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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8085736 No.8085736 [Reply] [Original]

here's a little trick for you guys

>go to fast food drive through
>order meal
>'attempt' to pay with dead card
>when it doesn't work, just say say
>'im so sorry! thats all i've got! i dont know why its not working'

50+% of the time they will just give you the meal. especially if its some young girl who's sick of her shift. obviously you cant pull the same trick at the same place too many times you'll have to mix it up a bit, but i havent paid for a lunch in a long time doing this.

t.100k in crypto

>> No.8085748

Thanks just scammed 100k big macs.

>> No.8085752

The only people that matter on here are rich and don't eat shitty fuckin mc goys. Quit giving the pajeets life hacks.

>> No.8085763

What happens the other 50% of the time, poorfag?

>> No.8085768

Ya maybe when I was 18 and actually broke

No adult with money to buy decent food should be scamming drive thru fast food

>> No.8085769

>the absolute state of link holders

>> No.8085776

poverty is a disease

>> No.8085794

they make you pay before you get the meal

>> No.8085795


I do this on Starbucks, just get a gift card and get the balance to 0. They will never not let you keep the drink.

I'm holding 10k in LINK

>> No.8085812

just go to another place, i have a map of places where this works within my vicinity so im not travelling too far. mcdonalds is by far the easiest with 70% success ratio, with KFC being the least respondent

some places do this as i experienced elsewhere but most of the places near me just pay and the window where they give you you're food

>> No.8085820

What are you 16? Or maybe a street shitter? Who the fuck wants to destroy their body with horrific fast food nowadays anyway? Soy tier advice here.

>> No.8085823


Drive Throughs don't do this, I get starbucks and Burgers when it's busy..they make the food before you reach the cashier

>> No.8085838

Rajeesh please go. I will buy your family.

>> No.8085848

Never seizes to amaze me at how cheap rich people can be

>> No.8085851

19 with good genetics so regardless of what i eat i function well, provided i drink enough water throughout the day

i am not sure if this works if you're not good looking by the way, it might require a halo effect

>> No.8085853

Absolute state of biz NEETS
>scamming shit tier food
>food stamps

>> No.8085885

>destroy their body with horrific fast food
>most likely eats red meat
kek u diet-lets are all the same
>nah man I tend to eat pretty healthy
>consumes group 2 carcinogen
>muh canines

>> No.8085912

do you even know what half of those memes you sperged out means, reddit?

>> No.8085918
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>> No.8085928


Now you understand why they are rich

>> No.8085931

this guy probably has a medical condition. you could eat exclusively soy and still be better off no bullshit

>> No.8085968

He does have a medical condition, it's called malnutrition

>> No.8085999

Thanks OP, I've been trying this for the past hour and let's just say that I haven't paid for any of my 10 last meals, he he he...

t. American

>> No.8086007

Lmfao poorfags eating at fast food places still... sad. While you fags eating chicken nuggets I had a nice aged cowboy steak with truffle butter

>> No.8086020

no vitalik is malnourished that guy has progeria or some shit look at that fat chin

>> No.8086027
File: 388 KB, 999x1500, 91029447-7A92-4C97-8222-B99C4F32C6A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It works once, maybe, and results in you being a fucking nigger.

Keep me posted!

>> No.8086042

oh, i leave em dry of sauce. in vietnam mcdonalds has 6sauces, all self serve. so i go drive thru, with a fake ticket i tell them they gave me wrong order, so they give me a fresh combo. then i park my bike just outside, walk in with a bunch of half litre glasses, and fill em up with their bbq sauce, honey mustard, 3different kinds of chilli sauce, and go home with. my frdge is full of free tasty sauces. yes schezuan sauce here is mainstream.
fck corporation, im life hacker boi here

>> No.8086257

Those carcinogens are in burnt meat you fucking brainlet. I cook my meat very lightly, as I do with my pasture raised eggs. I want to keep my T high as fuck unlike you soy eating faggots. You sound like a vegan. Surprised you didn’t say it already.

>> No.8086266

Christ you are such a nigger.

>> No.8086580

a nigger wouldn't be smart enough to hatch a scheme like this

>> No.8086638

bet you invest in mobius dont you you fucking asia nigger. good hustle though i respect it

>> No.8086851

>/biz/ can't even do a budget thread anymore

>> No.8087654

and there are so many starbucks in any given city that you can do this indefinitely

>> No.8087680
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Up to 42 meals now, puked twice, still comfy

>> No.8087689

>being poor in America, the greatest country on the planet
What is your excuse?

