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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 545x545, xrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8089974 No.8089974 [Reply] [Original]

FUD me on this shitcoin. I've been watching it since December but never bought any. Considering selling ICX and VEN and buy this

>> No.8089980

Unironically going to pull a NEO

>> No.8090100

Pretty much antshares neo 2018 edition. Rebrand to nano with the bitgrail FUD.. dropped from 35 to 7 dollars... will be triple digits eoy. Charlie Lee even owns nano when it’s his competition... he doesn’t even own any litecoin cuz he sold it all

>> No.8090114

This already 100xd...

>> No.8090113

I said to FUD me the coin. Everyone already knows these reddit facts faggot

>> No.8090124

Most coins in top100 100xd

>> No.8090136

>no miners
>no stakers

This centralized piece of shit is not money

>> No.8090152

Much easier to fud you on icx and ven... Dyor

>> No.8090158

Very overvalued now. Normies FOMO’d in last week and now they’re slowly getting dumped on
I’d get in around 10k sats/$11

>> No.8090162

bitgrail hack is enough to know this POS is WAY overvalued

want me to fud the other two as well? kek

>> No.8090216

Bahahaha at least ven has a real life use case and isn’t claiming to be money while at the same time failing the basic test of what is decentralized money. All these people turning ok ven are out of their minds. Decentralized authentication would be worth trillions in savings on antitrust and royalty report litigation each year. Ven is so much better than some centralized currency that happens to be fast. Usain volt runs fast that doesn’t mean he is a basketball player.

>> No.8090246

How is it centralized? Everyone can run a node

How is it "overvalued" It's half of ATH. BTC is making moves to break the downward channel since december so who knows when the next bull run will start

Do you mean cause the hackers dumped their bags?

>> No.8090260

>normie coin overload.
Sure you don't want to sell your XRP and TRON too?

>> No.8090267

Lol it doesn't have more redditors than VEN so don't even try that angle

>> No.8090353

They don’t get any value for running a node. Therefore it was not created in response to supply and demand like properly created money but rather pumped out by a central organization with a certain token count that they chose just because they felt like it. Don’t walk away from this coin. Run

>> No.8090385

>They don’t get any value for running a node.
They keep the network healthy and running, and therefore protect their investment. Would you not pay $5/year to run a node if you had $100k in Nano? I would

>> No.8090398

month* sorry

>> No.8090435


Wait you’re serious


>> No.8090449

great talk tard

>> No.8090475

Poorfag who got bombered here

Do anything to earn back my lowly 300 xrb. Whatever work needs doing

Got an engineering degree and not a pajeet. Holla at me pls senpais


>> No.8090490

>engineering degree
>cares about 300 XRB
you must be a shit engineer

>> No.8090593

retard. enjoy your ven bags
it's not centralized, the fud for it being centralized was from a post that claimed that the team held 51% of the supply but it was back in the day when the project was still in development, they actually hold 5% now and will use it to pay development and new employees. Also the fack that they didn't fork the entire network for the bitgrail scam is enough proof that it isn't run entirely by a single entity like ethereum (dao hack)
also here are all the nodes: http://xrb.network/ and when you open your desktop wallet you become automatically a node but you can still run a node 24/7
the double spending issue was fud to the next level, if any of you faggots claim this then go ahead and print your free money ( it was only a problem in the early stages of the development)
other than this there isn't much to say, the only downtrend is that it serves only as a payment coin, no smartcontranctras or any other use case or whatever but if LTC made it to the top 10 so it can nano
also garry tan and charlie lee endorsed this so this is not your monthly chink scam

>> No.8090604

Dude you need to spend more time reading some Mises or Hayek and then come back here. You aren’t ready for this world yet.

>> No.8090634
File: 17 KB, 542x540, 1515963926478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of pajeets

>> No.8090649

Hey I saw that dabbing by the ven team. It pissed me off for sure but somebody is going to create something that will do what ven is trying to do and that person will create a magical human achievement and make millions. The same cannot be said for the idea behind xrb

>> No.8090663

>the only downtrend is that it serves only as a payment coin
I mean that's pretty big since it does what bitcoin was supposed to do and what msot people expect cryptoCURRENCY to be used as

I still haven't finished reading all the FUD about their consensus mechanism and network protocol, but I feel like they may be some _actual_ vulnerabilities looming. I know there was some reddit wiki with pros/cons that were well referenced but can't find it now. I'm gonna finish the white paper in a bit and I'll search for resources in a bit, but I was hoping people here would explain some reasonable FUD besides retarded >hurrr NOT DECENTRULIZEDDD ENUF

k tard

>> No.8090676

Satoshi was a believer in Austrian economics. Read what his daughter wrote about his beliefs. So is Nick Szabo. If you aren’t in for what Austrian school Econ wants you aren’t white and I’m no pajeet I promise you. Austrians have already won in crypto. You are just living in the world we created. Once blockchain takes over it’s going to be hippity hoppity get off my property for people like you

>> No.8090692

>arguing about history of economic theory like its relevant today
Where do you fags come from?

>> No.8090713

Your post wreaks of newfag.

>> No.8090735

From 4chan at the time when bitcoin was created and before that. This place is mine. It’s always been mine and will always be mine. It is you who are the unwelcome interloper. Anyone unwilling to learn economic theory has no proper place in the investment world.

>> No.8090746
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>> No.8090767

yes i see. after 10 years bitcoin is still a joke and a speculative asset like nothing else
do you have a bachelor degree in economics at least? we studied the austrian school in the history class and that was because of the great deflation and the great depression and basically how it got BTFO by the keynesian economics. there are still valid points there but it's not going to work in the modern society

>> No.8090784

>economic theory
>not history of economic theory
upper-middle class bubble dweller detected.

>> No.8090792

I could show you my resume portfolio and where I work and really hurt your feelings.

>> No.8090811

go ahead brainlet

>> No.8090813

Well if btc is such a massive speculative failure then it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else thinks about it now does it?

>> No.8090829


>> No.8090878

what you think is not what it is also go ahead and hurt my feelings lmao
i really want to see a /bizraeli resume

>> No.8090888

>Selling ICX at current price
Please tell me you also bought it at ATH.

>> No.8090920
File: 213 KB, 1200x935, jt7HGV55beuOaz-72908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me the same for literally any other project on the market and I'll sell my Thunder and go all in.

>> No.8090972

It doesn't matter what price you sell at brainlet. By the time ICX goes up, whatever coin I put my money in will have gone even higher percent-wise

I'm on green anyway

>> No.8090980
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 2206482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>partnership with facebook, Apple, Alibaba and the army of china confirmed.

>> No.8091831

if btc implements lightning network before the next bullrun, nano will be obsolete

only scenario I can think of where this does not go 100x

>> No.8092106

can't even read a price, right now it's at 130K