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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8085239 No.8085239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

TFW only got 2 nanos all from reddit samaritans sending me nano as payments for doing some menial tasks.


TFW i see their wallets with thousands of nano.

TFW i know nano is the next bitcoin but I can't buy any because i lost the birth lottery and was born on a poorshit Asian country Philippines.

Why is life so unfair biz? Should i just kill myself?

>> No.8085253

Stop making this thread and just do it already. Sage.

>> No.8085255

I'll send you 1 Nano if you put a sharpie in your bum

>> No.8085275

Doesn't have sharpie.

>> No.8085281

Why don’t you do what every other Philippino does and move to a western country and work in nursing, stealing off the elderly and drive a riced out Honda CR-V?

>> No.8085290
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> Thinking a token that literally does nothing except for being fast and instant will takeover bitcoin

>> No.8085297

use your fist instead and ill send 5 nano

>> No.8085300



>> No.8085348

>> Thinking a token that literally does nothing except for being fast and instant will takeover bitcoin
kek tell me what bitcoin offers?

>> No.8085365


I came here looking for people to talk to. Not to be made fun of. ,I'll die anywyay so just enjoy making fun of me.

>> No.8085385
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>fast and instant

>> No.8085400

first mover, name recognition.
I don't care for it but every normie knows BTC but no normies know nano desu.

>> No.8085427

I fucked a bunch of flips in crow valley, good times.

>> No.8085472

Aren't you genetically predisposed to be able to put up with the awful humidity there? That's sort of a win so you can take advantage of the low cost of living.
You sound kinda smart so no, you shouldn't kill yourself.

>> No.8085522

Fuck you begging FAGGOTS

>> No.8085546

It keeps me up at night thinking about my unused potential when I was studying. I was top of the class in highschool but had to do construction work because I had to work to provide food for my old parents. I wanted to be a programmer. But now i only earn less than $10 lifting steel beams and mixing cements and shit. I wanted to dabble in cryptocurrency to havr some extra investment but was too poor to buy any. Fuck.

>> No.8085594


Post pics or gtfo you 14yo

>> No.8085607

I did not beg for my 2 nanos. I dis some translation and beach recommendation for those redditors.

>> No.8085621

this fucking beg post everyday, just get a job.

>> No.8085639

It's this the sissy beggar faggot again
Sage and hide

>> No.8085698

If you're young enough to lift steel beams and you're able to construct proper English sentences like you'e doing you can make something of yourself. Work hard at work because that's free exercise. Get buffed, build up your testosterone, become invaluable to your employer because of what a testosterone enladened stud you are and you're probably make more cash. Take that cash and invest it.
Only pussies give up. The world is full of wealth, just be man enough to go out there and grab some of it by the pussy.

>> No.8085718
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Stick something thick on your asshole with time stamp and I'll give you 4 nano. If you put something small I'll give you 1 nano or 4 ark

>> No.8085784

Making suicidal chinks humiliate themselves for pitiful wages. All we need now is for him to post a pic of his ass with a sharpie in it, and cue the sniff posts. Never change /biz/

>> No.8085805

Holy shit Kababayan. Stop being a whiny faggot. Yes it's very sad that we lost the lottery by being born in this shithole, but fuck the market is still so fresh. There are infinite ways to be filthy rich here. This country is a goldmine waiting to be dug so take this as an advantage and invest.

>> No.8086053

No man. Why do people love degrading other people who suffer? Just enjoy your happy life. Have fun.

>> No.8086087

It's just business fag, be a man and shove something up your poo hole for magic internet money.

>> No.8086090
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Do it or enjoy being poor you cuck.

>> No.8086101

if those ledditors were real sumerians they would have shot you dead for your own good

>> No.8086113

Yeah it's surprising actually. I went here to have people to talk to instead i got rich people make fun of.

Nah. Our country is run by greedy people who doesn't give a fuck about others. It's not a goldmine waiting to be discovered. It's a goldmine that was already wasted and abused by the previous and current administration.

>> No.8086164

No thanks. After i kms you can do whatever you want with my dead body. I'll post in biz before i so it.

>> No.8086181
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Return to leddit you soy boy...Can't even work for your money. Pathetic

>> No.8086197


How much ether do you need to prevent you from doing this?

