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File: 1.89 MB, 2160x3840, Screenshot20180303225710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8104336 No.8104336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask anything to a guy that has been eating a single fruit for the past 2 month because everything is expensive where i live

>> No.8104347

sup mangobro

whats for dinner?

>> No.8104372

well surely not mango since I ate the last one

>> No.8104424

Where you live?

>> No.8104439


>> No.8104460

Fugg, sorry you low iq savages voted for communism.

>> No.8104466

nice, just mangoed 100k.

>> No.8104483

how do you feel about the puff vs fox matchup

>> No.8104487

I didn't even voted for any of them, wasn't aware of what was communism when they first elected the first communist president

>> No.8104498

Hbox is gay

>> No.8104534

thats like a lot of mango you could eat your whole life with that

sorry but never played SSBM, never had the privilege to have nice things

>> No.8104545

What is it like OP? If this isn't a larp.

>> No.8104599

It isn't a larp, but >>8104336 please be straightforward. You know you'll post your ETH address later on, just do it now. Some anons might want to send you things, and that's fine, but don't try to just solicit pity, just have a normal thread. People are probably interested in what's really going on in Venezuela.

>> No.8104609

The fruit or the country?

the fruit is super sweet and is the most popular fruit here, is soft when its mature but you would dislike it if you had to eat this shit all the days

if the country you ask, is like living in hell, everything is insecure, if you have to get out of your house to get some shit to eat like me everyday you have to be very cautious on the streets because someone may want to steal something from you, even if is a pennie worth on my exchange

>> No.8104616

Either revolt and kill your leaders, or die trying. Or just die.

>> No.8104625

mangoes are expensive everywhere arent they?

that and avocados are pricy as fuck

>> No.8104630


Where are you getting the mangos?

>> No.8104645

Well yea, it hurts :( here


Im currently saving couple bucks to move on to Peru, I have 25$ already but that isn't enough to survive a couple days outside while I look for a job there

>> No.8104654

I'm actually interested in what's going on in Venezuela.

Have you ever been to US?

Was Venezuela ever wealthy? Or where everyone was doing well?

>> No.8104657

what u talking about? mango season is over for at least 1 month (assuming you own a mango tree like I do since you are a poorfag)

>> No.8104691

>was venezuela ever wealthy..

Nigga, there's more oil in maduroland than in the whole middle east and they still managed to fuck up bc democracy, gibe me thats and negro brainlets. I live in Brazil and pretty much the whole continent will go to the shitter in 10 years tops

>> No.8104692

If I could afford a GOOD awp to do it I would have done this 3 years ago for now I just have in mind that buying that may be impossible for me, so now I just can save money to get out of here as soon as I can on bus

Yes outside here it may be expensive, but here on my country is the most typical fruit and there are trees of this everywhere

from some trees near here, just a couple blocks of my house (5 min)

>> No.8104716

cross the border to Brazil.. ppl here actually like venezuelans. We had a recent influx of haitians though and one of them burned a whole venezuela family with a molotov not long ago.

>> No.8104721

Do you randomly shit yourself while out in public due to your fruity diet?

>> No.8104727

So what is going on politically? I understand there was a socialist government that fucked the oil industry but what is happening now? Is it the same guys in power.

>> No.8104730

No, never, I lost my father couple years ago so for now It has been only my mother and me, and we were poor since ever because my father ruined us wasting everything on alcohol, the country went to hell 4 years ago and now the month salary here is less than 10 bucks

this is not true you can see there is one on my picture, there are a shit ton on mango trees near here

>> No.8104764

FYI: this guy does this thread multiple times a week. Last time people googled his address and realized he runs pajeet Twitter scams. Then somebody said they gave him $20 the day before but he was on biz again saying he had no money. It's the same story. One piece of bread in a fridge, and mangos. People are dumb if they give you money.

>> No.8104769

true. the mango season is over, where the fuck are you getting all the mangos? Also, a single mango tree can't give you enough mangos to sustain yourself for 2 months only eating mangos, it's too much. Latinfag here, I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.8104785

It's fine, he already gave his address out, people know what the goal of the thread is, and they're free to send him stuff if they want to. If half of the story is true, he's just trying to make the best of his situation.

>> No.8104788

I was thinking about this, but I would be too hard for me since i don't know anything of your lenguage, i know it isn't that difficult to learn, but everyone i knew has gone to Peru and they have told me that its good to live there being Venezuelan

One time I almost did, but I have an strong ass so i shitted on the front of my houses door

Yes, the same guys that controls everything, the police, the opposition, the laws, the drug, the mafia, they are literally gods here

>> No.8104798

yup, I own 2 mango tree and when it's season I peel the mangos and freeze them for juice or ice cream. It's the only way to make them las the whole year.

