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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8117665 No.8117665 [Reply] [Original]


>Create small software company that'll make me maybe a few millions a year (currently working on this, am around $8-9k / month but it's growing fast and has huge potential for further expansion, I just need to figure out a more aggressive marketing strategy)
>use that money to get into the blockchain business, I consider getting into blockchain now as having as much potential as getting into the internet and software in 1993-1995
>hopefully create something related to blockchain technology that'll make me a lot of money
>use that money to start bigger companies dealing in other emerging technologies like clean energy (specifically nuclear fusion), space exploration, biotech & medicine, AI etc.

Also let's not shit on each other in this thread, it's very easy to say "hurr u won't make it / your idea is retarded" but that's not helpful for anyone. Your vision is your vision, the only person that has to believe in it is you. At the very least, let's keep criticism constructive.

pic unrelated

>> No.8117743

I like it anon. Just make sure you sell some of the businesses as they start to show signs of fatigue in the market. Then use those funds to move on to the next big thing haha.

>> No.8117745

Im not asking for your niche but can you give tips as to how to start a succsessful business?

>> No.8117907

With a portion of the capital I've gained from crypto investment I'm going to buy a food truck to beta a fast food business model that doesnt really exist where I live in the UK. If it's successful then I have enough assets to liquidate to buy a shop front and set it up as a proper fast food business. Hopefully if I get that far I'll be able to make the business grow organically and expand at a decent rate.

>> No.8118322

yeah no the end goal is to get into those really high-potential technologies I mentioned (clean energy, biotech etc.), but that obviously requires a lot of money. So I definitely see myself selling any companies I start prior to getting to that point in order to get the funds necessary to achieve my goals.

>> No.8118356

i bought link.
real talk:i just thought about creating a startup with angel investing (i have several ideas) but, where i'm from, i would probably make like 2k per month at most, and that would be if things worked out. i made like 20k (which should have been 60 if i knew what i was doing) masturbating and keeping my job just by investing in crypto in november-december, so what the hell. whats the incentive?
i honestly would love to do something in the tech area but:
a) when im alone i get very very lazy
b) i more or less hate people and going into meetings and network sounds as awful as my job.

depends where you're from. if you have a very good idea just look for incubators, angel investors, etc. they tend to help you a lot more than funding itself. off course they will also get 50% of your company but its a great way to learn things.

>> No.8118360

Just after the first sentence I knew you are 15.

>> No.8118399

Thinking about making somekind trolly where i sell smoked fish with remulade and lemon

>> No.8118473
File: 59 KB, 600x600, One Crypto To Rule Them All.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the rare pepe. Here's a new one that came out yesterday.

>> No.8118526

I'd say the most important thing I've realized is how important it is that you have some synergy in everything you do. For a long time I was both studying for my physics degree, while at the same time trying to make software dealing in social media, video games etc. because I thought they would make me a lot of money, but they never worked out because my education took up a lot of time as it was very high priority for me (obviously as I want to eventually move into high-tech fields) and my education and business goals weren't symbiotic, so to speak. Basically I was pursing two big goals that were completely unrelated, and very few people can do that successfully. It wasn't until I started making software for physics and engineering that it really took off, because then my business and education in some sense became "the same thing", and I was only chasing one rabbit.

I don't know if this made sense or if it was valuable to you, but my point is you need to do something that is in alignment with who you are, what you think is interesting and what you'd want to be doing anyways. You should try to somehow intertwine all your goals into one larger goal, so that when you're working on one of your goals, you're really working at all of them. It's the only way you can put 100% focus into what you're doing, and you have to put 100% of your focus into what you're doing to be successful.

>> No.8118544


>> No.8118550

I'm actually 24

>> No.8118578


>> No.8119048

>throw all my money in cryptoshit
>rack the benefits 3+ years later
>spend the rest of my life doing whatever

>> No.8119244

sounds comfy, at least

>> No.8119271
File: 98 KB, 403x220, huffing XRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8119282

>the only person that has to believe in it is you
I would argue the opposite. It's actually core idea to marketing: customers believing in your products enough will buy it.

>> No.8119340

Congratulations on building a profitable software business.Wish you the best of luck growing it. Care to give a quick rundown of how you got this far with it? What kind of software is it?

>> No.8119452