>> No.8086238


What's your price OP? You are a beggar and I am a generous /biz/rali. I came to help you earn crypto fast but you decline.

>> No.8086251

I actually plan to just jump on our construction site next wednesday so at least when i die the company will pay my parents some money. Gotta make my death useful for them at least.

>> No.8086252

>I dis some translation
>I dis

Faggot tier

>> No.8086263

Why don't you teach English in the Philippines?

>> No.8086287

I don't know. Any amount would buy me some time because I won't have to think about what to eat the next day. But suicidal thoughts is a disease it feels like. It lingers

>> No.8086291

Shhh. Less sass, more ass

>> No.8086321

I don't have a price. As i said degrading me for money won't help. Just opens my eyes on the reality that no one is there to look out for you. People just want to take advantage of the less fortunate while feeling all goody goody for themselves.i don't wanna hate you anon because i don't know you personally but i hope next time if you have nothing good to say to less fortunate people, just ignore them. As if we don't have it so bad already.

>> No.8086337

Can't teach anything without a degree because fuck having actual skills if you don't have that precious paper called diploma.

>> No.8086342

If you don't stick 3 lucky bamboos in your butt to stay alive, you were gonna an hero anyway. You never posted pics LARP.

Fake and gay.

>> No.8086359

I will stick anything you want in my ass for crypto. Show these whining gook fucks how real businessmen roll.

>> No.8086383

No. You're making fun of my situation. What pic are you talking about?

Lucky you have a good life.

>> No.8086387

Holy fucking shit anon can't you fucking see it's your own cuck mentality that is stopping you from achieving anything ? Disregard the sharpie /biz/ faggts you general attitude towards life is what's keeping you from making it.

>> No.8086439

>too prideful to earn crypto

Strange place to be in.

>> No.8086444

Mentality? Huh. I guess it'd all my fault to be born into a poor family. I guess it's my mentality that made me sign up for a construction job instead of applying for a office job, right anon? It's all about my mentality and outlook in life right? Because having a positive outlook in life will magically make me earn more than 8 dollars daily and give me the needed requirements for a decent job. Right anon. It's my cuck mentality. How did i not know that earlier?

>> No.8086491


I'll sleep for now. Have a good life. I will update on Monday.

>> No.8086496
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>bad choices I made
>gonna kill myself instead of getting nano

>> No.8086571

>Nah. Our country is run by greedy people who doesn't give a fuck about others. It's not a goldmine waiting to be discovered. It's a goldmine that was already wasted and abused by the previous and current administration.
>letting the government dictate your life
Not with that attitude. If the shitty chinks can do it, why can't you? This is your country nigger. Once again, there are lots of ways to make money here. Welcome to capitalism. You're treating this country like it's run by commies and shit. Hell even the stock market is left untouched since a lot of Filipinos are overwhelmed by it. Invest. Do it my man.

>> No.8086635

Yes fggt that's absolutely right. You have access to all of human knowledge at the tip of your fingertips and you choose to complain on a shitpost forging forum instead of educating yourself. Here's what you do:
> Start learning programming.
> Write some software and put it in a public repo.
> Go apply for job as a programmer.
This is one option.There are literally million of options that you can choose from. I am from Romania and i probably had a more fucked up life then you. There where times when i had nothing to eat and now i am an electronics engineer making nice bucks. I also worked in construction and it got me trough the day. Hard job that made me harder all the anger i accumulated in that time i used it to educate myself and push harder on my goals.

>> No.8086636

Nobody give this stinking gook beggar so much as a NGR.

>> No.8086648


anon, i ll give you an advice and hope you learn something from it. i am a pajeet and i have seen worst of my life, i was a homeless in my country, a position you cant even believe, my parents thought that if i would go to school then i could be at some respectable position someday. i literally hate my childhoood and never wanted it back because i remember how painful it was. Cut to today, I am living a comfortable life in burger land, thank to all the efforts i put in.. i have money in crypto but fuck all this if you do not have the source to push money in here.. strive and work hard, set some goals for yourself, earn some money and invest sharply.. it will take time but you will get the worth of it.. there is no limit to what a human mind can do

>> No.8086663

* human will

>> No.8086667

As i've said i wanted to invest in crypto but i earn about 8.5$ a day. And all of that goes to food and bills. If i have money i would've invested without anything.

