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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 775x719, 1512924573671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8113358 No.8113358 [Reply] [Original]

>boss told me im doing a great work
>mfw neetcucks will never know how it feels when your boss is proud of you
oh i am laughing at you neets

>> No.8113401

I wagecuck too but you sound like a bootlicking faggot so kys

>> No.8113439

Neets irrecoverably BTFO

>> No.8113440

LMAO jealous neet detected. Enjoy living with your mommy and daddy

>> No.8113460

Made the company 20 grand last week. Boss did not even call

>> No.8113491

One time after a late shift my boss said, I shit you not, “I’ve never seen the fryer so clean in my 12 years here at Applebee’s”. I couldn’t hide my smile, I know where you’re coming from op.

>> No.8113503

>how it feels when your boss is proud of you
He's so proud he's sharing profits you bring to the company with you? Otherwise you're getting cucked.

>> No.8113513

"Just." - What OP constantly thinks in his head

>> No.8113536
File: 56 KB, 640x640, wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8113548

>closed an important deal last week my company has been working months on
>boss comes to my office and closes the door behind him
>strokes my head gently and nibbles on my ear a bit
>whispers “hey...good boy..”
>leaves my office

Lol you stupid neets don’t even know how good it is to be a wagecuck

>> No.8113559

unless that translated into a bonus, raise, or LTI (stock), it doesn't matter

>> No.8113573
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>> No.8113581
File: 77 KB, 882x731, pepe_inspector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are these threads just false flags started by NEETs trying to bait other NEETs into pointing out how futile and meaningless modern jobs are?

There's no way that there exist people on /biz/ who actually get proud when Mr. Shekelstein pats them on their head.

>> No.8113592

Sounds like you're the cuck 2bh, famalam.

>> No.8113594

How long did it take to force that fagcode?

>> No.8113618

I think yes since the style of those posts are peak NEET.

The choice of image is at least.

>> No.8113645

about 5 minutes

>> No.8113670


>> No.8113772


>> No.8113775
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 1496631317050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tired of being poor
having new job again is good
But how to /biz/ dream again someday? After I'm out of debt again I guess

>> No.8113786
File: 89 KB, 1127x685, delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8113849

Low quality bait, no one in /biz/ would be this much of a cuck

>> No.8113893


>> No.8113897
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1461032960924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apu is pepe

>> No.8113911

>caring so much about authority figures
>projecting so much

>> No.8113917

Testing again

>> No.8113932
File: 5 KB, 200x192, apunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, apu is new level.

>> No.8113960

use notepad++ and set encoding to japanese/shift-JIS before copying/pasting.

>> No.8113988

only 60 more years and you can retire.

>> No.8114052

Ok, testing again

>> No.8114071

Last attempt

>> No.8114132


>> No.8114147

Ha, got there in the end

>> No.8114176

This ones better

>> No.8114290

> Hey guys, I'm a cuck
> envy me

>> No.8114359
File: 165 KB, 1080x415, Screenshot_20180221-201622~01~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*muffled laughter*

>> No.8114386

>meat cutter/live selling salesperson (like sampling but on steroids)
>bust my ass
>have gotten "rising star" "employee of the month" and several gift cards for being such a hard worker
>6 month review
>my pay goes up by 25 cents an hour

This is literal shit. I work 40 hours a week and still qualify for fucking food stamps.
That is why I told them AT MY INTERVIEW "I will not be here forever, this is not my passion nor will it be my long term career, but i'll do the work for the money"

>> No.8114438

My boss is always proud of me because I'm the boss. Sure is nice having a clinic.