>> No.8104817

It may be over where you live, because there is a zone here with shit ton of trees with mangos

>> No.8104827

You can learn portuguese in 2 months tops if you're not a brainlet and pretty much everybody can understand spanish in roraima and acre states

>> No.8104854

I expected a street shitter, kagels must really work.

>> No.8104890

if you're serious about leaving and are considering moving to a Spanish speaking country then seriously consider changing your accent, go for a neutral one. You guys are hated all over Latinamerica due to the mass migration. I'm not kidding.

Perfect case scenario=focus on getting to x country and practice the accent as much as you can. if you end up in another country keep using the first country's accent.

>> No.8104901

I'll have it in consideration, there is some kind of place where I can sleep if I go to brazil or i'll have to sleep on the streets while I find a job?

>> No.8104945

I've heard that eating mango will make your weed experience much stronger. Is it true?

>> No.8104950

Yes I know this very well, although my accent is already neutral I don't speak like every person here, of course I sometimes say things like "pana" or "coño" a lot but that would be easy to hide

>> No.8104959

How many shits are on your street be honest

>> No.8105005

anon I smoked weed 1 time in my entire life, that was like 3 or 4 years ago, and I didn't smoked it while eating mango, but some friends of mine has done that and they say that indeed it makes it much stronger but I personally don't know it, idk how a fruit can get your smoke much stronger to be honest

>> No.8105006

local govt are putting shelters up but most ppl sleep in tents or benches. I live near the border with Uruguay so I can't really tell you anything specific


>> No.8105008

Ever eat a zoo animal?

>> No.8105039

From random homeless people that shit on the streets here? I don't know, maybe like a hundred, my own shit? only 1 and i cleaned it

>> No.8105076

....still practice. The ones I met that claim that have a "neutral accent" don't. Por más neutral que sea siempre tiene un canta'ito.

Something else, it's unbelievable that I gotta say this but remember to not act like a cunt if you go to some other country (talking shit about the country saying yours used to be better, that the country is better just because venezuelans are immigrating into it, that it's ugly, that you guys are saving the country, etc...) a lot of venezuelans do that here and that's mainly why they started to get hate. (some venezuelan friends told me that the ones that do that are from caracas? and that the rest of venezuela hates them too, but still just in case)

>> No.8105106
File: 39 KB, 1000x520, 445622422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic related considered an zoo animal? if yes then..there is your answer

I will try to learn some basic portuguese then, I may consider go there, the main reason I wanted to go to peru is because there is a cousin living there since the last year so he could possibly help me a bit but I don't want to be a problem for him

>> No.8105154

my personality is just normal, I have never been a cunt to anyone, and maybe that is why i got bullied the shit out on school, im just a chilled guy

>> No.8105167

then you'll be fine. gtfo of venezuela asap

>> No.8105169

the link I sent has a video with the most used route and professors for the university are teaching portuguese for free to venezuelans. but expect hardship and think well before doing anything. godspeed anon

>> No.8105168


>> No.8105189


>> No.8105210

i'm sorry anon but you asked it, and i didn't wanted to do it but there wasn't anything else for me to eat at that time

i wish i could do it right now

thank you very much anon

>> No.8105217

W-was it tasty?

>> No.8105237

i'm sorry but with sharpie in da pooper do you mean sharpie on my shit or what?

>> No.8105255

that diet looks a little fruity

>> No.8105279

no it wasn't, it was burned and dry because i fucked up while cooking it on the wood fire

>> No.8105281


>> No.8105315


>> No.8105329 [DELETED] 

it is, I have been eating this shit for so long, can i get diabetes for eating a lot of sweet fruit I wonder?

well if you can help me with something i may deliver because im desperate as hell


>> No.8105365

it is and I've been eating this shit for so long.. can i get diabetes for eating sweet fruit like this, I wonder?

since im desperate as fuck I can deliver if you help me with something 0x204F1f57c606F7d2e3Ca507EaC9A7A753eebc127

>> No.8105380

started to feel like tarzan ? how do you communicate with other mangobros ?

>> No.8105387

Yes fruit has sugar.

>> No.8105390
File: 71 KB, 680x240, fruit_ninja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this diet for sure impacts memory
because you forgot the rules

>> No.8105420
File: 234 KB, 545x530, 1504398693831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a timestamped face pic to prove you're not pajeet and I'll donate $500USD worth of crypto (your choice of token/coin).... no cap

>> No.8105437

this maked me laugh because yes I literally feel like that, we communicate normally like every other person would do

Well.. im fucked

I'm very sorry im breaking the rules but if it makes you feel better i haven't recieved anything and atleast some people have laughed a bit of my life

>> No.8105447

Pretty sure this is the filipino kid from yesterday begging as a spick because it's interchangable.