Also, if i wanted to do sideline jobs, i can't. I'm a stay in construction worker so our lives are bound by the compound we're living in. If i got money or anything, i would surely invest but in my current situation all money i earn is spent asap or we die of hunger or have our electricity and water cut off.

So yea. Fuck this life shit.

>> No.8086686

you're really bad at picking out places to do things on. 4chan is for making fun of, especially /biz/.

>> No.8086691

What exactly do you do in construction ? what is your exact job ?

>> No.8086697

and one more thing, never ever degrade yourself to doing things like people suggest in here. sharpie in the pooper hole or shit like that. you may be poor but if you do it, you chose to do it and you are to be blamed for it. nobody pushed you into doing it. the circumstances could be against you but it is you how you chose to make the best out of it

>> No.8086719

How are you able to come to burgerland? It has always been my dream to work in the US. Even as a construction worker or burger flipper. I don't care. I just want to leave this country and work for a country full of opportunities like america. That was somewhat inspiring anon. If I could go to america to work right now, i may have some actual reasons to live.

>> No.8086762

I do all around construction things. Depends on the need. When starting, i build the scaffoldings, next stage of building we need to dig for foundations, so i dig, next we need cement, so i mix cement, next we need to set the roof, i go up to build the roof. Anything, except painting. I'm shit at painting.

Yea, i'm already poor and will die anyway, might as well die with dignity knowing that i did not shove.things up.my butt for rich bullies on the internet.

>> No.8086773

Fuck off white knight reddit boy, stop interfering with market forces. He can make his own mind up about poo-hole sharpie pictures.

>> No.8086783

mate, if i tell you my story you would cry yourself to sleep for weeks so i would spare that. just the only thing i told you before, there is no limit to your potential if you could push yourself further? May I ask you how old you are? I am pushing 30 right now and it took me 3 years to prepare myself to be in a position to come here in burgerland and earn something that is more than what average person earns in here. just today i went out to a bar with my waifu and was billed for more than $100 for some drinks. i tipped $30 above that. i felt so liberated, i could never spend this much money in my life had i been in my own country

i just ask you to have that zeal, age doesnt matter, you just need to have the ambition, set a goal around it.. keep a time frame.. you might not be here next year but set a goal for 3 years maybe.. and who knows, we could be having drinks together in 2022

>> No.8086832

Christ almighty you fucking fuck, no-one is bullying you. It's a simple transaction, post pics of your butt hole with a sharpie jammed up it, and you get money. Rich bullies, wrong. This is /biz/ trying to help you- not with a handout, which is demeaning, but with paid employment. If you would rather be a beggar with no honour than an erotic model for tasteful artistic photographs, then I'm not suprised your country is a third world shithole. Everyone must be waiting for the free money while they turn down jobs.

>> No.8086839


fuck you faggot, i am more of 4chad you could ever be. it is not about being a white knight but when i see somebody being degraded like this, i cant control myself. i have been called pajeet a million times and i dont care because i am a pajeet, nothing would change that. but i tip more than you do, i do more for the burgerland society than you do, i am more inclined to building a better society around myself than you could ever be. it is all because i have been through situations you could never even imagine about

>> No.8086858

Damn. You are inspiring actually. $30 for tip? Do you have any work that i can do online? I'll happily work for you and be paid in crypto.

It's saturday here so i can fo some tasks freely today.

I'm 23 right now. Been working in construction for 6 years. I also would love to be free from poverty. I sure hope to live like you anon. Must be nice.

>> No.8086861

I think he has the commie mentality.He will be the first to join a commie revolution and try to rob all the working people if he had the chance.

>> No.8086896


>> No.8086903

You sound so weak. You're a soy boy so why don't you take hormones and become tranny prostitute? You might even marry a homo in the US who wants a tranny waifu

>> No.8086904

I may be poor but i never stole a cent from anyone in my life. Money doesn't buy values. That's evident here in biz because apparently, having money makes some people heartless that they go on to make degrading request to poor people online.

>> No.8086928

Poor brown people should fuck off and get rich, or die and stop using resources. There's enough pajeets in the world without paying them to live.

>> No.8086943

Shut up. You're all talk but surely you're a lanky teenager acting all tough in biz because you got crypto wealth. Hope you're happy being a bully.

