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8097933 No.8097933 [Reply] [Original]

Are there exchanges which still haven’t listed link? Can someone make a list please. Then we can go down the list and find the coin request form for each one. We can try various Chinese ones and Korean ones too. We can get some copypasta translated.

Basically we need to get organised about this shit and since no one else seems to be doing it I will do it myself.

>> No.8097949


>> No.8097962

this fucking cope. anon you're fudding harder than you can imagine right now

>> No.8097988

Yes well maybe you could find their email address for this sort of stuff and share it here because I’m not a coinbase user and then some anon could write a chainlink pitch which everyone could modify slightly and send

>> No.8098030

Post this on linkTrader. They are a bit more organized there. 4chan artists are only good for memes and digging up secret info

>> No.8098047

If link is added to some quite big exchanges due to this thread I think the price will go up.

>> No.8098070

Maybe you could post it on linktrader for me since I don’t have a reddit account

>> No.8098111

Take it to linktrader I’ll help there. Autists will just ruin it

>> No.8098181

I don’t have a reddit account

>> No.8098249

fuck off faggot link will take off just fine without your autism

>> No.8098273


>> No.8098281

also stop posting link on reddit
those retards dont deserve link

>> No.8098298

Good idea, its over manipulated

>> No.8098323

BTW Op typically they only accept nominations or applications for listings from dev teams.

>> No.8098336

This kind of complacency is going to kill this coin. Do not listen to this person and people like him

>> No.8098345


>> No.8098351

>digging up secret info
let me correct you. What you mean to say is they are good at being gullible and tricking retards to buy trash

>> No.8098352

Then you don’t want to actually hustle. Someone’s already on it though

>> No.8098374

They won’t ignore hundreds of emails

>> No.8098379

Why bother, no one gives a damn about link other than the couple dozen autists here.

They announced alpha and all that happened was a pnd.

>> No.8098380
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>> No.8098413

Why isn’t it on bittrex? Any reason?

>> No.8098436
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>> No.8098452

Twitter campaign too

>> No.8098601

Spam newspapers and tv news channels with emails about chainlink (bitcoin 3.0)

>> No.8098619

I know a couple people in local tv. I’ll give it a try

>> No.8098623
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>already on binance
>thinking fucking bittrex will make a difference

Just sell and forget about it

>> No.8098669

It will make a difference. Not everyone is a fucking eager newfag with a binance account.

>> No.8098675

you clearly dont know enough about chainlink if you honestly believe that

>> No.8098688

Its not on kucoin

>> No.8098724

No one knows enough about chainlink. That’s part of the problem. This board is just idiots meming at each other and no one really discussing the application of it

>> No.8098745

Do they have an email or a coin request url?

>> No.8098748

Sincerely how new are you. It’s been discussed to exhaustion here

>> No.8098804

Almost all of them

>> No.8098807

>he doesn't realize that exchanges have prices they charge to list new coins/tokens
>he thinks they do it for free

>> No.8098861

Nope. If they can profit from fees they will add anything. But western based exchanges need the Devs permission to list a coin or token. Binance just doesn't give two Fucks. If it were up to Sergey Chainlink would have remained in Etherdelta.

>> No.8098896

W need whales on this shit not reddit. Only thing that will bring them in is more news.
Crypto is a market where everyone wants to get rich quick, Link is dropping because its a long term hold that hasn't had news in a week(eternity in crypto time)

>> No.8098939

that was when binance was new and unknown. now they charge a fuckload for a new listing.

>> No.8098976

Not very new at all. And I haven’t seen anything spectacular

>> No.8098994

Binance is krill central. If you want whales you need oldschool exchanges like poloniex and bittrex.

>> No.8099104

Then I guess we’ve been seeing different threads