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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 124 KB, 645x260, basicincome2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
813827 No.813827 [Reply] [Original]

I am planning for long term unemployment. I am getting a degree in computer science, but it is through some online school, not a reputable university. Fortunately, I have a disability (bipolar I disorder) that will entitle me to bursaries and grants, so I might not have much debt.



My future job only has a 4.2% chance of being automated, but computer science is going to get completely flooded with anyone with any math ability from any other field that is being automated. Computer programmers have a 48% chance of being automated, and they will be the first to upgrade their skills. The field is going to become saturated, like everything else, and then it's going to go to shit. Wages will drop. Software engineers already make only $63,000 CAD per year here already. I see it dropping in the near future.

So I guess I am asking biz, what's the best way to get on welfare and be unemployed? I might even be able to pay back any future loans I have with NEET bux for my bipolar disorder.

I think by 2030 there will be a basic income in most advanced nations, but for now I must milk the traditional system.

>> No.813829

What a disgusting picture

>> No.813831

u mad? It's the future.

>> No.813832

This picture has no black people. I find it racist.

>> No.813833

>that pic
Didn't read.

>> No.813840
File: 12 KB, 125x125, 1436058842774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.813843

You're the exact reason it will not happen, parasite.

>> No.813845

Blow me faggot. I have done everything right, but society is still not going to reward me with a decent paying job on the other side.

I bet you're American, Bobby Hill. Your jokes aren't going to be tolerated anymore.

>> No.813848
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 1413051312332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society is still not going to reward me

>> No.813849
File: 59 KB, 453x439, 1434989944293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking brazilian, fuck off entitled cunt, no one owe you shit.

>> No.813851

Society owes me subsistence. It's my human right.

>> No.813853

no one gives a shit.

>> No.813856


This has never been true in the 250,000 years of human history.

>> No.813857

You gave enough of a shit to reply, fag.

>> No.813860

It's true though. You cannot starve to death in Canadian society.

Basic income is coming. Mark my words.

>> No.813861

>implying the mass automation of jobs won't create a perpetual lower class with limited to no social mobility who will work for the lowest amount offered (or even less) due to the flood of job seekers

Th-thanks based capitalism

>> No.813865


Literally anyone can starve to death anywhere in the world.

>> No.813867

>luh-luh-literally anywhere man

You are fucking retarded. Fuck off.

It's impossible to starve to death from poverty in Canada.

>> No.813879


It's ironic that you feel society owes money to you because you're retarded.

>> No.813881

Society owes me money because it's my human right. Why the hell shouldn't people be entitled to a piece of the vast industrial wealth of society? We produce more than we need to feed everyone.

>> No.813889

If that's the case, I'm coming over to your house to live with you. I'll do literally nothing all day because society (I.E - you and everyone else) owes me something for contributing zero to the output of that vast industrial growth.

>> No.813890

Until recession comes and never leaves.

>> No.813893

You're confusing personal and private property.

>> No.813899


Hey man, I'm sorry about before. I just clicked the first link in your first post. I agree with you now.

I think you should go to the nearest bank, tell them you're retarded and that you want your money.

>> No.813903

we shud all just kill ourselves maaan

my head is fokken cold

>> No.814566
File: 65 KB, 400x271, 639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Society owes me money because it's my human right.

Not even Cosby can handle it

>> No.814571

While aiming to exploit the system in the way you seek is strategically clever, you are very naive to think society owes you anything, including subsistence or a basic income.

>> No.814620
File: 23 KB, 400x500, karl-marx-frases-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.814644

I would financially support you if I were rich.

>> No.814645

Well alright /biz/, Basic Income isn't viable. I actually agree with you on that and see the reasons for it.
But what other alternative is there?

>> No.814648


Work for a living

>> No.814668

No one in this thread has presented any coherent argument at all as to why they would be the case. Are you...here to stir the pot?

...sh-shit posting?

>> No.814669


Take matters into your own hands whichever way you see desirable. Perhaps start a business in something you enjoy or work for a living? I never understood why people would be willing to accept a shit-tier lifestyle off government paycheques just so they don't have to work. Put some work in and be a meaningful contributor to society. If not for society, for yourself - fuck.