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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 140 KB, 1280x845, Sandniggamoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8110589 No.8110589 [Reply] [Original]

You hate moneys, dont you?

>> No.8110722

oh yeah baby

>> No.8110740

Why is it not mooning on this news? This is massive? $1000 EOY easily.

>> No.8111022

I am 12 and what is this?

>> No.8111029

>investing in towel heads

>> No.8111040

I think the mooning days are over. We missed the boat.

>> No.8111043

>trusting halal coins

>> No.8111053

Literally, who?

>> No.8111121
File: 670 KB, 1080x1244, 1518944763158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in fellas, announcement is imminent. If you don't own JNT, buy some or stay poor forever.

>> No.8111181

Literally never heard about any of them. And it has no normie appeal, hard pass

>> No.8111206

It doesn't depend on normies at all, on the contrary.

>> No.8111214

>muh normie appeal
you understand that they are going after hedge fund and bank money
an order of magnitude more than normie money
oh boy it will be fun leaving you in the dust while this moons hard

>> No.8111222

i know it's like buying bitcoin at $0.10 but didn't invest JNT because

>> No.8111233

and checked
JNT $19000 conf

>> No.8111241

Should i sell my VEN for this?

>> No.8111263

>google dubai fdi
>it's domain is .gov.ae

fuck me sideways

>> No.8111289

It's true

>> No.8111290

I did two weeks ago personally.

>> No.8111361

Third worlder poorfag here, bought 100 a few days ago. Will I make like $1,000 at least this year from it? That's a lot in Venezuela

>> No.8111413

Nobody knows. I'd say you have a decent chance

>> No.8112365


when people start to realize that its been true the whole time and that the weak FUD is just that

>> No.8112487
File: 144 KB, 800x1066, talalalall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but muh janitor!

>> No.8112514

Guys, guys you might want to sit down for this. I have a friend who works in the SEED fund, nothing too fancy, financial analyst, no lambo yet but doing well for himself. I've been pretty excited about Jibrel, so naturally I told him about it. He gets back to me yesterday, and get this: he's never even heard of jibrel. He asked around a bit and found out the sad truth. It was the info about Jibrel's office being in SEED HQ that finally led him to a supply cabinet in the basement, with the jibrel logo printed on a sheet of paper, glued to the door. Apparently this Talal fella does work at SEED, but as a member of the cleaning staff. He is good natured but very simple. When he heard about bitcoins he got really excited, he had to go lay down so he could calm down. The IT guys took pity on him and made him his very own ERC20 token, so he could pretend to be rich. They threw a website together, filled it with generic mumbojumbo (asset tokenization, lol). Someone even spent 5 minutes in photoshop on the logo. They had some pull with palmex, so he could "trade" his little tokens over there. But it got to Talal's head and with some friends from the cleaning crew (affectionately called the "poo boys"), they have been writing jibberish and spreading misinformation online. This has got to stop, for everybody's sake. There is no big reveal coming, it is all going to turn out to be a sad misunderstanding. Get out while you can.

>> No.8112596


>> No.8112623

he googled one of the other partners and realized that it really is the dubai sheiks investment fund that is partnering with jibrel

>> No.8112756
File: 2 KB, 125x100, 1518297685817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find any info about the partners on Jibrel website, where is OP pic coming from?

And shill me moar.

>> No.8112820


>> No.8112872

I used to think that tokenizing assets would be the strong point of this coin, but the more I think about, the threat of tokenizing assets coupled with hype is going to push the speculative value of this coin past proxima centauri.

I'm definitely gonna give a few away here after I make it.

>> No.8112911




insane moon potential

>> No.8112955
File: 170 KB, 710x1092, jibbiemoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8112958
File: 129 KB, 1200x832, 1517932791499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are the realistic predictions and how is dev team doing in case of roadmap?

>> No.8113015

Good luck mate, fuck that maduro cunt in the ass

>> No.8113045

When is this al qaeda coin coming to binance?

>> No.8113068

Price predictions are useless at this point but they have 12 full-time devs

>> No.8113072


they are on time as of now, but they did say a new roadmap and site are coming shortly. The more interesting things are coming Q3-EOY based on the old roadmap.

honestly dont know about realistic predictions. I am very bullish in the long run, simply because unlike with most other things in the crypto world, this will have real assets behind it. In the boxmining interview talal said that with the seed backing they got access to multiples of multiples of what they where expecting in the way of assets.

I think $10 EOY is a conservative-ish prediction, and $100 is not out of the picture, maybe in a few years. But if many people HODL AND they tokenize a lot of assets AND a lot of people also join in speculation, it could blow the fuck up to $1000 or higher.

>> No.8113225

Saving info for research. Thanks for answers

>> No.8113266

One of jibrels partners is the seed group is the uae government.Dubai fdi on the original thread image goes to this website, check the extension and site.


>> No.8113365

'in the seed group' ^^

>> No.8113813

this isn't news news, no one knows about it yet
you pretty much need to be watching jnt like a hawk to catch this

>> No.8114014

normie appeal doesn't matter at this stage, they're targeting banks and financial institutions and banks have shown interest in them

they will appeal to normies when they have a product normies can use which will most likely happen some time later this year