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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8132616 No.8132616 [Reply] [Original]

Why have you not buyed the only cryptocurrency that will bring you to the moon? I will go to the moon, will you?

>> No.8132633

i will go to the moon with you. we are going UP, UP, UP!

>> No.8132644

Salty walties can you fuckoff with these pajeet imitations

>> No.8132662

you are trying to spread fud, eh?

go fuck your mother, bitch. $500 EOY

>> No.8132691
File: 73 KB, 640x799, 1517653316609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 EOY

>> No.8132704

All the paid shills moved from reddit to here, huh?
No one wants your chink scam. It’s done. And no we don’t give a fuck about jim Breyer

>> No.8132738

Go fuck your mother, bitch. You can stay poor, I will stay rich.

>> No.8132750


>> No.8132753

Ven owners are all 18 year old “investors”. All gotta learn about scams somewhere. Experience is the only real teacher

>> No.8133042

$500 EOY!

>> No.8133069

fucking pajeet lol

>> No.8133095

>fucking pajeet lol
i think we need new name for chink pajeets

>> No.8133147

sir please sir good buy sir

>> No.8133264

Show bobs and vegene. Do the needful sir.

>> No.8133283

They aren't even that. It's paid shills all the way down. Fiverr must be busy tonight!

>> No.8133627

This is a lie and you know it!

>> No.8133691


>> No.8133739

Buyed... kek pajeet

>> No.8133767
File: 2.59 MB, 1280x720, streetshitted.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please buy my bags
fuck off street shitter

>> No.8134175

Fuck off back to plebbit with your chink scamcoin.

Oh wait, you get banned if you even mention it by name over there. Burn in hell, you filthy pajeets.

>> No.8134212

>Fuck off back to plebbit
>doesn't sage and bumps a currynigger thread from page 6
you have to go back, too

>> No.8134524
File: 51 KB, 640x620, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit how stupid could you be. All these "1000$ EOY" threads are made to FUD VEN and get people into WTC and AMB. With all the shady shit WTC is known for I wouldn't be surprised if they are genuinely paying for these.

>> No.8134750

WTC is a chink scam just like VEN is. The hilarious part is that both sides are able to see that the other is a scam.

You VEN fucks have always been obnoxious pajeet fucks, which is why you were banned from talking about it on /r/cryptocurrency.

Now get the fuck off /biz/. Take both your chink scamcoins elsewhere.

>> No.8135005

They even shill their stupid token on other boards.
I get strong Bitconnect vibes from this chink shit.

>> No.8135062

The world will be a better place when both of those chink coins cease to exist. Both sides are obnoxious as fuck