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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8132692 No.8132692 [Reply] [Original]

2 hours until the airdrop happens (watch here: https://minergate.com/blockchain/etc/blocks block 5500000).

Place a short on ETC a few minutes before the airdrop, let it dump, buy back in later.

>> No.8132734

ether classic poo about to dump a huge poo poo, block 550k is near, about to drop lots of poo

>> No.8132741

Poo ID confirms

>> No.8132754


>> No.8132892
File: 14 KB, 1043x302, nofundingavailable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are shorting so much ETC that no funding is available anymore :(
I'm grabbing everything that I can.

>> No.8132930

Use Bitmex

>> No.8133029

It's already trading at a 4% discount there, I don't like that.

>> No.8133072

its been for a while, i think its a sign its about to take huge poo poo bitmex knows

>> No.8133111

what was that spike?

>> No.8133156

What spike and which exchange? Pls dont scare and bully

>> No.8133181

Just spiked from 0.0025 to 0.0027 and back down in a minute on bitfinex.
It definitely feels strange with the high amount of shorts and so on...

>> No.8133212
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it fucking wrecked my stop loss reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i went long at 25k, hope it's insiders' buying or something

>> No.8133224

Maybe exchanges stop hunting.

>> No.8133236

Yep definitely a stop hunt. Exchanges can buy and sell their own coins with no loss of cash on their part.

>> No.8133268

It's must be a bug or something. There are 70k sell orders between 0.0025 and 0.0027, the spike was with a volume of 3k.

>> No.8133312

probably somebody pulled out the sell wall

>> No.8133333

and it moons!
Biz is retarded.

>> No.8133344

but why?

>> No.8133373

why it's mooning reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.8133464

last minute buyers.

Wait till after the snap

>> No.8133548

>187 blocks to go
Placing my first little short now.

>> No.8133560

looks like the typical "do the opposite of what /biz/ say" situtation

for no reason at all it will moon 10x during the week

>> No.8133574

It's possible, that's why it's important to only short a few minutes at the time of the fork.

>> No.8133578

there was no real pump pre snapshot, it went all down for days now, people who wanted to sell sold already

>> No.8133580

biz was shilling this hard up to yesterday, one guy promised 0.004 today..

>> No.8133589

I was just saying to wait till snapshot to see which direction it'll go.

I actually think it'll dump but why wouldn't i want it to moon since i'm holding

>> No.8133598

and yesterday it lost another 5%. today /biz/ say to short it so yeah

>> No.8133611

>in a market that is controlled by whales and exchanges because no regulation
Top kek.

How naive are you? Stop hunting isn't even a new phenomenon. Just ask those who trade forex. It's made relatively even easier in this unregulated market.

>> No.8133636
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> be me
> listen to /biz/ and short
> it moons
> use the moon to load more shorts

> inb4 which platform
> OKEX futures

>> No.8133670

It's not gonna moon considering the market conditions surrounding bitcoin today but it will gradually rise on the months to come. It's near it's lows already. The only way this would go is up.

>> No.8133676

all this is kinda fishy

>> No.8133677
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From a pure TA standpoint -- it was oversold, so it had to correct. Now it's overbought :)

>> No.8133714

Should have gone to specsavers

>> No.8133751

You see the tweet from the ETC devs yesterday, even if it gets manipulated to the upside and moons x 2, i'm not touching anything ETH related for some time after recent news surrounding ETH devs and lawsuits etc, better to put your money in small cap coins and hope they moon x20 x50 this year

>> No.8133830
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100 blocks couple minutes

>> No.8133842

This is geeting sweeter by the minute

>> No.8133867

are we there yet?

>> No.8133897

5.499.911 / 5,500,000

>> No.8133898
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83 blocks (~20 mins)
Just shorted it.

>> No.8133976

69 blocks tension rising

>> No.8133997

Whats your target bro? I shorted from 29.1

>> No.8134058

49 blocks tension escalates

>> No.8134074

2500 support BREACHED repeat 2500 support BREACHED

>> No.8134097

I will close it quickly because I'm nervous about the huge amount of shorts.
Maybe 27.5...
>36 blocks

>> No.8134104

literally zero buy orders on kraken, buy walls disappeared i repeat!!

