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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8150957 No.8150957 [Reply] [Original]

Is anybody else here unironically as autistic as me? I'm living in poverty paycheck to paycheck yet have all this imaginary wealth that I'm too stubborn to ever spend. I'm not complaining as I will be staking this for residual income when ETH PoS comes out, but still, what are the types of sacrifices you guys have been making, if any? And to what extent?

>> No.8151048

Maybe you should invest in longevity so you have a longer lifespan to question your existence.

>> No.8151058 [DELETED] 

Felix Watkins we know it's you. Stop attempting to get validation from the internet all the time. SAD!

>> No.8151095

Larp b o y s

>> No.8151108 [DELETED] 
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I'll be on your level in a year OP, without any tism' sprinkled on. Watch out

>> No.8151112


>> No.8151127

Felix fucking Watkins back at it again

>> No.8151130
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wut r u holding

>> No.8151150

big bag of telcoin

>> No.8151199


unironically yikes

>> No.8151246
File: 266 KB, 1200x2135, Fuck u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will fucking see

>> No.8151263

>he thinks ETH POS is still happening

Got some bad news for you kiddo

>> No.8151334

This guy has a history of loving ETH a bit too much


>> No.8151631
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>have 700k in coin
>haven't told parents about it
>they think I'm some deadbeat who never moves out because I have no job or money

One day I'll show them. But not this day.

>> No.8151654

On the off chance you’re not larping, if you were truly autistic you’d have balanced your risk to four decimal places rather than to 100%

>> No.8151692

$1 mil is not a lot of money to live off of when you're 22. Re-invest that and then it into $7 million then you can retire

>> No.8151716

i know that feelio
i made almost $1m profit last year and now my government is asking for about $300k taxes on my capital gains
problem is, my fiat worth is literally below $1k
how is that even legal, im literally going to prison next year unless i can pay off either $300k this year or $700k + this years capital gains by thr next
needless to say im exit scamming come summer

>> No.8151915
File: 58 KB, 540x699, Handsome_White_Devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't pay taxes for held stocks that increase in value. Capital gains tax applies only to stocks you sell in the current fiscal year. If you sold some coins to make said profit, then you will have the money to pay the taxes.

>> No.8151942

crypto->crypto trades are also liable for taxation in my quasi-communist country

>> No.8152008

>Capital gains tax applies only to stocks you sell in the current fiscal year.
Wrong. You pay a different rate for investments held longer than a year, so if you make capital gains in 2018, but withdraw in 2019, it's at a lower rate. You will never withdraw gains tax free.
This is why you keep detailed records, so you get the lower rate, if you hodl.

>> No.8152103

That's what I said. You only pay tax on what you sell in the current year.

>> No.8152184

selling one crypto for another crypto is taxable by 30% on your profits in fiat since buying the sold one
look at the sw*dish tax laws regarding virtual currencies if you dont believe me

>> No.8152302

How are crypto exchanges being monitored? You should be safe if you aren't telling the government explicitly. The point of crypto is that governments can't stop it.

>> No.8152333


Is this true for all countries? Does Canada do this?

>> No.8152422

Of course it's true. It's meant to discourage shorting and increase market stability.

>> No.8152560
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>mfw OP will hodl until Crypto is made illegal and then he'd lose everything

You made money off a Ponzi scheme OP. Contain your autism and drop your nuts and cash out ASAP. probably its better to go to your local bank first to advice them beforehand

>> No.8152581

i assume they looked up my tranny history from the wallets i used when i bought in and ended up storing most of my cryptos on
instead of like 2btc that i bought initiallty i now have over 100
bt.cx reports buys and sells and wallet addresses to our government
its my own fault for not using a different wallet or moneroing, but since they already know i cant just monero and say i lost it all because they would likely want me to tax the shit anyway

>> No.8152662

Sounds like a great way for governments to hamper crypto. No bans, just straight up choke it with regulations, like they did to tobacco and guns.

>> No.8153277

You must have missed the recent news of Coinbase handing over 14k worth of records to the IRS.

And they won't be the last.

>> No.8153549

why don't you
>Cash out 1 000 000
>put in index funds and live off dividends
>Leave the rest in crypto

>> No.8153591


You're probably larping but I also unironically do this. I'm fucking stupid though, since I'm now down about 40% from my portfolio's ATH and I could have sold 2 months ago and be up massively.

>> No.8153610


2,5mil bankroll



>> No.8153612

>0 bank balance
>23K crypto

I'm like a rubbisher version of you OP

>> No.8153642

2% is $20k a year, so yes not quite enough for safe passive income but its a comfy cusion

>> No.8153658

>what is risk management?

enjoy poverty

>> No.8153726
File: 38 KB, 902x529, 13BB7211-9CD4-4210-B603-A5207190FA21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the stock market is clearly about to crash u dingus

Here’s a photo of my estimate for federal interest rates

Don’t invest in stocks or real estate until the coming crash

>> No.8153756

Cash out you dipshit. Pay your taxes buy a multifamily house and live off the interest.