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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8158908 No.8158908 [Reply] [Original]

Who /workfromhome/ or /selfemployed/ here?
I honestly can't understand how wage slaves cope with life.
My routine now:
>wake up when I'm ready
>eat a big, nutritious breakfast that I enjoy.
>have a nice big cup of coffee
>write about 1000 words
>wake up
>make a delicious lunch
>write some more
>maybe attempt to find some more clients
>dinner and bedtime

My routine as a wageslave:
>Wake up at 6:00AM
>Tired no matter how much I slept, because my alarm interrupted my sleep cycle
>Nauseous and anxious because I'm tired.
>try to stuff down a fast and bland breakfast without puking
>chug a cup of coffee
>go to work
>get shit on and demeaned by other people for four hours
>force down a lunch in thirty minutes
>go back to being an automaton for four more hours
>return home too tired to do anything
>make lunch for tomorrow, eat dinner, get drunk to cope with how shit my life is, go to bed.

Seriously, that life isn't even worth living. Its a barbaric form of servitude.

>> No.8158945

What kind of work are you doing now?

>> No.8159017

i'm doing about the same as OP, but instead of writing i'm coding an application for my client.

>> No.8159071

Same here, only I translate doujins and update the website once a day. All from the comfort of my house.

>> No.8159073

>return home too tired to do anything
>make lunch for tomorrow, eat dinner, get drunk to cope with how shit my life is, go to bed.

Me every monday - friday. Just end it.

>> No.8159087

Writing. I lost my last job and had to live off my savings. After months of not being able to find a job (not even a shitty retail job), I was starting to run out of money, so I got into content mills. It wasn't a lot of money, but I scraped by and could eat. Eventually I lucked out. I met some people and got some consistent work that pays well. I knew wageslavery was shitty while I was doing it, but looking back it seems even more horrible. I'm not rich by any means, but I am making more than I was as an employee.

>> No.8159329


>> No.8159345

Do you just translate or also typeset, clean etc. everything yourself? Or are you a part of some translation group? I'm interested in potentially using my Japanese skills to make money if I can't find a job.

>> No.8159422

I used to freelance when I was just starting off and every now and then I still get commissions. But a site picked me up and I translated for them for a few years. Now I mainly work as the site admin as well as a translator.

>> No.8159447

Also I had a partner who was an editor looking for work. He and I would team up and do the commissions together and split the profit. Now we both work for the same site.

>> No.8159457

What were you doing before?

>> No.8159478

Man, I wish I could do that. But I don't have enough energy after wagecucking and crypto to make some games to put up on Steam and Google Play to get me afloat.

>> No.8159513

What do you write about

>> No.8159562

Once I've accumulated 10k link from horrendous wage slaving IL be finding a way to work from home. Got a few ideas but don't want to risk it till I got my stack

>> No.8159580

i work from home, want to be self employed with my own business year. i know people glamorize the NEET lifestyle, but workfromhome is borderline NEET and isn't all it's cracked up to be

>wake up next to gf around 730, she rolls out of bed to get ready for work
>i lay in bed on my phone because i don't have to go anywhere and dont really start working until 9
>gf races to leave to job, probably secretly judges me for being a slob without a real office job
>i log into VPN, check some emails, then dick around on 4chan for almost 50% or more of my day
>at some point i scramble to do some work to feel like I actually did something and earned part of my check, often i'll clean or do dishes to feel productive
>dont leave the apartment, never have any contact with people except on conference calls
>feel trapped in apartment, addicted to 4chan and wasting away
>gf comes home, im depressed and can't explain why

>> No.8159588

Administrative work at a hospital. The pay was pretty good for what the job was, but doctors can be very stuck up and are no fun to work with.
I've got a few different clients and the work varies. Manuals, business plans, and content for websites are things I do regularly.

>> No.8159722

I can’t say I like being a wagecuck, but it could be a lot worse. I have to get to work at 9 am, but I can arrive at 10, and nobody will notice, I can just skip lunch break or stay in for another hour in the evening. Colleagues are nice, no one ever demeaned me, I am doing a fairly challanging job that doesn’t bore me, but I don’t hate it either, and I can do it without overexerting myself. I also get paid an OK amount, about 1.5 times the country average despite being a fresh grad, and not in IT. Overall, sucks to be a wageslave, and I want to get out of it ASAP, but it could be a lot worse.

>> No.8159774

Sort of in between. I work in an office but my boss is on the other side of the country and I'm not accountable to anyone else. I come in between 8:30-10:00 depending on how bad traffic is and how much sleep I get. Also can work from home pretty much whenever without permission but don't have office supplies and don't want to get them so don't do it much. All that said, I definitely don't earn enough so I see this flexibility as an added perk and desu my boss probably does too. I do sort of feel bad hearing of asshole bosses who scold employees for being even a few minutes late in an otherwise casual office environment. That is the kind of shit I'd quit over.

>> No.8159780
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wagecucks on perpetual suicide watch


>> No.8159834

Do you think you have specific talent in writing or do you simply do a good job and happen to find yourself some good origination

>> No.8159853

lmfao what the fuck is this

>> No.8159892
File: 96 KB, 900x900, 1B6B2A6D-BF85-40DD-ACB8-DAB1FCFFB53F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being employed and contributing to society is very rewarding, for example a cashier working at a fast food restaurant gives a very important service that many of us couldn’t survive without........I’m sorry I just can’t do this BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
does anyone seriously believe this dumb shit??? A fucking robot is supposed to do these boring monotonous and humiliating jobs, I mean that is the whole reason why automation is taking over in the first place you wageslave idiots.