>> No.8086945

when i was 23, i was not doing anything. i took a year to learn programming and didnt have sleep for more than 4 hours a day for a whole year because i didnt have time. fuck, i cant sleep more than 4 hours today and my parents and wife think something is wrong with me but they dont know that this is my life now. it took me 8 years to be where i am right now.

i know your job is more demanding being in a construction but it is not necessary that you have to be in US to be successful, PH is a great place, although your prez is a bit whack but that is fine. you could look into other places, Australia/NZ are good places, look in there. Canada is one great of a place, i myself will move there in 3-4 years.

i do not have an assignment and $30 isnt worth that.. i can send you that amount but do you think it is worth it? would you want people to think you did all this for $30?
if it doesnt matter to you, post your NANO id and i'd send 2 more for your worth $30 but think again, is it worth it?

>> No.8086991

Save what you can on those $10 you have no matter how low it is. If your contract is done, find a better paying job if possible and as usual save. Take away your cuck mentality replace it with a better one. Yes, positive thinking doesn't change anything IF you don't do anything. Action w/ positive thinking should co-exist and is very important. Manage your time well. Better spend your time learning a new skill rather than self-loathing here. Take any chances that would improve your life more(except whoring yourself) rather than what your life is now. I know someone with the same case as you before but now he has a stable income because he really resented the life he had before and god bless him he did found a way.

>> No.8086999

haha yes i am brown, mate. but you know what, i have more white friends that you might even have ever in your life, and that is in just 8 months. i contribute to OUR society, i am working with four orgs that work for children betterment, i teach programming to young kids, i do a lot more than you think you could do for your own society. and i do it because i think it is my responsiblity, because i came in here at the age of 31 and do not want to feel that i am taking advantage of already established society, i want to contribute and this is how i do.
so no matter how brown i might be, i am sure i am shining more than you

>> No.8087011

Yeah, same with me too. I haven't slept for more than 6 hours since i started working because it has been my routine.

President is full on murderer and pure whack so i don't have any hope for the government here. I sure hope people to migrate to another rich country someday.

I have my address in my original post but i rather give service in return for money. The bullies above will just have more fun thinking boo hoo beggar and shit. But in reality, you inspiring me is enough. Thanks anon.

>> No.8087033
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I also get girls. Make fun of me for something real. Let's see if you just made a thread to beg a pajeet

>> No.8087044

You sound like a commie. Since i see you blaming the environment you where born in and not yourself. In your mind u see it as society is broken and not you. You don't strive to get better you strive to change people around you. Like indian anon said you can only make yourself better and and it's up to you to find your path.

>> No.8087054

You go anon! It's sad that we live in a world where the color of your skin matters so.much that people think they are better just because of their own beliefs.

I'll leave this thread for now to sleep. I haven't slept since yesterday.

>> No.8087067
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Feels good to be a Filipino, earning 3k$ a month sitting on my chair and programming. Im only 18 so fuck you. Your just not smart enough, natural selection babe. Siguro kung hindi ka nag babasketball nung bata ka pa at nag study ng programming online, mayaman ka. Kaya lang obobo ka eh. Chicks pa more.

>> No.8087086
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>looking like a filipino
>no amount of money can save you

>> No.8087088


just sent you 3 NANO, it doesnt matter much.
you could be scamming me or you could be real. its just that i am an emotional fool and i could see through your posts about the pain in your life. if this amount makes differnce in your life, i would feel better. if i am being scammed, its fine. i would feel i tried helping somebody in making his life better.
never ever doubt yourself anon, i used to doubt myself and today i feel i can fuck fb and snapchat ceo and wouldnt blink an eye.

>> No.8087097
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Chad of phillipines

>> No.8087100

Again, you're blaming the government. What's with you getting dictated by our government? Duts didn't go to your house and stole all your wealth. The gov doesn't give a shit about you so stop putting the gov in the equation. Your "potential" is getting held back by this mentality.

>> No.8087132


>> No.8087134

lol I've never been so disgusted by an asian

>> No.8087138

Plastic surgery is becoming a thing here though kek.

>> No.8087144

You shouldn't encourage it. The one we sent eth to showed proof they were in Venezuela (with pics of their ID) and also started as a "thanks to crypto".

That guy deserves it way more than this whiny bitch.