>> No.8134122

Wow! Well, my target is at 27.599 haha

>> No.8134148
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this is fine

>> No.8134156

28 blocks tension escaletes, im having an anxiety attack

>> No.8134168

faggot learn to read

>> No.8134169

my body is ready

>> No.8134171


>> No.8134181

Shorted it at 2750 with only 4x leverage instead x20, am i doing okay with not being greedy?

>> No.8134194

yes you are.

DUMP THIS MOFO GUYS lets do it hahahaha who can sell the fastest kekekeke

>> No.8134201

Yall about to get wrecked.

>> No.8134202

aproaching 10 blocks, waiting for that magic snapshot

>> No.8134218

i'm long kek >>8133212

>> No.8134221

shit is so cheap imma buy more of this its moon time erryone

>> No.8134231


>> No.8134238

the futures look like shit, but the underlying's juicy af

>> No.8134246


>> No.8134253

did we get it

>> No.8134256

to the moon xd

>> No.8134265

Why do people dump? Just buy more of a token. Somewhere down the line this will be used. They have a roadmap with future plans.

>> No.8134266

more like straight to hell

>> No.8134271


>> No.8134277

just closed, the pressure is too much

>> No.8134286

this boy dumping

>> No.8134293

guys I would close now

>> No.8134303

>that's it

nice dump KEK

>> No.8134304


>> No.8134308


Whoa. The price went down 2%. Incredible dump

>> No.8134310
File: 5 KB, 250x247, 1519850128095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop dumping you cunts

>> No.8134317

Target to buy ?

>> No.8134329

-1 minute

>> No.8134338
File: 93 KB, 800x800, 1514793010047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for cheap etc

>> No.8134345

>already 25k again

easiest moon mission of my life

>> No.8134372

wait till people transfer their etc to their exchanges

>> No.8134391

Where is the CLO?

>> No.8134402

This is only the first sell off, you have no idea what's comming

>> No.8134403

np :) its more expensive then in 2 hours and you dont get free coins, any day anon <3

>> No.8134412

you neither since you shorted on your first airdrop, lel

>> No.8134437

How are thos longs going guys <3 what do you think will happen once people transfer from wallets to exchange :)?

>> No.8134439

I feel sorry for people buying this hoping to make 20-30% in satoshi hoping it to moon to 0.03, most whales are thinking this so won't even bother buying up[this coin until it hits 0.02 flat. I'd be sweating pretty fucking hard if i brought the dip after the airdrop right now

>> No.8134440

etc network is jammed everybody is trying to sell it wait till it gets on exchanges

>> No.8134446

whales will accumulate all the weakhanded's money :^)

>> No.8134450

Fucking retards this is not a scam coin like ZCL, you won't see a giant red candle crashing it to 0.

It will dump more but the point is that ETC never really mooned so it can't crash hard.

>> No.8134460

>everybody is trying to sell
guess who is buying if /biz//normies/re-ddi-t are selling

>> No.8134472


You're right, there's a lot of tx's going on.

Here's the plot: mass ETC selloff, then people are going to triple their money by buying the bottom and pushing price through the thin order book (like with ZCL), then massive BTC dump into USD while we're at the top

>> No.8134475

Dropped 50 cents since the drop.

>> No.8134482
File: 62 KB, 600x800, dfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to short or what should i do?

>> No.8134483

it is instead, shady developers, huge whales, discord full of pajeets: coinbase when? moon when? its like bcash but worse, this CLO airdrop also was a total moneygrab pajeets are starting to realize it

>> No.8134495

I'd agree with you if I didn't do a little research earlier to know that this was a PnD mission to keep ETH propped up in price a little longer before regulations come in and fuck ETH into the ground due to scam ICO's.

>> No.8134496

this anon gets it

going long sub 25k is still excellent

>> No.8134500


If you're holding then dump it, too much risk involved. Get into a more profitable project.

>> No.8134512

so whales were buying zclassic after it lost 10% or after it lost 90%?

>> No.8134541

>comparing a shitty scamcoin to the REAL ethereum
top kek m8

>> No.8134574

"Real" ethereum only worth 30$ topkek

>> No.8134579

I don't think people want to put their satoshis into ETC anytime soon while all this shit surrounding ETH devs is going on+ with regulations coming in and scam ICO's, i think thing will get pretty ugly soon..... High risk High reward for a nice pump in a few days for ETC if it actually happens

>> No.8134586
File: 72 KB, 800x450, zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some gambling money on Bitmex and im just wondering if i could still get something from shorting it.