>> No.8159901

The type of writing I do isn't really dependent on talent. Attention to detail and brevity are the most important thing. As long as you've got good grammar, and you can put out work that is (mostly) free of mistakes, you can get paid to write.

>> No.8159924
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I'm 27 and self employed for nearly 3 years now.
I run a project/staffing agency in Europe. Currently got 4 guys in multi-year projects, each netting me between 1.5k and 2.5k in revenue.
Haven't worked since October and live on an Brazilian island.
>work out most days (calisthenics)
>surf on off days
>read, surf the interwebs
>chase girls
>socialise/party/chill with friends
>currently in Europe though, was just in Berlin and did 2 weeks of snowboarding before that.
I also hold 25k link so I'm not planning to ever 'work' again anyway.
>pic fucking related, see title

>> No.8159925


I'm editing for a company working remotely. It's not quite as much freedom but I can pretty much set my own hours.

It's amazing how much stress I didn't even realize I had just from going into the office everyday and I dread the day I ever have to go into an office full time again. I'm hoping to never have to and maybe one day only do freelance writing and editing. Plus you save a shit ton on commuting and get so much more time it's ridiculous how much money and time I used to waste getting ready and commuting every day.

>> No.8160018

a billionaire neet maybe. the average neet life is more like wake up at 10am eat ceral. fuck off on 4chan for 2 hours. eat totinos pizza. 4chan and porn and vidya until bed time at 1am. rinse and repeat.

>> No.8160022

>work for insurance companies
>want to die
>no transferable skills
What do

>> No.8160045

Where can a noobie typically find work? Currently a bartender but I have a degree in English and would love to make something of it.

>> No.8160067

this is also me

>> No.8160127

Are you employing? I only have admin skills and I'm about to lose my mind. I don't mind $100/month

>> No.8160219

Start your own practice you stupid fuck.

>> No.8160288

Connection are important, but it isn't impossible to get started without them. You're a bartender, so I'm assuming you've got decent social skills. Try cold calling or pitching to local businesses that you think would need writers. You're going to get rejected more often than not, just like you would in a regular job hunt, but if you've got a solid portfolio you will find work.

>> No.8160434

no, mate, sorry.
check out 4hr work week by tim ferriss which gets bad rap sometimes but is fantastic for a paradigm shift. changed my life.
it changes how you look at the daunting task of living you own life and not working for mr shekelstein. >>8160022 should also have a read
and all you other fags that want out

>> No.8160818

Good for you OP
Ive been doing freelance writing full time for six years now. Protip: look into direct response sales copy.
My current gig is 5 grand for a webinar script plus i get a share of the revenue. If youre good you can make a very nice income

>> No.8160976

I am a self-made winemaker, living on the border of poverty. Same family I bought a house at the bottom and have a great APR that makes living affordable. I wouldn't be able to do it if I weren't a veteran and getting a monthly stipend from the VA. My wife is also self-employed designer. This is the least amount of money we've made in our lives but we are significantly more happy being the masters of our own domain

>> No.8161186

currently studying for an accounting and finance degree
planning to do my ACCA
which can get me about 2.5k dollars a month in salary, and even more if i become a financial analyst. but i still dont want to be a wagecuck

think that book will help me?

>> No.8161202

this, it's horribly unproductive

>> No.8161225

you sound like a fag

>> No.8161372

yes, brother. take it to heart and you will never receive that salary but get the chance to travel the world while working on your laptop a few days a week and making double that or more.
i hate american self-help books. this unironically changed my life

>> No.8161410

Part-time wagecuckery is ok, full-time is slow suicide

>> No.8161423

i will check it out, thanks a lot

im literally working on this shitty research project right now
im tired, im sleepless, im drained of all joy
but i know its worth it.

neet life is better than wagecuck life.
nobody can deny that. and if they do they are utter morons.

>> No.8161503

As a restaurant's CEO i try my hardest to keep the workers happy.

Too bad i could afford to take a month vacation while they work 12 hours aday and still recieve 4x their salary.

>> No.8161531
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you'll get through. strength to you, man!
there are many ways to do you own thing. consulting, sales, training, writing or a million things not related to your boring finance degree. shit, i have friends who sell baby gadgets wholesale while travelling the world and they were never planning on doing that.

>> No.8161552

I'm a self-employed writer. Haven't punished anything so I'm freelance right now, but that's going to change by week's end. Then I have to wait 90 days for my first royalty check, then it's monthly.

Starting up is hell but the lifestyle is comfy as fuck.

>> No.8161558

thanks brah, good luck to you aswell

on a sidenote, do your wholeseller friends use amazon to sell their shit?

>> No.8161609

But did it help you? Everyone can read motivational shit

>> No.8161755

If we had a sensibly structured economy that encouraged automation to replace the need for human labor, encouraged everyone to maximize their economic participation but also guaranteed a basic standard of living, and incentivized people to have a family size proportionate to their earning potential, then automation, AI, and more generally labor-saving technology would be the wonderful boons they're supposed to be for the civilization that hosts them.
Instead we have a corporate theocracy where half the population lives in fear of technology and even feels the need to fight the tides of technological development because our economy won't work either without people starving or wageslaves eeking out an existence just above where the poverty line should be.