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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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812375 No.812375 [Reply] [Original]

What determines a stocks price?

I have heard from some people that it is as simple as supply and demand, that when more people are buying than selling it goes up, and when more people are selling than buying it does down. I have also heard that it is the price of the last trade.

If it is supply and demand does the amount of shares the person is buying or selling play into it or is it just per order?

If it is the price of the last trade why the fuck are people willing to buy for higher than the current price and why are they willing to sell for lower?

>> No.812376

pls......mate theres a lot of things read a book


>> No.812378

Tell me, you obviously know.

>> No.812387

It depends on the exact thing youre talking about, some factors are more important than others.

For example the Farming industry Vs. Some mutual fund company.

The "intrinsic" value of the stock does to some degree have speculation and uncertainty, but im assuming you want to talk about shit like netflix and apple to get rich quick.

To determine that sort of shit read about "Security analysis", its a controversial subject, theres no one right answer

>> No.812389

I am not talking about the psychological reason why people buy stocks. I am talking about how the price is literally determined by the stock market it is on.

There is a right answer, the fact that there is a stock price to begin with says there is an answer.

>> No.812397
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>There is a right answer, the fact that there is a stock price to begin with says there is an answer.
If you think you know it all why are you asking us on biz, go google and shit stock price calculation formula and copy past in the numbers for your applied ticker.

>> No.812399

I can't find what I am looking for, I'm stupid like you.

>> No.812401

I dont even know why I fell for this bait

Do mods even exist on /biz/

>> No.812404

Is it Autism?