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8107227 No.8107227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just had sex with a female freind who may be a bit pyscho. Didn't wear a condom and she says she's on the pill but I know she isn't good with consistently taking them. She doesn't want to take plan B cuz she says it messes with her head or something and told me not to worry.

What's the chance of actually getting a chick pregant if you dont use contraception? I know its not that high right?

>> No.8107233

relevent to /biz/ since i dont want to pay 18 years of child support

>> No.8107238

congratulations you are the father

>> No.8107241

Did you cum in her you absolute retard?
t. pulled out for 2 years with my ex and didnt get her preggers as far as I know

>> No.8107247

topkek I was going to say
> Business & Finance
To answer your question, I think you should be okay.

>> No.8107251
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Grind up a plan B and slip it in her drink. Otherwise, start learning how to change a diaper.

>> No.8107255

Can you get abortions on the blockchain yet?

>> No.8107257

Anon's finally growing up and is about to have a bundle of joy!

>> No.8107262

Just claim it's not yours when she pops out a babby.
If she's letting you bust a but in her at random and she's using The Pill, she's obviously also taking loads from Chad, Brad and Tyrone.
You might want to get yourself checked for STDs, OP

>> No.8107263

why is this relevance to /biz? maybe if you knock her up let's calculate the expenses to raise a child? But to answer your answer, no the likelihood is slim- a chick has to be ovulating in order to get pregos. This goes up if you shot your gun inside of her (which is a retarded thing to do if you raw dogged it)

>> No.8107267

start planning how you're gonna push her down the stairs

>> No.8107268

hire a deepweb abortionist

>> No.8107271

yes I came in her cuz I'm retarded. It was in the moment and I wasn't thinking. But seriously, its not that easy to get a girl pregnant right? Couples have ovulation calendars and shit to get pregant

>> No.8107281

I raw dogged my ex for about 3 months while she wasn't on anything. Rarely cummed inside though. I may also just fire blanks, who knows.

>> No.8107285

It only happens when you don't want it to. If you wish with all your heart for a child her womb will be barren

>> No.8107298

Same fucked a crazy ass bitch that was pretty sexy and told me she wasn't on anything idc my pull out game is in a hundred million

>> No.8107299

get her in a hot tub

>> No.8107303

Thanks just paid 100k child support

>> No.8107304

is she Asian or Latina? If so, congratulations you are the father. Extremely fertile

>> No.8107305

*me typing out GF's response*


just say


first of all it depends on how bad she is at remembering to take her pill. she forgets a pill here or there thats no big deal. if she forgets several days in a row that's very bad.

other than that it also depends on wether or not she was ovulating. there is basically a few days window, where it is possible to concieve. which occurs approxiamtely 14 days after the start of her last period. if you know when that started you will know if you were near that window of opportunity.

>> No.8107306

College tuition fund. XML based?

>> No.8107317

we're friends so she said mentioned before that she regulary gets tested so I think I'm fine, its why I went rawdog. Thpught Id be able to pull out but fucking decided to HODL

>> No.8107326

>I came in her cuz I'm retarded
baby in the oven

>> No.8107330

Ow shit, you really fucked up. Big chance she was already pregnant of a dude and wants you to pay for it.

>> No.8107332

Why the Fuck my friends don't let me Fuck them? Do Americans Fuck their friends?

>> No.8107337

any roastie who says they get tested regularly really means that they have herpes at a minimum. so congrats on your new kid and std op

>> No.8107338

>Believing females
Congratulations on your twins

>> No.8107343

>She doesn't want to take plan B cuz she says it messes with her head or something


give her that fucking pill idiot

>> No.8107348


Some good info here op

>> No.8107351

Yeah I honestly didnt want to risk it so I just pulled out every time (She hated me for it and why she dumped me so yeah) however in the long run it paid off. Hopefully youll be fine anon. Otherwise Congratz on being a father. Name him W'jack.

