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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 497 KB, 1125x1563, D5ED38CB-3260-44EB-93BF-25DE7FAC6837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8172479 No.8172479 [Reply] [Original]

Tom Gonser is an Investment Partner at Seven Peaks Ventures in Bend Oregon where he invests in early stage technology companies. Tom is looking to invest in the next really breakout solutions that can create new categories of value.

Tom is also the Founder of DocuSign, where he developed the first cloud-based electronic signature service which has grown to a global digital transaction platform used in 188 countries in 41 languages by some of the largest companies in the world. Prior to DocuSign, Tom founded several other companies including NetUpdate and GPSFlight. Tom believes the best way to predict the future is to invent it.

>> No.8172482

Ken Moyle is a lawyer, entrepreneur and senior business advisor to technology companies. At K6 Partners, Ken works with startups to design business models around distributed ledger technology (DLT), and he facilitates digital transformation efforts for later stage companies. He also is managing member of K6 Legal, a boutique firm specializing in early stage corporate and transactions law. Prior to K6, Ken spent 10 years at DocuSign, Inc. where he was chief policy officer and general counsel. Ken lives in the Seattle area.

>> No.8172502

Perianne Boring founded the Chamber of Digital Commerce building it into the world’s largest trade association representing the blockchain industry. Perianne was named among CoinDesk’s “10 Most Influential People in Blockchain 2016” and “Top Woman in Bitcoin 2015” by a leading industry publication for her public policy accomplishments. Perianne is a communications expert and avid public speaker. She has presented at leading industry events including the Consumer Electronic Show (“CES”), Money 20/20, South by Southwest and many others. She also contributes to Forbes through her column, “The Beauty of the Blockchain.” Prior to forming the Chamber, Perianne was a television host and anchor of an international finance program that aired in more than 100 countries to over 650 million viewers. Ms. Boring began her career as a legislative analyst in the U.S. House of Representatives, advising on finance, economics, tax and healthcare policy.

>> No.8172546
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Why the fuck is Link 50 cents?

It should be $50...

I hate people.

>> No.8172555

you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.

>> No.8172570

People who have done research know all this. Those who haven't, or continue to deny the reality...well...there's no helping them

>> No.8172574

I thought I was comfy with 20k I feel I will hate myself if I don’t get to 30k

>> No.8172602


>> No.8172823

LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.8172858

its going back to $0.4 lads so dont worry you can buy more

>> No.8172898
File: 325 KB, 615x593, 1514344503335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to all prospective investors that


>> No.8172922

Good thing I won't be moving to Birmingham with my link gains. Also if everyone from the east immigrated to the west, can we just have the east?

>> No.8172928

This means nothing, just because I took a selfie while taking a shit at Microsoft doesn't mean I'm partnered with Bill Gates.

>> No.8172944

Thanks, just bought 300k

>> No.8172956

>hey guys we can all just keep moving until the entire country is theirs

t. pajeet

>> No.8172987

Much of the East is a shithole though...otherwise they wouldn't be moving here

>> No.8173006
File: 50 KB, 400x300, 738B80AB-336B-4F09-9B95-A842AA74F442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people actually panic selling right now
>SXSW is literally next week

>> No.8173042

Sergey Nazarov is a scammer that spends all day making Link threads on an obscure Mongolian cross-stitch forum while drooling from overeating Big Macs. The saddest part is that he actually convinced a large number of basement dwelling virgins to part with their allowances for months on end. His empty promises, pure laziness, and propensity for McDonald's have made him legendary among Russian hackers. Some say Putin himself is going to award him for all the money he has stolen from dumb Americans and pumped into the Russian economy. His patronage McDonald's has singlehandedly pulled Slavic countries out of recession. We're representing him thusly, because that's what the price action will be on his token as soon as he takes the stage

>> No.8173044

Honestly nothing will happen until mainnet is out...Sergey is more of a stoic type, he won't be shilling partnerships.

>> No.8173090

I wonder what wallet he docusign guys own. Venture capitalist they have to be invested.

>> No.8173104


Two partnerships will absolutely 100% be announced on the 14th.

>> No.8173140


also link seems to be a coin that DOESNT go up when news is about to hit, and actually does go up when the news is announced. it's like the opposite of a normal coin (i.e. the buy rumor sell news kind)

>> No.8173170

Thanks rajesh, please report to HR to receive your payment.

>> No.8173189

Someone who actually uses his brain. These crypo nerds lie for you to foment into their projects

>> No.8173219

But he’s paying for the men campaign on /biz/
Who told you that a trip?

>> No.8173227
File: 707 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180228-143143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see this??

>> No.8173235

>implying chainlink's dev is functional enough to hire shills on a payroll

>> No.8173249
File: 346 KB, 1440x2960, PicsArt_02-28-03.03.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That logo they're using for their blockchain summit is a fuckin chainlink.

>> No.8173257

yes, it's a block. as in blockchain.