>> No.8134613

that's why smart money are accumulating it you dumb redditor. guess who keeps absorbing all the airdropped etc at 24500

>> No.8134623

ether classic is garbage, ethereum is the real ether with vitalik as a lead, not this pajeet project with 3 teams that cant even get along together (CLO was not endorsed by 2 of them) its just a pajeet moneygrab and it shouldnt be in the top 15 coins, nothing developed on it, garbage trying to compete with vitalik, etc will never be the real ether, btc cash has more chance of flippening btc...

>> No.8134631

Everyone with half a brain read the CLO supply, the speculation about this airdrop was dumb. If pajeets are losing money is their fault, greedy scums.

Instead concentrate about how Callisto could improve Eth Classic offering a sidechain and solving the scalability problem.

>> No.8134632

that's literally what everybody said about bch at sub 300$

>> No.8134633

We don't know if any insiders are willing to pump this coin in the next few days with all the FUD going on, it's risky to short atm, should of done it last week....

>> No.8134634

"smart money are"
Shall I guide you the the street pajeet?

>> No.8134659


Up to you man. I'd pass unless I can catch the top in case of moon or the bottom in case of dump. There's better ways to make money than gamble on ETC right now.

>> No.8134671

People will be looking at other coins to pump their money into currently, ETC is a true PNP

>> No.8134688

Best exchange for shorting that accepts US traders?

>> No.8134720

kek there wasnt even a screenshot as CLO is NOT recognized by 2of the 3 teams working on etc, total money grab

>> No.8134777

anyone with a brain wouldn't be touching this shit right now, only gamblers are trying to hope it pumps hard after airdrop, it may do but i nthe next few months this coin isn't going anywhere

>> No.8134807

why would it pump hard its a 30$ coin with terrible news, i dont see that happening

>> No.8134824


>> No.8134834

Lol cant even send it from MEW to an exchange. Wtf

>> No.8134839

everybody is trying to sell it now network is clogged

>> No.8134855

People were warned here, some took the advice and i'm glad some anons in biz have common sense and actually want to help their fellow anon out here.

>> No.8134864

For sure, managed to dump mine pretty early satisfied, took 25 mins to show up in exchange.

Still holding about 5% of my stack but just gonna forget about it and hope to hear about it hitting 100 dollars sometime in the next year

>> No.8134879

I want to go long on ETC. How many sats should I put my buy orders for?

>> No.8134905

Smart man

>> No.8134920
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Pls offer me some advice

>> No.8134961

Will still be over $100 by summer. Good time to buy in and hold medium term.

>> No.8134964

About to just hold since MEW won't let me send it. I have enough ETH for the gas to send the ETC, but Metamask says insufficient funds. In the long term, ETC will probably moon.

>> No.8134970

I wouldn't go long yet

>> No.8134973

last time ETC hit under 0.0024 satoshi was early FEB when it had that crazy run because of airdrop and promise of free coins.... Maybe worth buying a few for a longterm hold to see what happens, but it's risky

>> No.8134995

My ETC is on Binance. Has the airdrop happened yet? I don't see anything.

>> No.8135001

thanks. might buy back if it hits the floor in the next few weeks. If it rises without me i'm not to phased i planned to get out after airdrop and i've stuck to it no regerts.

25k vitaliks imo

>> No.8135056

holding it all the way down from 31k, fuck me

>> No.8135064

Don't think Binance supported the drop. Only a couple exchanges and private wallets. Not seeing the CLO. JUst a CLO testnet channel.

>> No.8135065

I want to know this also. All my ETC is on Binance. Will we recieve Callisto too?

>> No.8135082

Yes, its over. They will keep your CLO. At least for now. They may release it one day.

>> No.8135093

buy wall on cryptopia is at 23, if mr whale doesnt move it lower which i think he will

>> No.8135097

>replying to yourself

Can't tell if you were trying to bait and fucked up or sincere.

Binance probably gonna steal all CLO held there from you

>> No.8135127

can't believe you didn't sell, after the Zclassic incident, you honestly thought it was going to keep rising once the airdrop hit?

