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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8108188 No.8108188 [Reply] [Original]

> ~200m market cap (high room for growth)
> low amount of circulating coins (150m)
> is in a dip rn since its ath was 7$ish (its 2 70 now)
> is the most promising privacy protocol that if successful with be adopted by many other tokens

seems like a no brainer at least 10x. what am i missing? why isnt biz hyping this coin like it is for LINK when i feel both have high room for growth

in b4 mit jew scam coin

>> No.8108211

are there any coins you feel like don't have high room for growth?

>> No.8108232

80% of the top 100 coins on CMC lol

>> No.8108236

Bro... it's only 200M dollars... that's like a fraction of Bitcoin and Ethereum maaaaaan. This coin could go to like.... gazillion... hahahahaha....

>> No.8108254

now i understand why tripfags are disliked so much . because they say the stupidest non helpful shit like this

>> No.8108274

OP here. i will give 2 eth to whoever can give me a decent argument about whether ENG will succeed or fail. i dont want you to blindly shill me this coin im not invested in it yet. i just want to know if it is a good buy or not. if you write a negative argument you are just as likely to win the 2 eth

>> No.8108389

Enigma is an agnostic privacy protocol that enables different parties to jointly store and run computations on data while keeping data completely private through the use of secret contracts.

The protocol provides privacy and increased scalability to blockchains utilizing revolutionary "secret contracts". The Enigma protocol is Blockchain agnostic meaning it can work with and be complementary to any other Blockchain Networks (ETH, NEO, etc). As the decentralized web continues to scale, the Enigma protocol will provide blockchains with a necessary second-layer network that can handle more data, faster, while being fully private. Since Enigma solves the two largest limiting factors surrounding blockchain technology, privacy and scalability, it is going to allow for mass adoption of blockchains and decentralized applications.

Additionally, the team is creating a "data marketplace". The Data marketplace will be built to facilitate the secure exchange of data. It has the potential to become the cornerstone of the new decentralized web — storing the long tail of data for people, apps and organizations. The Enigma data marketplace will provide a location for data to be stored privately and sold to potential consumers. With data becoming extremely valuable and prevalent in our society, the potential of the Enigma data marketplace is massive.

The Enigma team has already created an application called 'Catalyst', that has over 20,000 users. The Enigma team built this to demonstrate the powerful ability of the protocol, and to inspire others to develop decentralized applications upon it.

thanks ahead of time


>> No.8108427 [DELETED] 

>why isnt eng shilled more on biz
it's been shilled a LOT, it's simply that whoever shilled it sold their position and stopped here's part of the starter kit: call it "gains cube", say it's a mix between Ethereum and Monero and namedrop the MIT every second sentence.

>> No.8108441

no one really knows if they'll be successful, they're still building it

>> No.8108454

op here. this is one of the worst write ups ive seen. all you did is define what ENG is - something i already am well aware of.

>> No.8108463

this is true for 90 percent of crypto its all speculation

>> No.8108478

They fucked their ICO contributors for stupid, preventable reasons. It's why I haven't bothered to look into them since.

>> No.8108516

can u elaborate a bit?

>> No.8108587
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Pic related is my argument
Enigma will thrive


>> No.8108602

i hope this israeli coin prospers so you /pol/ fucks get btfo

>> No.8108607

>200 m m cap
>high room for growth
gl with your x1,1

>> No.8108690 [DELETED] 

I'll be short
CEO is Jew.
>never bet against the house


>> No.8108692


>> No.8108714

It's 150 mill, the devs hold half of it, they plan to use it for nodes since they earned enough from the ico to last 10 years. So effectively it's 75million

>> No.8108785

my 2 eth is still waiting to be given away..

>> No.8108842
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1516920462223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enigma will fail because i'm all in

>> No.8108850

i think if you are looking for a x2, you should go with enigma. but you will have to wait a long time and there will be dips along the road.
They will not deliver what they are promising, but with advertising, the price will be pumped.
If you want a moon mission, this is not it, but i think it's a safe bet on x2.
even 0.2 eth will be appreciated

>> No.8108888


There’s nothing that suggests the team can’t or won’t complete their objectives. What will then see it succeed or fail is the appetite business has for blockchain. Are there plenty of businesses out there that would love to utilise blockchain tech, but do not want their data open for the whole world to see? If so it will likely be a huge success.

