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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8122205 No.8122205 [Reply] [Original]

who here getting GOOKED right now?

i wasted all my money didn’t i?

>> No.8122223
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It's not over yet.

>> No.8122237
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>> No.8122257
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40k ICX here. Everything's going to be alright.

>> No.8122337

here's what I think is happening:
1. ICO sellers have been dumping. price was $0.10 so it's understandable why they would dump now.
2. muh KRW pairing isn't available yet. binance controls the price, and you know how that goes...bitty bot bot bloop bleep
3. icon team is horrible at communicating via social media. similar to how neo was pretty bad at releasing news after the rebrand, so not a big deal imo
4. coin supply is doubling and that's fueling uncertainty
5. token swap date allegedly in march but no firm news yet.

my shitty opinion:
ICON basically owns the major korean exchanges. KRW pairing is imminent, and will mean explosive moon in das poon.
Token swap will likely come along with a positive onslaught of news from the team, muh partnerships etc. which will help ze moon mission.

Or we're all fucked and it's going to tank like LINK.

Either way I'm gonna hold and keep trading the 30min chart. Best of luck boyos

>> No.8122412


>> No.8122711


>> No.8122797

Holy fuck this one guy @creeptoes BTFO CEO Min on twitter


This picture is fucking gay and why the fuck is he taking pics instead of fucking doing work.

Fuck these gooks and crypto. All these stupid projects are fucking vaporware.

>> No.8122819

These bags are getting heavy. Instead of communicating, the CEO is being a faggot.


>> No.8123004
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Nick says buy my niggers buy!

>> No.8123496

never gonna recover

>> No.8123518

depends, these next few hours for ICON are CRITICAL

>> No.8123532

hahahah holy shit that dude is stressed out look at his forehead his conscious is eating away at him. Shouldn't accept payment for videos and lie to your subs like that man. And then pretend to lose all your shit baha people in this space are so dumb

>> No.8123552

i had high hopes for this pile of shit, bought on the first day of Binance since U.S. citizens couldn't get ICO. Sold @ 6.50 after riding until the crash. 3 Fucking months with nothing, not even native exchanges, fuck that shit. "Next blockchain!" Yeah, at this rate BTC will be $100,000 the time this thing stops going down.

>> No.8123573

They need more communication. They make a new tweet only like once a week. That’s making the price go down. I still think it’s possible that ICON themselves are keeping it low on purpose so that Koreans will be able to buy at a nice price once it hits Korean exchanges. Let’s see what happens. It will hit a new ATH by July imo.

>> No.8123575

I bought first day of Binance and still holding. Fucking gook coin. Wish I sold it.

>> No.8123670

holy fuck just read all of that and unironically strongly contemplating dumping my entire stack right now

fucking gooks are beyond incompetent

>> No.8124078

You do realize he was giving constructive criticism and even said he’s HODLing, right?

>> No.8124230

Pretty sure the idea of ICON is illegal in the current state of regulation in every country in the world, why anyone thought this would be a good idea is beyond me.

You guys just buy any shit people post on here.

>> No.8124251

You do realize hodlers are delusional as fuck right? case-in-point go to the wtc subreddit right now

it's time to accept the fact that we got gooked

>> No.8124282

Saved I’m down like 500 dollars on this shit coin, fuck me I believed in the project when I bought in what’s the fucking deal with this?

>> No.8124381

We'll be ok

>> No.8124428

6k ICX
Not selling this till $30 each
the fundamentals are still as strong as ever
just wish that this coin didn't fucking shit itself every time btc sneezes

>> No.8124522

What fundamentals? Just...just...
Have you seen a picture of the dev team, looks like a freshman high school musical class, garbage, get out, it's only going lower

>> No.8124677


Top kek. Your FUD is really bad. I actively FUD icon too, but at least be original.

>> No.8124691


He's right.


WTF kind of team is this? Why so many chicks and what are they doing?

>> No.8124703

cant believe this shit was 10 cents at ICO, I didn't even fucking hear about it, would have bought for sure like 100-200k

>> No.8124739


Yeah, fuck this coin!! Late on mainnet and doubling supply!!! They look like kids too!!!


You're unironically looking at the next 10-20x. I love the FUD though as it keeps the price low enough to accumulate.