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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8143670 No.8143670 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK doesn't anybody talk about this God damn coin here?

>> No.8143922
File: 400 KB, 791x1010, sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well go ahead ... talk about it faggot

>> No.8143940

Fuck Australians that's why. Probably spider ridden headquarters .

>> No.8144344

Shitcoin will neve get adopted cuz no infrastructure

>> No.8144590

Because MWAT is objectively superior and has more room to grow.

>> No.8144680

because this is an actual product which means years to develop and become successful which is 100x longer than the collective attention span of /biz/

>> No.8144695

How so faggot
Enlighten me

>> No.8144862
File: 59 KB, 591x800, 87cc144f-6719-4c23-a26c-5c64666a15f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these coins are fucking stupid.

Its literally an exchange that sells electricity.. Yes, you heard that right..

But wait, you can't send electricity over the web! NO SHIT DUMBASS

All these coins offering this autistic idea literally need to buy out the electricity providers in your area / region / country in order to TRULY sell you electricity.

The only coin that even will remotely make it is MWAT. Even then I still think the idea is fucking autistic..


>> No.8145166

I think you are the one that is autistic m8

>> No.8145742

Couldn't you just design a system that connects electricity providers with grid operators and consumers? Cut out the middle man

>> No.8145830

Isn't that what POWR is?

You generate Spakrs on the network which are essentially your network currency to enable P2P trading of electricity.

E.g. You have surplus electricity from your solar panels and the your neighbour has no solar panels so opts to purchase sparks from you, which essentially provides him a credit on his energy bill below market energy rates.

Generator and seller of sparks gets more sparks, purchaser of sparks gets energy at reduced rate than grid.

Win - Win

>> No.8145901

It's just very difficult to manage, I'm pretty sure it would require major upgrades to electricity grids worldwide

>> No.8145969

POWR is wayyy too ahead of it's time. Might be another couple of years before something like this used by any businesses.

>> No.8145970

Well they've already received backing from the Australian Government and been undergoing trials in Fremantle, Perth for some time as well as attending lots of speaking events and whatnot so they're definitely on the right track.

>> No.8146012

FWIW greeneum.net is almost the same thing but it's in ICO stage right now

>> No.8146096

I came to this thread for mommy's milkies. Provide them faggot.

>> No.8146106

>as well as attending lots of speaking events and whatnot
Yep, definitely Australian tech at work. I look forward to them being barely functional in 20 years when Americans have already built 6 different companies doing the same concept but better.

>> No.8146421

Only thing americucks are good at is being useless fat pricks, look at your president, what a joke

>> No.8146939

We don't have a president. We have Prime Minister (Malcolm Trumble) and he's a traitor, which is a lot worse than being a dumbass like Trump.

>> No.8146950

I have tried anon. These niggers dont care because muh coal and muh nuclear. Only ausfags and some chinks have the ability to be fully solar.

>> No.8146957


>> No.8146963

Cunt ill fuckin glass you ay>>8144344
Already been adopted, kys

>> No.8146972

Here in finland people can sell electricity to the power company if they have solar or whatever.
So why is cutting the middle man stupid?

>> No.8146993

>not understanding the fundamentals of the project
Lmao retard

>> No.8147169

Yeah but in Australia the power companies are fucking jewish cunts and the government encourages them fucking us over

>> No.8148371

Used to talk about it a lot I believe. Where you?