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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8098377 No.8098377 [Reply] [Original]

>Are you growing mentally tired of all the Chainlink forums on this board ?
>Are you sad you didn't get in on the absolute bottom
>Do you like to fuck shit up ?

If any of above 3 links to you.
Well, here's to you lads.

Today, 03-03-18 marks the day of the beast, the start of a new era where we mighty fine warriors go onto battle and slay the Great-Unclean-one, also known as Sergey.

Along this journey you won't find too many friends, nah. Many you've regarded allies will try and disperse you from your chance to ultimate riches. Many of whom sadly brothers you've grown up amongst.
These who try to diffuse you from your higher goal are trolls however, stinky linkies.

Not to worry, their IQ is low and they are easily offset, you belong to a higher order then them.

We are here to create the biggest sequence of FUD ever recorded in the cryptosphere, and we are to take down LINK by it.

All misformed Sergey pictures, All greasy /biz/ Chainlink threads, All obscure Sergey greentexts, All crude chainlink YT vids.
All & everything which unethical has been created in glory of Chainlink.

Let's release it, release it to the world, to their partnerships, to the news, to all who wants to watch. This is the mission lads, the holy mission.


>> No.8098536

funny how no one cares
OPs audience: pic related

>> No.8098561

Seargant reporting in sir

>> No.8098597
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I've seen many a thread of people vaguely pointing towards the wall that has to be broken down.

Let us cleanse this board from the rats that are infesting it.
This is our kingdom and we shall take it back.

The reason we chose your queen is for no other reason then the content you have all contributed.

you lay the dynamite, we ignite it and dance amidst the rubble in the flames

You are but a mere filth invested linktroll, begone Hedge-born

>> No.8098646

Welcome back Sergeant Althalos , bringer of breath and bearer of the sword Forthwind.

May you bellow roar and thunder upon our enemies.

>> No.8098815

Many Linkers are proven veterans of the Great Meme Wars of 2016. You clearly dont realise which forces you are trying to fuck with here. Stop before its too late or we will spam this board to death. You have seen NOTHING yet when it comes to LINK spam.

>> No.8098891
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It may appear that by targeting the Unclean one and thereby it's following of loiter-sacks.

It is enjoyment i perceive by targeting the mentally challenged.

This however, couldn't be further from the truth.
The good is greater then a mere ego-stroke,
The greater good is a wave of fud created unbeknownst to mere mortals.

We are 4chan, these are our roots, this is what we kick back on. It's as natural as the majority of this board enjoying tendies

>> No.8098913
File: 394 KB, 1000x440, 1519010468355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are 4chan
>reddit spacing all over the place

>> No.8098932

For the finger you point, one points back.
That which you have created, you shall also destroy. Unbeknownst or known, that is up to your IQ

>> No.8099004

>i sense.. angst.

Have no fear, wanderer of Shitcoins.
Merely because i've finished highschool, i pose no threat to your kind.

>> No.8099268

May this message fall upon ears of all ye who yearn towards a brighter future and are determined/up in arms to do so.
let these basic bitches be set as an example.

Be a lion, or be one of the bb's.
The choice has always been yours