>> No.8135133
File: 40 KB, 787x464, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it won't moon al the way to 0.01 once the last sell wall is eaten

>> No.8135165

This will dump atleast till tomorrow if not longer.
Is there anything else going on for ETC apart from calisto.

>> No.8135174

If you're keeping up with their team, they have things planned for the next couple of years. Crypto hasn't even began to experience a major mania yet. Callisto is to make it better using the side chain. So now ETC can be scaled.

>> No.8135188

buy walls are at 23, if they dont move them lower which i think they will, why would it moon to 100 usd with bad news, kek if we were in alt season id understand

>> No.8135202

>bad news

>> No.8135218

isnt recognized by 2 of the 3 teams working on etc, ethereum poo classic, about to poo poo cant compete with chad vitalik

>> No.8135250

On what basis would it ever go to 0.01 satoshi ?

>> No.8135257

If you held ETC in your wallet when block 550000 was mined, you get the CLO? Watch they don't drop it when everyone sent it back to an exchange to sell. My transfer finally went through. Fuck it sell now and buy back tomorrow for the cheap.

>> No.8135295

because no sellers? kinda what ltc and eth did

>> No.8135335

Yeah, that tweet was the nail in the coffin for me.
press p to piss on grave.

>> No.8135341

for your sake i hope your right, once the panic selling ends lets hope you actually have some buyers to buy into ETC in the next few months, considering the devs said they don't support CLO, sounds like a recipe for disaster long term

>> No.8135366

even if they turned around and said " oh we actually do support it, we changed our mind" The damage is done....... people will be lucky to even sell this over $40 again in the mid term to get their money back

>> No.8135381

exactly, since etc is truly a shitcoin with no future, you think whales would let it die without offloading their bags at 10x first?

the fork was the perfect time to literally accumulate. once there is no more etc to dump, whale will eat through the sellwalls and pump it to 0.01/0.02, and when the fomo kicks in they'll dump everything and it'll finally die

>> No.8135392

yes total pajeet moneygrab from one of the teams
etc 3 numale soymale teams, no icos, poo pajeet poo poo ethereum
vitalik, one autist, runs everything by himself
etc btfo

>> No.8135405

yes, makes this whole calisto thing look like a scam.

>> No.8135416

i think they offloaded thier bags at 45 usd

>> No.8135423

If you bought 2 days ago, you didn't lose much. It looks like it's pumping a little bit. Just sold and will buy more back since I believe they will still build on it. It's not Bazinga coin or TRTL.

>> No.8135433
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here we go...

>> No.8135549

What's your target ?

>> No.8135570

to the moon xd!

>> No.8135586

or his sake i hope he sells at 0.0028 for a lucky pump from idiots think it's going past $35 in the next few days

>> No.8135616

green dildo is normally folllowed by red dildo, im waiting for it

>> No.8135635

going sub 0.002 100%

>> No.8135639

Where do you got this information from?

>> No.8135680

that's what (((they))) want you to think anon....

>> No.8135723

someone has to buy a lot of it for there to be a series of green candles, there has to be big good news, which soypoo etc doesnt have

>> No.8135749

some people are so delusional, better to out your money else in better projects

>> No.8135753

try english next time

>> No.8135760

somebody IS buying a lot of them

>> No.8135784
File: 56 KB, 500x400, 1517913467161 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who would ever take financial advice from some underage cunt on 4chan

>> No.8135837

its my second language im a euro

>> No.8135865

It's definitely going above $40 if/when the market recovers. Assuming we start pumping it's going above 100 by summer.

>> No.8136008

Good job you idiot

>> No.8136204

do people ever read? To receive the CLO token it has to be a wallet that you hold the private keys. They said that from the very begiining weeks ago. It's not going to be ETC or any exchanges fault if you don't get squat.

>> No.8136236

Afghansitan, India and Latvija unironicly.

>> No.8136255

oh wrong thread

>> No.8136370
File: 54 KB, 632x631, 87BF3023-C572-4C5D-8B1B-D504FEC6D799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you put my homeland with those pajeet centrals together in one sentence.

>> No.8136507

Sell for BTC so we can push to 12k or more.

>> No.8136564


Yes, sure.
Afganistan is not that bad.

>> No.8136593


Eat shit litva pidoras

>> No.8137101