>> No.8173264

I am bothered, that is a fucking island.

>> No.8173271

look friend, I'm just as hyped for CL as the next marine, but let's not read too far into shit.

>> No.8173284

Oh awesome thanks so much I'm sure it's literally just that and has nothing to do with the breakout tech that Sergey is creating and presenting alongside Perianne Boring the president of the Digital Chamber of Commerce at SXSW.

>> No.8173295

same angle, colors, design as chainlink block

>> No.8173303

I genuinely I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.8173312

Even if partnerships are announced, a moon isn't happening in the current bear market.

>> No.8173342

It’s like they are using the meme hype to sell tickets to go to that event

>> No.8173357

Outside of biz, the only LINK people know of is Legend of Zelda.

>> No.8173381

>Perianne Boring

Holy shit, she's smoking hot.

>> No.8173405
File: 302 KB, 1440x2960, PicsArt_03-05-06.04.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? More like Perianne BONING amirite?

>> No.8173426
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You can't possibly believe that. Can you?

>> No.8173455
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>link has a copyright on isomorphic cubes
jfc guys

>> No.8173461

>No picture for Sergey

>> No.8173486

Like I said Sergey is a stoic type, even his twitter image is years old.

>> No.8173509


>> No.8173533
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>> No.8173649
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>> No.8173678

lol omg since when did biz become /r/conspiracy. Like for real!

>> No.8173703

fake fud.
>outing yourself as a reddituer

>> No.8173709

How did you know?

>> No.8173746
File: 77 KB, 500x590, PicsArt_01-06-02.48.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not r/conspiracy. Biz is comprised of the smartest people on the internet with no lives. Count your blessings that people like me are here to connect the fucking dots for you.

>> No.8173779

Thanks based anon, just bought 100k desu.

>> No.8173784

Do you linkies realize that Enigma is doing the exact same thing as LINK except they have built in PRIVATE data sources and smart contracts?

What kind of company wants all their data on public chains where their competitors can look it up?

>> No.8173829

Please kys

>> No.8173848

Thank you bro

>> No.8173862

No upvote for you, that's just MEAN!

>> No.8173888

Enigma is not an oracle service.

>> No.8173903

I have Enig friend
good coin, but i think they are doing diff things

>> No.8173915
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>2 Jews
>A suspiciously communist looking arrow

>> No.8174005

there's an entire section of the whitepaper dedicated to privacy and confidentiality. this is false.

>> No.8174062

ENG is not a decentralized oracle network...if anything ENG will work together with LINK

>> No.8174076

Why is it a shithole? Because it is full of shitty people? Do we want them here in large enough numbers to make this a shithole?

>> No.8174382

I can't say much, but I've got insider information that Sergey is in talks with the Department of Defense, where they've expressed interest in using ChainLink and smart contracts to control nuclear launch information. Despite hints otherwise, the current launch system has very little automation and relies on a human to eventually push the button. The problem is that although they can access the information such as missing nodes (launch sites) or early warning triggers that could prompt a launch, it still has to go through a single source to verify the data and eventually make a decision. The solution they're hoping for from smartcontracts.com is a transitional process towards full automation, starting with a temporary solution where a majority of the data sources into the oracles would still be human operators choosing to press a button. That is to say, if there were theoretically five data sources feeding into the oracles, three of them would be humans choosing to launch the missiles. The side-effect of the transition is that human-controlled launches are given an extra layer of confirmation through the smart contract where there's less likely to be the situation where one node acts on faulty data and triggers a run-on effect. I can't say where I got this information, but you won't hear about this publicly until it's already been operational for at least a few years. Russia's building their own next-gen nukes as well, so strap in for an exciting decade.

>> No.8174540

nuclear if true

>> No.8174562

My dad works for the Department of Defense and he says you're a LARPing faggot.

>> No.8174612

My 3 year old works for the department of defense and he says you're a fucking joke and are getting fired

>> No.8174977

Did you drop out of the second grade?

Retake elementary geometry

>> No.8174993
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The selling last night/this morning, was wash trading in pretty sure, look at how consistent it was for hours.
Weak hands were definitely shaken out in the process though, I just tried swing trading to increase my stack, and basically nobody is selling at this point. It's hard to get an order filled, and if you try to make even a moderate sized market buy it's going to be waaaaaay above spot price. There may still be some whale games and shenanigans before SXSW, but i assure you, almost nobody is selling before then, only buying.

>> No.8175050
File: 123 KB, 1142x704, 1519995940384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the west is a shithole....we all dream to go to some exotic islands when we make it....not some shithole west country capital

>> No.8175062

Whay exotic islands? Idiot.

>> No.8175105

im not planning on staying here when im a mill...ill literally go live by the sea in a far far away place. g3t my own boat...fish, get local chicks...be a chad

>> No.8175135



>> No.8175163

Fuck you I want a super expensive apartment in New York

>> No.8175194

what a shitlord

>> No.8175239

enjoy breathing in da shit