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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 508 KB, 727x653, 1520164803376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8114015 No.8114015 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest timeline. People are actually unintelligent enough to buy something from a company who sends out a goodbye tweet with a picture of an employee like a fucking pajeet. My sides are in pain at how funny this shit is.

Imagine a real business like Microsoft tweeting: "Today, we are sorry to announce Fred from the HR department had to be let go. So long Fred, godspeed and may we meet again soon friend!" with his fucking picture attached to the tweet.

>> No.8114184

stunningly unprofessional

>> No.8114186

The crypto boom is the gold rush but for comedy gold

>> No.8114190


>> No.8114204

boldpure is obviously a scam look at that kike nose logo. they're mocking buyers.

>> No.8114218



>> No.8114219


*breathes in*

>> No.8114229


>> No.8114256

Because boldpure is a scam

>> No.8114375
File: 862 KB, 1594x1178, Screenshot at Mar 04 12-30-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8114409

yeah this makes literally no sense

>> No.8114421

I think she might have a very tight asshole.
Probably would be a good fuck for max 0.001 btc.
But only if her ass is virgin.
Boldpure ground and pound her ass.

>> No.8114427


>> No.8114447

>Don't let the door hit that stinky brapper on your way out, Michelle, you incompetent whore!

>> No.8114505
File: 20 KB, 405x371, 1520101972710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf's wrong with summa the niggas in this thread

>> No.8114511

Crypto aside, what's pathetic about this to me is that this is how a lot of startups etc are run nowadays. It's like a bunch of kids larping as business people or something. It's hilarious what they think they are supposed to be doing.
I guess it's whatever they sort of picked up by watching TV.

>> No.8114516

So she lost her ass virginity to that guy on youtube?
Biz wtf man sup what's the story here?

>> No.8114580

>a bunch of retarded basketball americans appear to shit up the thread

>> No.8114611

>there’s a way to run a business that was defined by your granddaddy and shit and you better do it the same way kiddo

You can run a business however you want boomerfag. As long as you can make money does it really frickin matter?

>> No.8114664

Make money by any means necessary

>> No.8114748

Is this legit? This isn't a joke video like the chainlink and brainchain ones? Holy shit.

>> No.8114779

She had sex with retarded basketball americans and that's why she got fired?
I'm confused who is the CEO of this company?
Any more vids of pictures?

>> No.8115268

Are you Black?

You know you're not allowed on 4chan, gtfo.

>> No.8115376

can one of you fags fill us in on what happened? thanks

>> No.8115384
File: 1.34 MB, 640x1136, DD8D69CE-34BE-4CF4-A734-566AB25ED761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this

>> No.8115458

Who else in this thread is jerking off to her picture?

>> No.8116045


i cannot believe that people unironically are buying into this. it is a 100% scam. makes me sad for the future, it can only get wosr

>> No.8116084

>We would like to reach out and apologize for today's mixed reaction
So what happened exactly? Sounds like a funny story but the OP is pretty lacking in details.

>> No.8116111

This, aside from the music video I'm still confused as to why I should give a fuck about this.

>> No.8116322


>> No.8116360

>We'll see you again one day, Michelle!

>> No.8116449
File: 409 KB, 520x379, level5fek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hly fuck

>> No.8116990

lol we all know what happens after this

>> No.8117379

this isn't a startup, it was a straight up obvious scam, but I think the scammers are having a laugh with that fucking joke of a promo video, and the joke social media, that's now deleted.
It's a scam ICO, and the premise of its usecase was to reward users for finding ICO scams, kek

>> No.8117498

Literally the same thing happened with internet businesses. Google was made by a couple of postgrads. You need to be young to be able to accept innovation. Not talking about boldpure btw haven't researched them.

>> No.8117624

holy fuck