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File: 14 KB, 500x232, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8084945 No.8084945 [Reply] [Original]

Buy Ark, /biz/.

Forget the fact that their dev team has created a fully functional coin (not ERC-20 garbage). Forget the fact that their wallet is totally awesome, the community is welcoming. Forget their ambitious roadmap. Forget all the amazing tech memes (point and click blockchain, smartbridges, etc.) Focus on just one thing: staking.

Ark's Delegated Proof of Stake system lets you make interest on your money TODAY. No matter what you invest in Ark, you are going to make about 9-10% on your money PER YEAR. And that's assuming Ark is going to stay the same value, when the reality is that it's probably going to moon over the next year or two.

You need to understand that if you invest enough in Ark, you might be setting yourself up with lifelong fucking income through staking. Why aren't you doing this?

PS: other coins with staking systems more or less lock out small holders. Not so with Ark. You can stake with almost no coins. You could stake with fifty bucks worth of Ark if you felt like it.

Here's the tl;dr: if you're not in Ark, you're fucking up.

PS: this guide is the best one I could find that explains how to stake. Use it, or don't. Just get yourself some fucking Ark today:


>> No.8085143


>> No.8085181

Consider using Stake United for staking, masternodes, etc. https://stakeunited.co/ - stakes for you.

>> No.8085242

yes anons, buy ark after it mooned 20% today, plz buy my bags

>> No.8085749
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i fud about selling every chance i get but truth be told i hold 100% ark and no other cryptocurrency.
we're all gonna make it

>> No.8085786

this. have over 25k ark and not worried at all

>> No.8085801
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>> No.8085854
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mein brethren
ill see you at uncle changs house party and we can measure ball size

>> No.8085993
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Vitalik comment on Ark will jumpstart people looking into Ark

V2 and VM coming out soon

Moon imminent

>> No.8086264

back in November I thought this shit would be wrapping up in March, now it seems like they won't be done until July

>> No.8086363

tell me why ARK is better than Cardano and i'll buy it right now. Cardano being a science based meme isn't an argument.

>> No.8086367

haskell is a meme language
t. mathematician

>> No.8086376


he's right. Real programmers use idris

>> No.8086400

Cardano devs can't even get their fucking wallet working in Linux. Amateur hour.

>> No.8086434

I dont know if all these posts are serious or not but price is determined by supply and demand, and if everyone gains 10% annually by staking the supply increases uniformly such that your additional 10% will not increase the value of your holdings unless demand rises with them

>> No.8086441

ark's team is tiny as shit. dropped. i always look at team size as a main deciding factor. the more brain power the more progress.

>> No.8086466

You act like Ethereum and many other coins don't have a higher inflation rate than Ark. I bet you are holding a coin right now with a higher inflation rate than Ark.

My niggy, this is bad reasoning. Ark's team is small and maneuverable. Plenty of tech projects fall on their asses because the team can't fucking work together because it's just too big and cumbersome for real cooperation.

If Cardano's dev team is so good, why the fuck can't they manage to get their wallet working on Linux? This is easy mode programming.

>> No.8086485
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>quantity over quality

>> No.8086489
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>more resources means things happen faster

>> No.8086512

um, yes?

there's no evidence to believe that those 4 mid 20 year old software engineers would have anything over the 40 middle age software engineers working on cardano.

>> No.8086535


t.brainlet with no programming or life experience

>> No.8086560

lol. im a mechatronic engineer

>> No.8086561

>4 mid 20 year old software engineers
So you didn't look into the Ark team at all?

>> No.8086572

You act like you are being paid for this

>> No.8086591

look at the actual developers not the board members. I think the low market cap is skewing your ability to reason.

>> No.8086597

But you are SO wrong. That's not how this works.
It's like that old project manager meme with 9 women giving birth to a child in 1 month. Also ARK has some of the work outsourced as well. The actual number of people doing work on the project is larger than what you see on the website and if it was even larger than that it would most likely lead to what >>8086466
4/10 for making me reply though.

>> No.8086598
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I'm a nigger, and I have more ark than you ever will.

>> No.8086626


Ark's CTO and the guy in charge of writing Core v2 literally worked on satellites for the EU.

>> No.8086634

I'm not. The one area where Ark doesn't have its shit together is marketing. I doubt they're paying anyone to do anything in the ballpark of this.

I'm just a guy who believes in the project and knows it's going to moon sooner or later. Sorry if you don't like making money

>> No.8086698

Say, that’s not a bad idea....

>> No.8087308

>Forget the fact that their dev team has created a fully functional coin

You're starting well. They did not create anything, they are a fork of Lisk. Just look up their github fag.

>> No.8087309

>buy while it's high!
thx bought 100k

>> No.8087350


Zoom out the reversal might just be getting started

>> No.8088321

10 bucks april 1st.

>> No.8088363


Aprils fool :DDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8088413


>> No.8088532

Eh, it doesn't look that great profit wise considering there are better options right now such as NEO or VEN, both which are more undervalued than ARK right now and will make you some good profits in a week.

>> No.8088582

However ARK is not a bad buy right now I just think the two I mentionned are going to do better, ARK will still make you nice profit this month

>> No.8088593

chinese scams are never a good alternative option.

>> No.8088641

Sure whatever, I look at it from a TA pov so my point is that they are both pretty undervalued right now and will definitely go up this month. Doesn't matter to me whether they're chink scams or not(and I don't think they are for the record) since I'll sell them once they'll be overbought anyway.

>> No.8088709

you're right that, short term, and for people who are able to trade, they are great options but its pointless to compare them with projects like Ark which actually look really long term and try to provide a sustainable product.
Its apples and oranges.

>> No.8088739
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>Ark's Delegated Proof of Stake system lets you make interest on your money TODAY. No matter what you invest in Ark, you are going to make about 9-10% on your money PER YEAR.
Sounds oddly familiar

>> No.8088784
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I've seen some ARK fud before but this is by far the most retarded one.

>> No.8088841

you fucking cunt. do you prefer for a network to be controlled by chinese groups?
you fat bald furry porn masturbator. think before you show everyone you a dumb fuck.
how the fuck you don't praise its inflation rate over almost every other coin and without the issues Lisk has? only if you are a complete subhuman.

>> No.8088862

Yeah, ARK is a long term hold. I like their project idea and their team is solid, but I brought up short term because OP said buy NOW and right now isn't necessarily the best time to buy.

>> No.8088898
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>> No.8089010

what's the difference between staking and buying from the exchange?

>> No.8089104

staking is free.