>> No.8107356

just sneak it into her food like with dogs that wont take pills

>> No.8107366

pretty sure I read the exact same word for word a few weeks/months ago.
Stop shitting up /biz/ with larps please

>> No.8107368

Chance is about 1/30th to 2/30th, since the optimum window to get pregnant during ovulation is only a day or two each month.

>> No.8107370

kek. name him pajeet

>> No.8107378

>I came in her cuz
fucking retard. Yes I would be worried. If it is less than 24 hours, go to the store with her and buy her a plan B and watch her take it.
If you don't do this you are dumb as any random nigger.

>> No.8107380

Does LINK solve this problem?

>> No.8107385
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>> No.8107388

ok thanks anon and anon's gf. She told me she wasnt ovulating beforehand. Also, any tips on how to not make things awkward, shes a great friend in the way the she usually wingmans me at bars/parties and I dont want to be in a relationship with her (as she's not the most mentally sane person). but then again, maybe im not either since I rawdogged like a dumbass. I left her place already btw

>> No.8107392


How fat is she op?

>> No.8107450

uhh she's 5'5 150lbs. So idk a bit overweight. Thankfully, she's pretty curvy and has a slim face.

>> No.8107478
File: 41 KB, 333x477, XRP is Comfy With Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go all-in on XRP you can easily afford to be a father.

The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. On Monday, Coinbase is hiring 90 new support employees, with 500 to be hired by May. Remember to go all-in on XRP.



>> No.8107494

I like this shill. You a funny goy

>> No.8107519
File: 35 KB, 386x449, 1485144014071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'5 150
>no rubber
>didnt pull out

>> No.8107542


>there are few days where it is possible to concieve which occurr approx. 14 days after her last period.

So basically half of the month she can become preggers.

Hear that Anon!!! Your chance is 50%!!!

Cross your fingers & toes.

Was it worth that 30 second nut?

>> No.8107549

Op you’re probably in the clear if she wasn’t in the ovulation period but my god my you’re leaving too many variables up to chance. Never raw dog a roastie no matter what she says. And always pull out and nut in her face. Congrats on the std tho.

>> No.8107562
File: 191 KB, 499x499, 1517718654606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a paid shill, but at least you have the decency to adjust your shill to the context of the thread. I like that.

>> No.8107574


This is the gf again.

Well, since this already happened you will have to trust her that she was either taking her pills correctly or that she wasn't ovulating. The problem is, if she is on the pill and taking it at least somewhat regularly then she shouldn't be ovulating. If she takes it very poorly then she will but depending on when she has been taking it or forgetting to take it might actually change when she ovulates. The timeline I gave you was pretty general.

Does she know how to tell when she's ovulating? It is not always easy.

There are probably too many variables to say with any certainty what the probability is that you got her pregnant, to be honest. I would say not to worry too much since the deed is done but consider being more cautious in the future.

As for your relationship questions, that is very subjective. I don't really know what to tell you. Does she want a relationship?

In any case, I'd say honesty is your best bet. Just tell her what you want and get that out of the way rather than play games. Sort of like a band-aid, just rip it right off. If she is your friend she should understand and you should be able to talk to her about it. If you can't, the damage is probably done anyway.

Good luck.

>> No.8107583

>yes I came in her cuz I'm retarded.
congratulations mate

>> No.8107587

Your dick is going to rot off

>> No.8107610

Worst case scenario, get an abortion.

>> No.8107611

Wat the fuck, OP.
She is probably carrying a babby and you wouldn't even be able to tell

>> No.8107689

no she doesn't want a relationship. she hoes around quite a bit lmao. I was just worried that sleepign with her would make our friendship weird. Am I overthinking it?

Ehh like I said, she carries the wait well. Big tits and nice ass. And she's face slim, like no double chin. Cant stand a girl with a fat face

>> No.8107713

Delete all proof of you ever having sex. If she asks about the sex afterwaeds pretend you dont know what she is talking about. Or just ghost her now and never let her hear from you again

>> No.8107721

>Have relation with psycho
>She likes to get fucked in the ass raw, while fingering herself and moaning really hard while her parents are in the room next to her bedroom. She couldnt walk normal for the next days. Loved being spanked and she called me daddy.