>> No.8087152

It does matter faggot stop saying it doesn't. The mindset and culture that comes with it turns things to shit. A country is it's people and it's culture. India is shit because of it's people and culture is shit (on average) if all indians where like anon here it will be a much better place. But that's not the case.
Explain to me why is india shit.

>> No.8087175


Sorry, im a mutt with spic genes (nose is a bit bridged). Have Japanese thick black hair that looks like vegeta when i wake up (i will never get bald). The only Filipino trait I have is my body which no matter how much I eat, im still thin as fuck. Thank god for pacific islanders genes.

>> No.8087184

i know i shouldn't have. i am an emotional fool. i teared myself up reading the thread, partially because i am drunk and partially because i have been through the same stage, living off the streets where people spit on you. I love my home country but it is not the place where i can fulfill my dreams right now, i will be back there but only after i have accumulated wealth so that i can start my own programme to teach people what to do that they dont stay poor. it will take years

>> No.8087194

Anon don't. Let him learn. He's not the only person here in flipland starving. In fact, there are lots of flips here in worse conditions than him. Let him learn.

>> No.8087208

lol you just slept? now i feel scammed, must be an evening there as it is just midnight over here

>> No.8087213

Haha, I'm an expat living in the PH.

your country is shit.
Your president is shit.
Your women are easy whores.

I'm actually just about done living in this shit hole.

Fucking everyone trying to jew me out of money by overpricing condos and basic services.

Fucking pinoys, should've spent my sabbatical in Europe.

But I did fuck over 200 pinays, and they still hit me up as being the best fuck.

If only I could believe them.

Ph is a country filled with ignorant, uneducated, stupid people that are now finally moving into the middle class.

To bad your president sold you out to China.

Enjoy becoming a proper province of China, the next genocide is going to be against pinoys.

>> No.8087215

>spic genes
Are spanish people spic? But other than that, same but fat as fuck.

>> No.8087218

Were pacific islanders dumb fucks. The americucks who colonized us had the brains of hagfish and labeled us Asians. Google image mongolians and pacific islanders. WERE FUCKING DIFFERENT.

>> No.8087249


i have already sent. it cant be stopped now but its alright, $50 wont change anyone's life. i am from Indian descent and just want to change the perspective in people's mind that us Indians are not fucking scammers only.
Although, thank you very much anon for your concern. i hope you live nearby me and i could share a beer with you someday

>> No.8087256
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I'm not a scam and i did not come here to beg.
Anon helped me thanks. But i initially came here to look for suicide suggestions. Here's my only id right now. I'm a Filipino. 23 yrs old.

Enough with calling me a larp or scam.

>> No.8087260
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>Your president is shit.
I know your feel bro. I hate this country too. I cant even move out because the U.S embassy and Eurocucks labeled us too stupid (therefore limited the visas). Fuck

>> No.8087284

You may see me as cruel but I hope you see why. He posted no proof. Just a story to beg.

He played you. If you want to donate and feel good, there was anon in Venezuela with eth if anyone has that address.

You could be saving that money for when you go back to India.

>> No.8087289

No. I looked for an ID to show proof that I am who i say i am. That Id is the lowest of all id's here in Philippines. All minimum wage earners have that id. You have thay id, you are.poor. sorry. I did not scam you. I can send your 2.99 nanos back. Just send me ur address because u sent from binance. As i said i did not come here for free.crypto.

>> No.8087294

mate, i am not calling you a scam. i just sent you 3 NANo and it was all on belief because i saw your pain through your posts. its just that we are on a platform where everybody is anonymous and i have been scammed more than once into sending money to somebody in pain, so i just called outfront.
had i thought you are a scam why would i send you nano.
now i would like you to never put up thread like this and own up the situation you are into, its just playing with bad cards. you have to make the best of it

>> No.8087306

Tangina mo. You dont deserve NANO. Im sure you spent your whole teens chasing ugly used chicks. If only you used your time to learn programming. Just kill yourself you disgraceful shit.

>> No.8087351

? Iyak na iyak ka ah? Matokhang ka sana. Keep LARPing. Di ka kelangan sa pinas. Subo mo to. Puro ka programming. Asa ka maniwala ako sa kwento mo. Isa ka sa mga pahirap sa pinas.

