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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 434x354, venn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8151502 No.8151502 [Reply] [Original]

It's too late for buyers remorse with this level of losses. My ccard bills showed up today, it's over. Chinked again.

>> No.8151538

Weak hands have no patience to wait for thor rollout

>> No.8151563
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Holders too retarded to understand opportunity cost.

>> No.8151594

what shitcoin bags are you holding, fucking retard?

>*frantically scrolls through CMC to find the one coin that's green*

>> No.8151689

Visa $42,000
Mastercard $18,000
American Express $22,000
Bank of America Visa $13,000
total due: $95,000

I went all in like biz told me, now it's dumping. Biz said it would be $20 by the time my bills came. Thanks a lot.

>> No.8151733

BTC, ETH, XMR and fiat, waiting for things to pick up. I learned the hard way in early 2017.

>> No.8151840

go eat an ass faggot

>> No.8151857

You should get into Bitmex. You're obviously not afraid to gamble, and who knows, it could save your stupid ass.

>> No.8151879

That coin’s the only reason I went from five figures to six figures. Guess you bought at the wrong time, huh?

>> No.8151887

Seriously... VEN Play is so easy.
>hold a large amount
>mainnet comes in June
>sell your thor weekly for more VEN
>warren buffet 101 compound interest

Live life of your passive income.

>> No.8151921

that's a great way to get people to buy your shitcoin and hold it passionately without having to write any code.

you realize this is basically what bitconnect was promising, right? not that vechain proposes the same returns (they would never do that), but based on investors' delusional expectations, it's basically the same in effect.

>> No.8151933

Jesus VEN down 4% Walton up 10%, this can't be happening, I feel sick.

>> No.8151952
File: 177 KB, 1200x900, 8216B6AF-5035-4014-9885-6D9E062822B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VEN is not for weak baby hands sorry

>> No.8151993

But do you have a better solution for courting businesses to use your crypto solution despite volatile price fluctuations? The Coin->Gas model seems best, I’m not talking about VeChain specifically.

It’s just, if a business wants to use VeChain’s, they can use Thor which will have a roughly fixed price. So as more businesses move to VeChain, it will be the VET Thor-generating token that will increase in value.

I don’t see how it’s a ponzi for this reason: VET would go up in value because of the increased real-world-driven demand for Thor, NOT investor speculation. If businesses don’t like VeChain then no one will want to buy Thor for the value to drop. It doesn’t have much to do with scammers offloading bags to another sucker, which is the definition of a ponzi.

>> No.8152128

Wtf how did this go 1000% in 6 months. What do I buy now that will go like this in 1 year?

>> No.8152144

Some weird ico and cross your fingers
Ven is a realistic 100x in 12 mo though.

>> No.8152159

ICX, ELIX. Simple really.

>> No.8152217

So they go to businesses and say "we are from China and will manage your supply chain, but first you need to buy our Thor coins."

oh God.

>> No.8152256

paid chink shill they al have the same terrible artwork and seem obsessed with memes containing penises. Vell small penis syndrome.

>> No.8152289


This. Most retards on here think their no real world use case coins will moon... Only coins in use will moon you idiots

>> No.8152342
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She just screamed at me "sickness and health, not this crypto bullshit!!!!" jesus I'm fucked

>> No.8152408
File: 27 KB, 600x200, 7DEFF8CD-48BF-4F67-B027-B2F68DE5C31B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8153369

Cold hard cash. LOL

>> No.8153384

Anyone who took out loans they can't pay off is an idiot.

Your options are basically to declare bankruptcy at this point and ruin your credit score for a decade or longer.

>> No.8153426

Aren't kneepads for sale at walmart?

>> No.8153463


At least you probably aren't also holding ICX like I am. I will gladly accept VEN's current price but ICX is just too much for me.

>> No.8153592

>implying it's a shitcoin

>> No.8153873


>> No.8153957

Don't need to wait. Coins and tokens moon regardless of tech updates. Its the smallest factor in this market which is retarded.

>> No.8154117

Sunny is basically the Chinese Kojima now. His rock star reputation got to his head so he spends his time and money traveling the world hanging out with millionaire CEOs instead of ensuring his product delivers.

>> No.8154160

>implying it's not a shitcoin

>> No.8154652

Do you think it will bounce after reddit ban?

>> No.8154781
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>he fell for a closed source no whitepaper scam

>> No.8154810

nice larp. nobody could have this much credit and be this stupid.

>> No.8154922
File: 45 KB, 585x580, 55CDADB5-9514-4468-AB95-EE023D1AB47B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks white papers matter
You’re like someone who thinks an essay is shit because the person didn’t fill out an essay outline. A whitepaper is a proposal doc which isn’t needed for a company that has been providing blockchain solutions to clients since 2015.