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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8124727 No.8124727 [Reply] [Original]

Bought 10k ADA at 2920 sats while you morons have bought it at twice the price and are now panic selling.

You'll FOMO in in a few weeks when proof of stake becomes active.

> bu-but it's only a white paper, bu-but muh vaporware

DYOR lol

Cardano is not "only a whitepaper". It has its own network and a working product that you can use today. Some things are not implemented yet because development only started a few months ago and quality software takes time to write.


They have delivered everything they promised up until now, so what makes you believe they won't deliver in the future?

Most undervalued coin out there. So much FUD means the bottom is in, and it is time to buy

>> No.8124782

Bought 13k at 0.03 cents, dont know the sat value at that time

>> No.8124783

i'll buy at 2000 sats

>> No.8124805

I'll buy at 1500 sats, thanks.

>> No.8124815

fuck teeka for calling this when it was over 5k sats. fucking pajeet piece of shit.

>> No.8124981

cardano so desperate they are paying shills now?

>> No.8125087
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>bought at 4000 sats
>bought bigger at 3500
>bought more at 3300

All the while I have positions in NANO/VEN/AMB/BTC that I should have just added to.

>> No.8125090

I'm getting worried, OP. I was lucky to buy this at around $0.20 so I'm still in the money, but I'm getting worried

Today's roadmap update was disappointing. No date estimates, no timeline, only percentages that mean nothing. Why even bother having a roadmap? The Jesus guy released a video about proof of stake. It's only saying "soon", "later" and we're working hard.

Meanwhile the CEO is posting pictures of himself traveling throughout the world and eating at expensive restaurants

I love this coin, it's promising, best code, smartest developers, etc etc, but fuck I'm getting worried.

>> No.8125844


This is how we all feel.

Still, go back to 2015 and look at the FUD about Ethereum. I think a lot of people were used to the quick easy money of 2017. Any shitcoin made money in 2017.

Remember why you're in this one in the first place.

>> No.8126983

>trying this hard

>> No.8127931


Yeah I do worry a tad bit just because there seems to be something I can't quite put my finger on that seems a little off about the project. Maybe it is just a "too good to be true" kind of thing.

>> No.8128464

don't worry guys just have faith

>> No.8128482

It's because they have an extremely good shot to become #1, but they don't seem desperate to make it. They seem to be enjoying it all a bit much before having made it, or at least they don't seem to be autistically destroying their lives in the pursuit of this one goal, as some of us might be bound to do when we take something seriously. I still believe they're the most solid team with the most promising project, but I would feel better if I saw them being a bit hungrier and running scared, and not to relax, well, ever. Maybe I've got a distorted view of things I can't hold it against people to not want to solely focus on one aspect of their life to the detriment of everything else, but it still would make me feel better if they seemed to want this more. Still it's all very superficial and I don't know any of these people apart from what I read about them and see in their videos. They don't owe anything, so whatever, as long as they continue to deliver on their promises and generally respect their deadlines, I'll probably stay with this.

>> No.8128500

went all in on ada at .11 and sold at 1.07

I am still holding 1000 ada still just incase it ever takes over everything.

>> No.8128509


It was around 10 cents when it left hong kong funding.