>> No.8087357
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you just got swindled

>> No.8087372

thank you anon, i understand your concern. he did not play me, he is a genuine person in problem and i would like to help a person who is trying hard to break the chains bounding him, it may sound stupid to you but this is how it is. i hope my tiny contribution helps his cause

no PH anon, i do not look for proof from you. i feel you are genuine and sent the amount, i am in no position to demand proof from you. you are a fellow human and i just see that. doesnt matter you be from PH or someplace else. hell i have given $100 to homeless people in here and i am in no way a rich person, i just dont eat fancy for a week if i give that much money to a homeless. i am just that way.

i browse 4chan to come across such people and try help as much as i can

>> No.8087383
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Hahaha QC.

Tell you what beta. Take the P2P bus from Trinoma to Glorietta and I'll feed you a buffet.

I'll also laugh at you and tell you how to stop being a cuck.

Or, take the MRT like a cuck and walk on the tracks.

75peso to Glorietta.
See you at 7PM.
Cinemas, by the Fruitas Stand.

I'll be with 3 or 4 of your country whores, you probably know them from UP.

>> No.8087398

The memes have really impacted you huh. Oh well, it's the same for me. The only thing I could do is to keep it to myself that I'm a special snowflake kek and not like the stereotype. I understand nonetheless.
Well at least the youth is now scared to try drugs. The lesser the degenerates the better. He really fucked up the tax though since it remotely change nothing lmao. About the china thing, I don't really know what he's thinking 2bh. Nigger's really unpredictable as fuck.

>> No.8087416
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>Made up story about people he head of on fb


>> No.8087438
File: 92 KB, 614x586, 1508209475218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, You see everyone. THis is the average Filipino cuck here. They start ignoring others and blame their situation on the goverment or whatever they can find ( a classic double digit iq degenerate). Trust me, DO NOT give this pajeet any money. He will only used it on condoms with his ugly filipina GF.

>Asa ka maniwala ako sa kwento mo.
Believe all you want cuck, im not wasting my time getting my note 8 which is 2 floors above me and screen shot my house ( which is a mansion to you).

>> No.8087441


i did not see this, you are born in 95. i havent even completed movies released in 95. my man, you are in the prime of your life, you should not just choose to go to work and come back, work on some side shit. acquire expertise in something you think could be of value, it doesnt have to be with computer always. it could be anything, just do not waste the prime of your life. odds are against you but you have your own cards, play it good and you are the winner

>> No.8087483

>you probably know them fron UP
Lies. Those commies are too busy rallying kek.

>> No.8087565

Nah, you'd be surprised. Dance team and Basketball team are whores. So easy to fuck though.

The history and poli sci majors are all damaged.

Do all pinays have daddy issues? I swesr they do. Buy them lunch once and don't fuck on the first date and on the 2nd you can do whatever you want.

They keep calling me paasaa though. DSLU girls are better fucks IMO.

/biz/tards, take my advice. Don't go to the PH.

Thailand is cheaper and cuter girls.

Japan is more expensive, but even if you don't know Japanese it's fine and easy to get a lay.
China, get the 10yr visa and fuck around Chengdu and Xi'an, Fuck Shenzhen, HK, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Filipinos man, why the fuck am I still here.

I'll admit I got some serious issues and having my crypto financing my freedom isn't good.

I need rehab.


Also, Ritalin, Steriods, and BEnzos are available at merucy drug w/o prescription.

That's how I've been surviving.

Fuck. They're also cheaper in Thailand.

>> No.8087574


> I was top of the class in highschool but had to do construction work because I had to work to provide food for my old parents.

i did not read this before
this should not be your excuse, you (like i was) are born in poverty then you should make merry to this thought that you have to do this, i was in middle school and i was coaching high school students to earn some side money that helped me and my younger brother to complete our schooling. parents wont always have money for you, not that they want bad of you, but that they just dont have it.
do not blame conditions around you, you chose what you wanted to be

>> No.8087575

Filipinos are the blacks of asia. It all makes sense when you think about it.

>> No.8087637

here's your suicide wiki help

good luck adventurer. we will make an hero of you yet.

>> No.8087673

Jesus. Luzon is really degenerate than I thought it was. It's sad to see Mindanao following that degeneracy fuck. I blame western media for this.

Why are you here in the first place though? It's a decent place to tour but not to settle. I don't really get first-worlders migrating to shitholes like PH unless it's some kind of business opportunity.

