate the tip.

>> No.8176757

Oh and sorry I bought some of your wall at 5069, I couldn't resist. Made about 30 Link off the reversal, so thanks for that too.

>> No.8176779

lol you're welcome

>> No.8176988

by any chance are you the one with the 200k buy wall up

>> No.8177068


>> No.8177090 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1536x2048, A95B81B9-E506-4649-8915-4C6664B44367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the things I would do to you for your linkies.

>> No.8177095

Sell when the wall is down.
Buy when the wall is up.

>> No.8177120

why not buy out the guy with the sell wall up? the price wont stay this low for long??
or do you expect it to go lower.
seems like a win if you can afford more now.
i spent everything i had and put it into link. even sold my favorite watch. i believe in this project. just waiting and watching and waiting and watching and waiting and watching and waiting...

>> No.8177146

cos i'm the guy with the sell wall

>> No.8177154

link 1000$ eoy
checkem and calm yourselfs we will all make it

>> No.8177165
File: 371 KB, 642x722, ]hjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay. well, then...I'll be watching you

>> No.8177166

If you are the guy with the sell wall here's an idea.
You put up the wall price falls. we buy.
Take down the wall price rises. we sell.

>> No.8177269

I'm working on an upgrade to my Bot to do that. Look for when whales screw up and push things TOO low and take chunks out of them. I'm training an algo to recognize manipulation basically, and evolve counter strategies.

Gonna call it Ahab kek. Pretty sure I'm not the first, I've seen a few buy/sell wars get chewed up recently and it looked like bots to me (tons of little tiny scalps, far too many for humans).

>> No.8177286

That is a nice penis

>> No.8177350

Looks like volume is drying up a bit to be able to do that. We'll see in the next few minutes.

>> No.8177625
File: 8 KB, 235x235, 1480815692287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see a foreskin it makes me sad. No matter how much money I make I will never get mine back, and I never even had any say in the matter. Maybe ForeGen will be successful, and I can buy a foreskin to have for the second half of my life. Pic somewhat related.

>> No.8178684
File: 131 KB, 1908x701, Screenshot_76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this i don't even...

>> No.8178741
File: 131 KB, 1913x708, Screenshot_77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab the popcorn guys

>> No.8178763

the g forces alone would kill a normal person. link marines will survive

>> No.8178871

A whale is basically stop limit fishing. Because the volume is soo low, he could easily push the price down several levels to trigger everyone's stop limits at the lower prices, than immediately buy up all the cheap link. Thats why you see an immediate spike in buys after he triggers his sell.

>> No.8178926

Thats why using stop limits can screw you over in low volume cryptos. People can artificially trigger it and buy your cheap link in an instant.

>> No.8178955

thanks. makes sense
why does the buys shoot up past the average then on the second candle..
hes just looking to fill x amount with a market buy?

>> No.8178978

so youre how would one take advantage of this? i dont feel like swing trading because i only got into link for the passive income so i never sell it. just put a low sell order and pray?

>> No.8179342

The whale wantes to increase his position in limk without making the price climb. So instead of just slowly buying, he puts a massive market sell to push the price down and trigger a lot of stop limits for the coin at drastically cheaper prices, then immediately market buys. The guy probably instantly made tens of thousands more link using the stop limit fishing technique. Do not use stop limit sells on low volume cryptos! You'll get rekt!

>> No.8179517

Place your buy limits at or just below significant whole number thresholds. In this case, at 5000 satoshis. It will force the whale to have to sell you his link before he can pass the psychological thousand sats level where most people place their stop limits.

>> No.8179554

Dont let the whales win! We're all in this together!

>> No.8179599

I hope I have just enlightened many of you andI hope i will be blessed by kek with richs. =)

>> No.8179927

not a bad idea. thanks anon

>> No.8179968

Thinking that it might be one of the chainlink intrnals lowering the price before something major happening.

>> No.8180025

maybe something about that request network test yesterday triggered something

>> No.8180087

You're welcome! We're all in this together! Blessed be Kek, giver of 4chan riches!