>> No.8108948

im gay

>> No.8108971

If it goes just 2x it will be back to where it pumped to without any product in January.
When this gets it's protocol it's going way higher

>> No.8109008

what is eta for prorocol

>> No.8109019

january pumped everything to abnormal prices with no basis
has anything been back to it's january price? go check that out, you will find maybe 4 coins out of 1000.
working product doesn't mean shit in crypto, it is based on hype and basically gambling.
people try to predict the future price and pay less than they think it is going to be in the future. big promises = big starting price, and people eat shit up nowadays like a vietnamese hooker eats cock. getting the product doesn't increase the price as much nowadays, but failing to deliver ruins you

>> No.8109071

OP, go for it!
go for that x2 pump, but dump before data marketplace fails miserably

>> No.8109106

what r ur top picks mr l5a+yyG2

>> No.8109194

HPB, endor, MAN
i'm also in coinmetro because the idea is great and the team is good, not much in it tho, just want to see how things work out after ico

>> No.8109239

im going all in eng now cuz all those projects are trash thanks anon

>> No.8109262

i told you to go for it
you obviously know nothing about those projects, but i'm not here to shill
just sell after x2

>> No.8109274

i know that using blockchain for a predicative use case is the easiest way to lose ur money

>> No.8109318
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>> No.8109653

Nobody has been able to explain to me why the coin is necessary for their tech to work.

Someone tell me if they plan to make it required and I will buy 200k right now.

>> No.8109680
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>> No.8109762

>> low amount of circulating coins (150m)
Why has this information started appearing in shill threads? What difference does it make? A coin with 10 total supply that goes to 40 decimal places isn't somehow better because there are fewer coins.

>> No.8109786
File: 77 KB, 671x960, freeshrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care about your larp of giving away coins for an explanation but I'll shill it nonetheless.

It'll succeed because its necessary for practically any business that wants to use blockchain tech to have their data hidden. Ask yourself what company would actually want the whole world to be able to view
their contracts data? Practically zero. Enigma allows computation of this private data on the blockchain. Once the majority of coinholders realise this and that something like enigma is absolutely necessary the fomo will kick in.
Its also going to attempt to solve scalability, although Im more impressed about the privacy aspect.
Also it by some dudes from MIT.
Worth holding some in a portfolio anyway.

>> No.8109794

Thats why it will fail fucking idiot the term itself is a meme normie faggot read a book

>> No.8109853

Do you have any idea if a secret contract passing through the ChainLink network will render Intel SGX redundant?

>> No.8109933
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>> No.8110274

2k eth ur way

>> No.8110360


enigma is gonna be easy x10 by eoy

>> No.8110385

obviously a joke, kys

>> No.8110414

>decent project
>awful and incompetent team


>> No.8110547


>> No.8110567


>> No.8111176

it's just FUD anon

>> No.8111200

Because it's shit. It's going nowhere. All alts are basically doomed until daddy BTC regains full strength, until then you can enjoy the endless cycle of 10% 'moons' and every other week and then getting fucking dumped on the other times

>> No.8111424

You are 6 months too late on the privacy coin obsession

>> No.8111502

its not a privacy coin its an erc 20 token that is an asset of a company building a privacy protocol on the blockchain. a privacy protocol and a privacy coin are different. eng and xmr are not comparable. fuck off faggot

>> No.8111865
File: 71 KB, 259x335, 1517105714260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lols 2 eth, bro...if you're so bullish.. just throw 1.7k into eng lols!! Everyone knows this coin going places the next couple of years which will make 2 eth now look like shit.

You know what Eng does.. and I like it cheap right now for the obvious reasons. So don't try to get people to shill and just buy. You sound like one of the panic people on the sub reddit page.