>> No.8087683

Thank you anon. I'll try to make the best out of the nano you gave me. I couldn't do any sideline jobs because i stay in our construction compound and we have curfew hours or else i'll sleep outside. But i'll look for other opportunities during weekends. Can't say i still won't kill myself though. At least biz will be happier that way it seems and that'll be eternal rest for me too.

I'll update on Monday if it's gonna be the chosen day for me. Gotta make it look like an accident in the workplace to get my parents paid after j died.

>> No.8087731

fuck you if you kill yourself to make money for parents. is that whats left of you? 23 and this is what you got? bring out the man out of yourself, work hard/harder, save enough money, if you cant work along with this one then keep on learning some new trade/ job with this one by the side without going out. give it 1-2 years and leave this job for new one, i am sure you can get a better job if you have the zeal.
like i said before, your conditions/situations doesnt define you, your own mentality defines how your life is going to be. at this prime age, if you feel you are going to be doing this job forever, you will do this forever. why not take a chance and break this chain of thoughts?

>> No.8087768

This. Like I said, this cuck mentality was the problem. Not your situation.

>> No.8087797

I have no family in the USA.
I had remote work.
I did Japan for a few months, than China bouncing VPN.

I always made good filipino friends, they're not bad people. Just ignorant but good hearted.

That's it. I don't feel lonely here. I get my emotional needs filled, I go on weekend adventures with middle class and hiso pinays. I go to provinces, I kick cans at little kids, I toss 20-50 peso bills off the back of jeepneys and watch people chase them.

That's it.

I also honeymooned the idea of doing a business, but fuck you guys. You make me proud to be an American. I can do all my shit on the phone/internet.

You know how long it took to open my BDO account? 3 weeks. Then they closed it for no fucking reason.

HSBC? 4 weeks. 100k peso deposit.

Even worse my bitcoin money laundering scheme got ruined because of AML laws changing in Feb so casinos now much ask documentation so much for me being a broker.

But also partly it was fun meeting koreans at 2AM and they would give me 30-50K USD for arbitage after they've exhausted their 50K yearly international wire limit.

Also the sex. I like morenas. They're sexy as fuck.

And since everything here is targeted at people with brown skin being ugly, those belo ads, kids at schools, etc. They all have fragile self esteem.

So I play mind games and have fun stringing them along then dump them or have them fight for me with another pinoy in love fueds over a fake facebook, fake name, fake viber/ whatever.

It's boring though now, I just have a few on speed dial to fuck and I actually am falling in love with two of them.


I should just go home, grab another 140K job, and enjoy living a boring life where I don't leave my house. It's nice, you know. I miss highway speeds of 75mph+. I can't believe 100km is the highest speed, on the NLEX/SLEX, if you're lucky.

But then I'd also miss the buko.

Ph gave me a lot in the two years I've been here on and off. I'm self confident.

>> No.8087811

Death insurance only pays out 10k-15K for burial, and life insurance as 30-90 days before it goes into full effect. Haven't you read your intellicare pamphlet and such?

>> No.8087816

anon, i see you were giving good advice too. thank you for concern about fellow human.
the pajeet memes have hit me so hard in last few years i cant even explain. i feel everybody around me in this new place feels like i will scam him/her like they might have heard about how it is from people from my descent is but i want to change that.

>> No.8087845 [DELETED] 

No, you haven't.

Indians are below Filipinos. Atleast Pinoys clean themselves a few times a day, usually.

You curries don't even try. My time in india was short, but you guys are nasty, disgusting people.

The only thing good out of your country is the cheap meds and even cheaper doctors.

I fucking had to explain how HIV worked to my physician in India before I forged a script myself, but then turns out the pharmacy didn't even need anything just my money.

Also, indian women are disgusting.

>> No.8087847
File: 7 KB, 250x239, 1424537079422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tasteful artistic photograph

>> No.8087851

Pajeet I am an autistic lazy burger who never had a job and has like 50k in crypto, while fucking with girls from tinder. All the Indians I know are doing well and sending their kids to college. I think Indians are very good businessmen and make up 7/11, citgo, and subway franchises. Your kids turn out spoiled though because you're always working.

I'm amazed at the responsibility you took on since you were young. Don't encourage these posts.