>> No.8105462

Sorry but if you want to laugh at my face that isn't going to happen, but I can post my id with deleted face with timestamp if you don't believe that im from this country

>> No.8105464

Venezuelan here. Deja de mendigar, deberías estar trabajando en lo que sea o aprendiendo a programar en vez de andar pidiendo plata por acá.
Is this yours also? 0x0083e55a09c18374c33a6A27fE5d795Dafd2EDc4

>> No.8105476
File: 72 KB, 1146x612, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have $400 fuck off.

>> No.8105493

i'm not filipine

I tried but i suck at that, i have a normal job, y no no es mio, ojala fuera mio

>> No.8105526

if you're not blind this is my address that I have posted here 0x204F1f57c606F7d2e3Ca507EaC9A7A753eebc127 not that one if I had that much I wouldn't be here on the first place

>> No.8105529
File: 102 KB, 800x800, knee-pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might need to suck something else then.

>> No.8105542
File: 70 KB, 559x836, 1504538985680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a webm doing a quick walkthrough of all the rooms in your living area and I'll send you $1000USD worth of crypto no cap

>> No.8105577

Is venezuelan whore any good?

>> No.8105582

I know that you trying to do but is not going to work

>> No.8105604

Yeah and all the ETH you get there gets sent to the other address.

You have a "begging" wallet and a main wallet.

>> No.8105609

The most expensive ones that are worth 50$+? I don't know, never had one before but they look good

>> No.8105630

Yea of course, whatever you say anon if that lets you sleep today, that address is mine 100% then

>> No.8105648

Post pic of venezuelan thot.

>> No.8105665

You're so fucking pityful. Every response of your's is trying to be manipulating. Even pajeets are better scammers than you.

>> No.8105708
File: 108 KB, 456x810, 1504269081373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were actually poor and desperate you wouldn't say no to easy money, especially if you can remain anonymous while doing it. You really expect anyone to believe that you can eat roadkill and pet lizards but have too much dignity to post proof of your poorness on 4chan? Good scam, mango-pajeet. I'm sure you'll trick some redditors.

P.S. by "good scam" I really mean "terrible scam". You can really tell that you're from a 3rd world shithole because only you guys are invalid enough to think this would trick anyone

>> No.8105729

Can I post my room for free money?

>> No.8105735
File: 68 KB, 425x638, r522443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course dude, im that one that is holding 400$ for month's while eating shitty fruit every fucking day, im such a great scammer

>> No.8105764

post video of poor home and get 1000$ what the fuck is wrong with you

pajeet shit eater

>> No.8105767

I know thay you're Venezuelan and I know what you trying to do, If you actually would give someone 1000$ for a walkthrough then send half and im 100% doing it, you may just want to have my face and video to post it on socials media or pages like reddit, im not dumb

>> No.8105784

what a body

>> No.8105798

do you actually think he's giving me 1000$ for that? he obviously not, if he can give atleast half or 100$ to start with i would 100% do it but otherwise he just want videos and my face to post it elsewhere

>> No.8105850
File: 80 KB, 686x689, 1519781822117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I traced the ETH going into and out of that adress...this roody poo has more money than me...

>> No.8105858

Just have a piece of paper always visible in the shot saying
> this is 7rx+S8MQ on /biz/
> video proof only for biz thread 8105767
> March 4, 2018
And just move the paper around in the shot so it's hard to edit out.
And never show your face.
I'd do it if it was me, seems to be a risk-free request (just hide beforehand anything that can dox you like IDs).

>> No.8105869

I meant biz thread 8104336
I can't read

>> No.8105928

Alright, sure

Yea but notice that he wants my face and then he ask for a whole walkthrough of my house, then he says that im faking to be poor but then just affirms that im poor, like im not even that dumb

are all from where I live trying to say that THAT is my address and that I have 500$+ which is fucking retarded because If I had 500$ saved on crypto I wouldn't be in here right now

>> No.8105936

I gave a coworker whose family is stuck in Venezuela $200 a couple weeks ago and they got like 24 million bolivares. How much did that help them?

>> No.8105947

fuck off pajeet rakesh

>> No.8106047
File: 445 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot20180304010309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you helped them for a whole month or two if they know how to save money anon you're a good person


>> No.8106323

If you post a picture of a room in your house with that timestamp I'll send you $10

>> No.8106342

That's just voyeurism.