We broke up after she tried to stab me kek.

Still missed the sex though.

>> No.8107730


>> No.8107785

>What's the chance of actually getting a chick pregant if you dont use contraception? I know its not that high right?
If yu pull out on time its effective, most common method in the world

But you didn't do that, did you.

Your chances depend on how old, high T and fertile you are, and likewise for me plus what time of month for her.

I'm in my thirties do it all the time WHEN SHE ISNT OVULATING

If it was really really wet, she was prob ovalating.

>> No.8107786

if you're high test and not stressed out usually, you probably had some really healthy cum in her. good luck man

>> No.8107798

Exactly my type of girl.

>> No.8107820

>likewise for her

>> No.8107824

going to bed now, thank sfor the advice. Think I doged a bullet since she wasnt ovulating and still semiregulary takes the pill. Good night guys. Hope we make it. Saged.

>> No.8107834

ever heard of pulling out?

fucking retard

>> No.8107849

Be a good dad OP. Make your son proud

>> No.8107855

If you want a legitimate answer then the answer is: not very high. A woman's vagina is inherently acidic which makes it very difficult for sperm to survive. Moreover, an egg has to fertilized within a 24 hour timeframe from ovulation and the sperm has to actually travel up to it which takes approximately three days. Suffice to say, it is unlikely she gets pregnant off a pump and dump unless you're incredibly unlucky. That being said.

God hates you. Congratulations, you're a father.

>> No.8107857

the problem with pulling out is that i don't

>> No.8107884

>semiregulary takes the pill.
Semiregulary doesnt o anything might as well not take it

Actually her saying this increases the likelihood that she wants your baby and is trying to trick you.

>> No.8107897

don't believe all the jealous beta incels in here, OP.
I wouldn't worry about it too badly. if she starts missing her periods I'm sure she'd let you know, and even in the off chance that she DOES get pregnant there are always abortions.

>> No.8107914

Women are fertile for about 4 days per cycle (28 days), depending on the woman, but sperm can live inside them for up to 5 days, increasing the total number of days you can have sex with a woman and possibly get her pregnant to 8 days out of every 28. A woman's period also lasts 3-5 days, so if she wasn't on her period, you can just subtract those days from your odds right now.

That means your chances of having sex with her during a time she could potentially get pregnant are about 8 in 23-25, or 32-35%. 1 in 3 odds are pretty shit odds to play with for a major financial and emotional attachment for the next 18 years, anon.

If it makes you feel better, the fact that she might be on the pill and sometimes the sperm just doesn't find the egg both probably improve the odds in your favor. But who knows. Don't be a moron next time.

>> No.8107922

dude what the fuck

odds are in favor of pregnancy, butthead

>> No.8107923

>"hey anon"
>"im pregnant"
> *anon leaves room*
>*25 seconds later*
>anon runs away
>no baby

>> No.8108198

get that bitch some Vitamin C

>> No.8108238

would do the same, cumming inside feels the best
everyone who says you are dumb for it is a virgin 100%
like these guys>>8107303
all khv

>> No.8108243

Spike her drink or food with plan b, it's worth it

>> No.8108249

Your sperm can live inside a woman for days my dude... I think it's 3-5 days. This is obviously because she might have sex outside of that ovulation period, so this increases the chances of success.

>> No.8108259

I don't think anyone denies that cumming inside is the most pleasurable. That doesn't make it any less fucking stupid

>> No.8108267

Post on social media “lost all my money on bitconnect, what a scam :(“
If she’s golddigger she’s out, if shes not she won’t want to have a baby with a poor idiot, so she plan b’s
You’re welcome

>> No.8108271

Less than 5% chance. You'll be fine.

>> No.8108281

>find out you're pregnant and chad won't pay for it
>fuck and then lie to male friend
>child support bux

>> No.8108303
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all good and well but be aware that plan b causes very noticeable side effects: nausea, vomiting, cramps, headache, and heavier menstrual bleeding.


