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File: 773 KB, 740x646, Crypto is kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8092473 No.8092473 [Reply] [Original]

The UK is going to ban cryptocurrency.

Get out now. This is not a drill.

>> No.8092484

thanks just sold all my stack, you saved me OP

>> No.8092493
File: 1.00 MB, 1132x588, PONZIYO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8092501

you mean those dumbfucks who voted themselves out of the European union?

yeah, they can keep crashing their economy I dont really give a fuck lol

>> No.8092505
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x1333, abo-wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me smart n sheeeeet

>> No.8092508

Who gives a shit

>> No.8092517
File: 398 KB, 696x655, ahnjny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over, sorry guys.

>> No.8092525

buy signal.

normies fall for it though. if they believed BTC would fail they would have no need to care about it

>> No.8092540

"UK Secretary"

This is not her title. She is not in power

>> No.8092542

No-one listens to Abbot, she's a bag of wind with no real nous for numbers or technology.

>> No.8092555

>buy signal.
the fact that you are the only person, all day, pointing this out, proves to me a major BTC move is about to go down...


>> No.8092557

Nobody cares.

>> No.8092561

nobody cares about this ape looking fuck

diane abbott

i'll drive my car straight through her front room and crush her kids

>> No.8092572

not at all surprising coming from a country that banned knives

>> No.8092588

OP you spastic, she is the SHADOW Seceratry, aka what she says means fuck all. remind me when the next elections is oh yer 4 years. Fuck off

>> No.8092595

She has a point. If everybody used BTC the true value would be around 1000usd. Why? Because its now being used rather than acting as a speculative asset. Same shit happens with everything

>> No.8092596


She's not even in government and has no say whatsoever. Additionally, she's generally regarded as a laughingstock in Westminster and her opinions are never taken seriously.


>> No.8092597

Easy Mohammed. I’m glad you’re on our side but calm down.

>> No.8092602

more like diane abo

>> No.8092604
File: 6 KB, 232x217, more-abo-priate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some one should regulate the fuck out of creatures like that. jesus fuck the state of it

>> No.8092618
File: 171 KB, 506x453, tumblr_oqoefr6hLW1t1cnbqo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better bin the bitcoins, Britcucks. Don't want to hurt anyone now.

>> No.8092637


Diane Abbo is a fucking retard token politician, someone needs to remind her of that

>> No.8092661

I’m holding until someone of real power effects this market.

>> No.8092679

Diane Abbott has about 0 say on cryptocurrency policy. This is safe to ignore.

>> No.8092685


>member of opposition, not even the leader, says something


>> No.8092684
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>> No.8092687


>> No.8092713

I'm convinced they aren't human, they branched off at some point a couple million years ago and just stopped evolving. Jesus Christ.

>> No.8092738

shes right, though...

>> No.8092743


>> No.8092746


>> No.8092770

She is a shadow secretary she has no real power whatsoever

>> No.8092783

>have some UK money
>someone tells me its unusable now and nobody will take it
>look up website
>mfw its true, I have to mail it in to the central bank or physically exchange it in london

get your shit together bonglanders

>> No.8092786

The whole thing? The whole what would collapse? What is she talking about? How do you regulate bitcoin? Its like regulating the properties of gold. Does she think the government can alter physics?

>> No.8092802

how the fuck did this thing even become an elected official wtf.

>> No.8092875

>Diane Abbott also tweeted that one of the lessons to be learned from the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire is that “fire puts out water”
>Abbott once suggested that her party would be able to hire 10,000 people for the UK police at a total cost of £300,000

yeah this woman seems 100% credible on this too lmao

>> No.8092928
File: 434 KB, 696x748, 1502357780385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could go back to the 1930s and show britain what they would look like in the 2000's if they don't side with the Nazis. We'd be living in a very different world if the jew-cucked USA and brits had sided with the good guys

>> No.8092950

>British wallet
>the currency inside is US Dollar


>> No.8093008
File: 75 KB, 400x452, Prince Charles 'Nam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't count and has early stage dementia. She was removed from campaigning by her own party, in last election. Extreme embarrassment. If she ever gets into power we've way bigger problems than a crypto ban.

>> No.8093044

She isn't wrong. Bcash would work though.

>> No.8093070
File: 341 KB, 1080x816, Screenshot_20180302-215553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't have taken much for history to be much different, the US was an inspiration for Hitler's application of racial theories as America's "one drop policy" allowed them to avoid the mestizo/zambo mutt mixture which arised in practically every other country in the Americas. And had the rightful King not stepped down because he wanted that commoner yank pussy, Britain would've been on the right side of the conflict.

Had Hitler been able to stall a little longer Spain would've been able to help in the war as well... their Nacionales soldiers were battle-hardened after two bloody conflicts, the Moroccan War and the Spanish Civil War, they were no longer the pussified military that got their asses handed to them in the Spanish-American War.

>> No.8093088

I don't think they should have sided I think they should have settled. Maybe then "The empire" could have also concieved of better relations with the other nations within it's control and acted as a central administration for the improvement of quality rather than this race to the bottom "Cold War" shit.

>> No.8093153

completely underrated

>> No.8093168

If they ban it, BTC will only grow stronger, so they won’t do that.

>> No.8093477


>> No.8093535

The UK is too busy with Brexit to spend any meaningful time regulating crypto

>> No.8093536

Diane Abbott? DIANE ABBOTT?

Time to get into crypto as fast as you fucking can. She is the very definition of moron, ESPECIALLY when it comes to numbers and finances. She is legit stupid, IQ probably about 80, and has a job as an MP because she's black.

>> No.8093576

reminder that the /pol/ corbynista 'lexiters' want diane fucking abbot in government

>> No.8093659

>Use bitcoin
Fucking normies

>> No.8093807

>DIane Abbo(tt)

>> No.8093820

Why is this dumb fucking brainlet still employed?

>> No.8093969

>Diane "blood of white children must flow through our refineries" Abbott

She's a blessing in disguise though, it's loons like her and the other stalinists surrounding Corbyn what keeps him from being elected.

>> No.8095123

Actually she's the very bitch that got antique swords banned on ebay.co.uk because of her fear that her genetically related inner city youth constituents were stabbing each other with screwdrivers and might mv to stabbing each other with expensive 200 year old antiques instead. She was so keen on screwdriver stabbings she even banned folding lock knives to preserve the tradition of screwdriver stabbings amongst her beloved inner city youth whom she work to shower with employment benefits and drug clinics where they may stab each other

>> No.8095214


You're partly right. Whites and Asians have Neanderthal DNA at around 1-4%, while Abos and Papua New Guineans etc have a high level of Denisovan DNA which was another hominid species intermixed and died out.

Blacks have no Neanderthal DNA at all and instead are mixed with a yet to be discovered archaic hominid species which does not occur in the DNA profiles of any other races.

>> No.8095741
File: 53 KB, 957x621, 1517622016379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worthless piece of shit crypto news sites, all of them are junk no exceptions. I do not know who owns or editing them but my guess is some third world based pajeets.

>> No.8095853

fucking hell she's so ugly

>> No.8095889
File: 1.39 MB, 1136x640, 448BDE61-0565-403B-9617-822DEE2A94DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol britbongs gonna be trying to catch up, rest of the world is laughing.

>Abdul gave me my cuck allowance but now I can’t do what I want with it. Oh well chip cup cheerio stiff upper lip!