>> No.8106366


This can't be true. I love mangoes but wtf aren't they slightly laxative? You probably have runny shit constantly

>> No.8106466

>excuse me doctor, I think I have runny shit
any fruit in very high amounts can cause
>runny shit
just ask some of your vegan friends

>> No.8106604
File: 394 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot20180304014600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, thank you if real

yes, but its what i have to eat now

>> No.8106791

Ok this is good honesty. That's a lot of shits.
Here is my next question: why mango? Do you get tired of mango? Does it affect your mental focus?

>> No.8106806
File: 186 KB, 603x600, myroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's room sharing time pic related is my room

>> No.8106814

Is that storage room or some shit?

>> No.8106853

Nice Photoshop fag

>> No.8106857

mango are expensive bro

>> No.8106871
File: 1.21 MB, 2329x2847, 67507702_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yukari Yakumo is guaranteed to bring success

>> No.8106878

Because here on my country there is a lot of trees is the most typicall and cheap fruit here, yes it does because im not eating anything else than this

AND, i figured out why everyone thinks that this >>8105476 is my address, basically I got some ethereum from a friend from USA and I sold it LONG time ago on localethereum for money because I needed it for some medicines, and I was thinking about of why this people are trying to say that im a scammer so hard, that was the guy who i sold the eth on that page... jesus

your room(basement) is good

>> No.8106893

... I really hope this isn't real for your own sake. Regardless some waste of sperm has to live like that it's just sad

>> No.8106903
File: 64 KB, 640x330, Mangos-1-640x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe in your country, here is one of the most cheap fruit if not the most cheap of all because there are a shit ton of trees

>> No.8106975

I swear this guy has made almost 10 million dollars just by emptying his fridge and posting the pics of it on the internet, sasuga manipulative baboon

>> No.8106991
File: 82 KB, 523x523, my_passports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's for real, here are my passports
send me Link

>> No.8107007

yes anon you're right im posting this on my lambo while eating caviar with gold, yuhuuu

>> No.8107012
File: 295 KB, 1024x886, jews_organ_trafficking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dirty piece of shit kike.

>> No.8107028

what's your skin color?
know your ancestry?

>> No.8107043

White, european

>> No.8107054

no spic admixture?

>> No.8107055

woah, fellow white person, no need for anger,
please stop spreading fake news

>> No.8107083

well, no, i was born in here but both my parents were from EU(spain)

>> No.8107090

can you remigrate back?

>> No.8107119

Ask yourself why he conveniently avoids showing skin, he's just a thieving chimp

>> No.8107122

I can? yes
do i have the money? no

>> No.8107136

pics of your arm with the timestamp

>> No.8107172

if you make your begging thread every weekend it kind of loses its meaning. i hope you die venezolano de mierda. anda a mendigat en la calle

>> No.8107173
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot20180304023916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8107191

>everyone that has ever ask for help here has to be you because i say so


>> No.8107198
File: 50 KB, 650x431, 1519803028037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fucking called it

>> No.8107217

what are you going to say now? that I photoshoped my skincolor in 0,5 secs?

>> No.8107220

fuck off thieving baboon

>> No.8107243

Hahaha okay, thanks for proving you have no more arguments and that you're going to spit nosense till the end because you're a trash person

>> No.8107265

>trash person
>Says the guy who makes a living scamming donations
No seriously fuck off to reddit you monkey you can make more money out of your fake sob stories

>> No.8107274

por que no pones la direccion de eth que usabas en twitter para estafar imbeciles como la semana pasada? oh right, because everybody called you out and you stopped posting but learned your mistake. kill yourself. begging is against global rules.

>> No.8107295

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8107526

looks comfy to me

>> No.8107684

>posts every weekend asking for money
>post same pictures of fridge
>ETH address are tied to pajeet tiered twitter fake vitalik scam
>ETH address has over $400 in it, but you're to dumb to understand how its possible how we saw that
>tards give you money everytime you post this, but somehow every time you're starving to death

Did I miss anything?

>> No.8107731

Some idiot just gave him $30

>> No.8107949
File: 18 KB, 964x294, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where it all began for Begging Bernardo


>> No.8108038

I may as well start begging too. People gave him money even after it was a verified scam.

Guys send me .2 ETH and ill send you 1 back, first 10 people or else ill send it back.

>> No.8108177
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1517043102068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ANOTHER Venezuelan begging thread

>> No.8108241

"Venezuelan poor Anon" is the new "Nigerian prince"
look at my posts, it's easy to photoshop time stamp with free software, you don't even need to buy a fake passport

>> No.8108269

Dumb faggot went into hiding

>> No.8109092

I am fucking dying. Some fucktard actually sent him 0.03eth and this "Venezuelan anon" didn't even speak Spanish. Kek

This is 3rd or 4th vene anon this month. Just ban them