>> No.8088236

>have dead card that recently expired
>see this thread
>hmm whynot op can't be that much of a faggot can he?
>Currently in drive thru at mcdonalds
>'i'm so sorryl thats all i've got! i dont know why its not working'
>"That's ok anon let me just go get my manager real quick ill be right back"

OH FUCK /biz/ what do I do it's been like 5 minutes already and I even had enough time to type this all out should I gun it or am I just being paranoid??? What do I do op you didnt prepare me fore this you fucking piece of shit

>> No.8088311


>> No.8088402

>Stealing to save $5.
Shutup poorfag. Its pathetic as hell to do shit like this after highschool.

>> No.8088416

He is LARPing retard.

>> No.8088433

Even in high school, who the fuck was poorfag enough to not be able to afford a fucking burger?

>> No.8088450

Yeah but to like a 15 year old it can be "fun" like stealing from the dollar store or someshit. And when you dont work even part time $5 a day on lunch adds up

>> No.8088720
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OP phoneposting here. about to tuck in, total cost - $0! thank you niave teen girl

>> No.8088741
File: 417 KB, 436x454, A9A85787-6B21-4D4A-B821-11FA90867AEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a (((fellow white person))), an American Jew who uses your high verbal IQ to figure out ways to get free burgers.

>> No.8088757

You are a degenerate who makes other people pay for your food. It’s not free, you are a worthless parasite.

>> No.8088831
File: 7 KB, 446x330, 0D650856-01EB-4C75-8620-B2253285830A-1889-0000029EE82006E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek thanks

>> No.8088853

>Be me
>Late for work and didnt have time to make lunch
>Drop by kfc drive thru and order the big daddy box with a kfc with a drink.
>Usually the price doesnt go past $ 8.00 something, but for some reason they charged me 3 dollars extra in this order.
>Pay for my food and leave.
>Stop by the parking lot to check my order.
> Its missing on of the compliments, the soda taste like toilet water, and gave me the smallest chicken thigh i ever seen.
>Next day, order the same thing, and 20 kfc rollers.
>Remember that I *accidentally* left my moneys at home, and that i was broke atm.

I have nothing but disdain for fast food workers. Fucking scammers everyone one of them, and then whenever news come out about how some fast food worker gets back at one of their customers, they are hailed and paraded as a fucking hero.
Fuck them

>> No.8088891

Can you tell me more about the scheme, how did it go down? They handed you the chicken first? If you couldn’t pay why did they hand you the food? I’m england they would just stare at you until you either pay or leave

>> No.8088951

Nigger confirmmed

>> No.8088997

Op at my computer again. meal was great, just washing it down with a g&t.

basically, you order, you arrive at the pay window which is ALSO the window they hand you you're food. this is a variable that isn't always consistent some places do this some dont. most places within my area only do this. you give them your 'card' and then it wont work(obviously) so you try desperately to get it to work and act embarrassed. then comes the
>im so sorry, i dont have any cash on me, i dont know why its not working!
then she(its almost always a she, success rate is lower with men) will just say 'its okay, just take it'
one of the girls went to me last week
>just take it, i hate this job

>unironically caring about big corporations
>being this weak

so many redditors on /biz/ now. i miss the fun threads

im white boyo, blonde hair blue eyes

>> No.8089005


>Not going to a new food joint with your firms bussiness card and inquiring about a daily lunch meal plan for your company employers.

They let you try anything you want

>> No.8089212
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ok so now i will reveal some more tricks for cheap living. sick of paying for clothes? need fresh socks and underwear? i've had a fresh, free stream of undergarments for almost 10 years now. here's how:

>go to kmart or any big retail shop
>'buy' ps4 xbox one w/e, so yes you will need to front some cash but you'll get it back
>take it back immediately and complain that is has some sort of error and wont work
>they'll try fix it themselves or send it away
>if they 'fix' it themselves, send it back immediately and compain
>this time they'll send it away
>now this process will take time in which you can rightfully declare outrage and demand some sort of compensation
>i have NEVER been rejected compensation for this
>they have always given me a $50 gift card
>spend gift card on whatever clothing or grooming necessities i need
>when the console does come back 'repaired', go back AGAIN complaining its still broken and demand a refund.
>you get the refund
>net profit, $50

i run this little trick every 3-6 months and several supermarkets across town.

>> No.8089396

I just go check out the dumpster at the end of the night and it's full of hamburgers and shit that got dropped on the floor and the other 50% of orders people don't get to keep.
T. Satoshi