>> No.8108320

You're fucked.

>> No.8108328

Likewise if you absolutely don't want to have a kid then the condom will have a tiny hole in it and even though you pulled out she instantly fucking gushes children out of her ass while flying across the room.

>> No.8108336

>Being the first part of your genetic line in hundreds of millions of years to fail to reproduce, your single purpose in life
>Failing this hard as a human
>having your bloodline die out because you're too big a faggot to breed

Having kids is your only purpose in live.

>> No.8108349

Spoken like a true slave

>> No.8108353

>humans exist to reproduce
>therefore you should knock up a braindead slut

>> No.8108372

>tfw 35
>blew my load in a 22yo
>didn't care if she got pregnant because she would make good babies

However she did not get pregnant

>> No.8108499
File: 45 KB, 373x332, 1516082385368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao she lied to you she wants your baby you're fucked m8

roasties are evil

>> No.8108522

Spoken like a good goy.

>> No.8108944


Thanks just ordered 100k STD tests.

>> No.8108946

Are you retarded enough to think not one of your ancestors ever had more than one child nor that most of them died far younger with less achieved than anyone here?

>> No.8108960

u just ended urself ma dude

>> No.8109140

i'm circumcised so cumming inside feels not so good

>> No.8109290


Work in a fertility clinic. This anons gf has our way too broad a scope on it.

The days you REALLY don’t wanna bust inside are from about days 8 - 14 if a regular (30 day) cycle. You get any other time is roughly ok. You are golden if you do it between days 1-7 and days 18 - 30. Uou will more than likely be fine if you did it in days 1-10 and days 16 - 30.

It depends what pill she is on FYI, some are both progesterone and estrogen others just one or the other. The morning after pill isn’t essentially a super strong daily contraceptive pill. The whole idea is that if the sperm is there, the influx of those hormones will signal that the body is already pregnant (eli5) and that the uterus won’t accept the embryo.

I have had 3 big scares, and they ALL came from the girl not taking the pill properly like they said they would. I’m with my gf 3 years now, she takes contraceptive daily and I will still always use a condom to finish. You cannot trust then it with anon.

You’ll be fine. If she was even half-taking it, her e2 and p4 levels would already be abnormal and make conception less likely.

If the slim chance she’s is pregnant, there are ingredients you order online to make tea to induce premature labor. You can also order the abortion pill from Mexico, but if the run serum tests on her after a miscarriage and it’s positive, they’ll open a case and you could be asked to show your bank statements since you’re easily the most likely suspect. Push comes to shove get a very close friend that she wouldn’t know to purchase it for you, and ask him by phonecall/ in person.

She isn’t pregnant though. Learn next time y tard

>> No.8109313

This. It’s a 1 in 4 chanve of landing in the ovulatory period. Then it’s another roughly 20% chance as ovulation is only around 24 hours. That’s 5%.

That in combination with her half assed contraceptive influences hormone levels, you’ll be fine

>> No.8109324

*is essentially. The morning after pill is

>> No.8109330


I had a gf who was always unhappy with my using condoms because she said it "made her feel like I didn't trust her to get an abortion". Had about 8 scares with that crazy bitch. She was making it up every single time. Would always tell me she had a positive test, then avoid doing one so I could see, or if she did it came out negative.

>> No.8109350


My gf would never get an abortion. She’s far too emotional. Marriage, mortgage, kids. Get any 2 of those chains and you are grounded for life and your freedom every is gone. Not worth it till you’re ready.

>> No.8109364

Also that is fucking insane. If a girl ever did a fake scare with a test, I would leave straight away. Sorry you had to deal with that anon.

>> No.8109438

It stay Alive inside yet for up to 48hrs

>> No.8109444

Just slip the B plan pill in a bottle of coke or alchohol.

Don't let the whore steal your resources.

>> No.8109473

oh shit, real science

>> No.8109479


Thanks man. She was my first proper gf so I wasn't sure what I was doing or when it was appropriate to draw a line in the sand and leave.