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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 800x600, jibrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8175335 No.8175335 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me on this

>> No.8175342

Just crashed 15% in an hour, good time to buy desu

>> No.8175358

1. These rich arab guys need something else to do after oil isn't hot anymore so they support this weird blockchain project called Jibrel (lol name)

2. ???

3. Profit

>> No.8175363

ayy lmao buy this and get rich

>> No.8175379

join our ponzi as long as you are not the last to join you should make some profit

>> No.8175396

I'm waiting on it to hit 44 before I get in.

>> No.8175414

Might be a while as there's a whale w a bot manipulating the fuck out of the price on bibox atm

>> No.8175431
File: 75 KB, 888x589, photo_2018-03-03_15-28-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a moon mission desu. Find an entry point you like and buy with confidence.

>> No.8175432

You have like 6 months left before this does anything. And by that point someone else will have done the same thing, so JNT will become absolutely useless.

>> No.8175484

>It's the whales
It's dumping because everything is. It's not a conspiracy theory. I can see it 2Xing in a few weeks though.

>> No.8175559
File: 205 KB, 959x1280, photo_2018-03-06_02-18-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofc you do not realise that what JNT is doing right now and has been doing for a while is gathering up investors, making deals behind closed doors with both private investors and banks that will not be disclosed publically until god knows. People just dont get it, never underestimate the connections these guys have vs ANY competition in their field.

Btw, another conference coming up in 7 days.

>> No.8175601

They aren't even able to keep promises. Their 'connections', if they even exist, mean nothing until they are confirmed by both parties. That announcement with the Sheikh never came. Probably because it's just a small 'yeah, I'll give you a million, whatever' type of deal.

>> No.8175626
File: 83 KB, 185x272, 1519510287976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the drop.

Only holding 200k anymore and not so comfy since they cannot hit their own deadlines.

New website and new roadmap should come this week too if you believe in talals words anymore.

>> No.8175629

yeah right this dr. mohammad al jabata will probably blow up the place

>> No.8175643

Issa okay Mr sultan, everything's dropping rn and your bags are the largest and we're already bouncing back now. Will you buy back to 400k if Talal delivers on milestone?

>> No.8175679

The UAE media outlets have their own schedule for releasing the news, ofc in favor for both SEED and JNT not for basement neets and their tiny investments waiting for a jump in price because of media attention online rather than attracting local investors. To cry over "broken promises" because of a delayed media announcement rather than seeing the whole picture for what it actually is says a lot of the (those) investors, not the team itself.

Have a read btw



>> No.8175693

Since the next days are CRITICAL for BITCOIN, they will wait for the bulls to release the news

>> No.8175786

>promised jcash right after the ico
didn't deliver
>promised 2 of BBB exchanges
didn't deliver
>promised an announcement by the end of february
didn't deliver

OP if you really want that shitcoin I advise you to wait a little more and they will give it away for free looking at the recent price action

absolute scam

>> No.8175878

>another conference coming up in 7 days.

2 conferences. Another one in NY, I should have saved the pic from TG... Somebody, share it please.

>> No.8175915
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>> No.8175980

>Featuring George Lucas and a Tranny

>> No.8176077

Coins very rarely meet their self-imposed deadlines. Chill out.

>> No.8176101

Except.. oh right, a ton of them, faggot.

>> No.8176102


>> No.8176134
File: 187 KB, 466x492, 1509061160360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus I'm getting JUSTed out here

>> No.8176136

Volume. They market sold about 6K JNT and nobody is really buying. I think I'm moving my target to 30K.

>> No.8176222
File: 177 KB, 808x805, 1501836251118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8176282

Nice trips. But really though there isn't enough volume for it to actually matter. While nobody is buying nobody is selling either. 100 ETH would send it 2X.

>> No.8176322


>> No.8176353

Its over, man
Its over

>> No.8176431

Total worthless coin, Bitconnect is better

>> No.8176446

Now that's outright wrong

>> No.8176453

It is worth more atm

>> No.8176501

You just reminded me that BCC had a 2B market cap at one point. It's 20M now. Talk about JUST.

>> No.8176885

BCC still at $2.16
JNT at $0.37
wheres your janitor now?

>> No.8176927

BCC is propped up by holders of massive bags who want the price to go up so they can get out. JNT has none of that baggage

>> No.8176937


>> No.8176945
File: 18 KB, 351x472, 1520418866615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bags there, only GAINS

>> No.8176953

I finally got my JNT stack to 5K thanks to this benefactor and other weak hands

>> No.8177093

500k jibrel checking in.Thanks weak hands

>> No.8177127

Looks like we're stabilising around 3550 sats, hopefully will work back up to 4k over the next few days.

Wowee, I think that'd make you the biggest holder now

>> No.8177134

absolute trash
the definition of vaporware, and it's not even like they're doing is a technical challenge, they are just a bunch of amateurs big4 interns lol

>> No.8177148

Pls enlighten us what you're invested in then Mr big brains

>> No.8177237

There is no way you bought that much during this crash.

>> No.8177265
File: 65 KB, 900x900, kslfalksfas111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177280

who says i bought it all in the last few days?

>> No.8177300

kek I had to use a bitcoin ATM so my fiat got there in time

>> No.8177320
File: 66 KB, 720x1280, 1520368256636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gz, missed it. Localbitcoins too slow

>> No.8177344

If you did then you hold about 0.25% of the total supply.

>> No.8178360

Whoa what the fuck.

I-it's gonna be okay, right g-guys?

>> No.8178408

It was killed by trueUSD and tokenizing assets on the blockchain makes no sense.

>> No.8178432

I will never understand this meme. What exactly is the point of shilling a stable coin?

>> No.8178436

Trueusd is nothing like jibrel.

>> No.8178695

Buy the dip, last one only lasted for 20min

>> No.8178704


It's less about shilling TUSD and more abotu fudding JNT with completely shit arguments.


There are literal governments tokenizing assets on the blockchain and introducing crypto fiat.

>> No.8179698

Tokenizing assets on their own blockchain and own cryptos? Yeah sure, not a 3rd party sandnigger coin.

>> No.8179758


>> No.8179792

Only -20% today. You can still sell and buy s rope at least...keep holding, /biz/ hasn't warned you daily

>> No.8179937


>> No.8180439

All you need to know is "Central Bank" keyword. Nice pump and dump otherwise