>> No.8087916


You know what your problem is? You are literally a typical pinoy cuck. You’re from a wasteland called Luzon and I hate every single part of that shit because it’s traffic and smelly. People up there have literally no values, no morality, every girl is trash and garbage value. Almost like Cebuana girls who can’t live a day without cocks in their mouth and pussy.
The entire Philippines is moray degraded yet like you, economically illiterate and blames the government. Typical commie mentality, bet you join those walk outs and protests at UP too.

Go to Mindanao and live here. Brings you a whole new perspective of the country. Just avoid the muslims here, they’re shittier than you and anyone from Luzon could ever be.

>> No.8087940

i cannot change mindset of every single person on earth but your stint in india would surely have an impact no matter how small it was
i am sure, had you been to a bit better places, you would have felt better in india

thank you burger anon
i do not encourage posts where people say that crypto is their only hope. until last year nobody gave a tiny fuck about crypto and now its their only hope, i just do not want that a person feels that there is nothing left for him other than to end himself/herself
anon here seemed like a genuine young person, although he sounded a bit whiny but he knows things around him and i hope he tries to fix his situation rather than blaming it on govt or things like that

>> No.8088049

Jesus man. There's nothing wrong with being proud to your heritage. Also, that's some love-hate relationship in this cunt. I mostly can't relate to your experiences since I'm from the south (Mindanao) and speed limits are non-existent here except for Davao kek but just go home dude if it's for the betterment of your mental state. I genuinely feel bad for you.
Yeah same. I also try to change these cuck mentalities flips have but in the end, we're a minority when it comes to attitude and couldn't really change things significantly unless we're some kind of public figure imo.
Fuck is Cebu now degenerate as Luzon too? I'm actually moving there this april since I'll be transferring to USC.

>> No.8088050

Don't follow the dirty wests tricks. Be cheap sometimes. Otherwise you give undeservingly. I love being called cheap. No beggars. Can't use the bathroom without buying something. Good deal to me.

Save your love for those who deserve it. Give with reasons instead of emotions.

>> No.8088061

Starve to death
Pro tip: you can’t
No one is that committed to suicide they’d deny food for 30 days

>> No.8088081

sure anon, will follow your advice

>> No.8088226

Cebu changes people.

Their mayor is this attention whore Tommy Osmeña who tries so hard to be the next Duterte but is actually a power tripping liberal soy boy.

Cebu is the country’s melting pot for different kinds of shit and other toxic stuff because of call centers.

It literally attracts those without proper education, the undesirable who can’t find a job because of low or no skill sets, those who can’t work somewhere else because they suck, and those without any higher ambition in life. They are all gathered in Cebu with all their nasty values and YOLO cuck mentality all the while they earn money and it validates their life and lifestyle. Literally the cancer of the Philippines, or the new cancer. People from different parts of the country gather to cebu and they forget their own culture and heritage to adopt this Cebuano / sinulog culture which is shit.

>> No.8088286

Hey bro. Props for trying to make a difference. I look at stuff like this and think how easy it is to scam people and how much it appeals to my greed and so forth, but rising above it and being willing to get burned a bit to maybe make a difference is admirable.

I wish to be that honorable again so, just grinding out the safe money to rest on first. Cheers all.

>> No.8088324

thanks man
i am just a pajeet being pajeet, that is all

>> No.8088392

Oh, I'm not pinoy. :) I'm from USA and White.

I just got issues that I try to fuck away.

>> No.8088420

Shit. Why is it that the case now? My dad is a Cebuano and told me that during his time, Ceubuanos were really hard workers and very independent from the government because of some connections. I'm still baffled about why he insisted to live here in Butuan after he got married with my mom though.Wish me luck although I doubt I'll change.

>> No.8088449

I know. Like I said, if it helps you, you just go back to burgerland.

>> No.8088617

Ah, sorry misunderstood.

If I go home, I'll have to work and I'll be sad missing my antics here.

God, I'm trapped in this island. My BTC keeps growing.

Why god, why d you do this to me. Just crach crypto so I can go home.

Why am I financially responsible.

Though I do feel bad, my daily spend here is about 1.5-2k php.

>> No.8088629

Is this offer still on the table?

>> No.8088680

Lamden is NANO 2.0
Buy now and wait a year before killing yourself, just one year and then you will be free to go wherever you want my brother.