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File: 36 KB, 396x372, IMG_9595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8084180 No.8084180 [Reply] [Original]

me and my social circle of friends all started cryptos at the same time early last, most of us profited big but my one black friend was losing money the whole year then he finally 2x his initial but held during the crash and lost it all again

its weird because hes not even a dumb person but he seems to be bad at cryptos

>> No.8084239

>80 IQ

>> No.8084401

You should show him this thread and see what he thinks of it. He is your friend after all.

>> No.8084409

>Not a dumb person
Although both statements appear contradictory, they can both be correct. Niggers are not people, so while a nigger is always dumb,

nigger (not person) (dumb) != not nigger (person) (dumb)

>> No.8084462

ive already grilled the hell out of him for it, hes not sensitive. he just a shit eye for coins, some of the coins this guy has invested in just blow my mind. he seems to just pick shit coins at random

>> No.8084560
File: 815 KB, 1236x660, Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 9.55.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same deal at my work. Nigger watched my blockfolio go moon. Had to get in. No shit I see nigger coming down hallway big nigger grin.. Yo homie got me some of that Ripple!
Nigger asks me every other day if I think Ripple gonna go up. Ripple my niggers Ripple.

>> No.8084584

100% that guy fucked your crush at the office

>> No.8084590


>> No.8084648

I don't know where he gets his ideas... out of the blue he came in and gets real quiet and asked if I had head about pump and dump groups for Steller... no shit...whispers that shit like it was state secrets. How that fucker stayed away from bitconnect is beyond me.

>> No.8084745

i found the black body

>> No.8084774

ceo of bitmex is black and richer than you could ever dream of being
pathetic loser

>> No.8084849

Math is like swimming to a nig-nog. They can't do it.....

>> No.8084852

>Muh outlier
Kek so are most NFL player, but like them the question is can they stay rich? There's a reason it's called nigger rich kek

>> No.8084883

more white people are in debt than black people :^)

>> No.8084887

>multi-millionaire thanks to xrp
>white,10/10 gold digging roastie gf has been "forgetting" to take the pill for months trying to get pregnant and babylock a nigga
>doesn't know that I got a vasectomy years ago

I'm living the dream OP and you're a gigantic faggot.

>> No.8084900

because they don't give loans to nignogs

>> No.8084915

Post proof larping faggot.

>> No.8084929

This>>8084900 I mean you think redlining was a thing because they hated blacks? No, it's because you retards can't manage money and think ahead and the fact that per-capital there are more whites than blacks but again blacks and math don't mix kek.

>> No.8084937

multimillionaire posting on a Indonesian humpback whale spotting forum at 1 am

>> No.8084941

100% you're a bitter nonwhite or more female than male

>> No.8084965

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.8084987

OP, im black and probably richer/smarter than you, wanna compare deltas? We can compare SAT/ACT scores/GPA too if you're down.

>> No.8084988
File: 41 KB, 560x315, DCORP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm black and I hold the best crypto on the market

>> No.8085081

Weird, because for the average joe, there's really only like ONE coin you should be investing in. The OG. If you're looking at anything other than bitcoin, you're graduated from noob level.

>> No.8085129

he invests in the randomest coins. like coins no one has ever even heard of

>> No.8085141

some black people are good at crypto they just dont shout it publicly like the autistic white people do (unless they're 50 cent)

>> No.8085142

Post em nigger

>> No.8085147
File: 142 KB, 500x667, ngrcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you low iq nigger, he did not.

>> No.8085159
File: 766 KB, 3000x2059, 50-cent-gay-empire-ratings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all blacks

>> No.8085220


>my one black friend

>all blacks

>> No.8085355

Because niggers as monkeys from africa are more prone to instant gratification. When they wanted food, they picked it from the tree. When they wanted to fuck, they put their dicks into females. When they ran out of ressources, they just killed another monkey tribe and repeated the above. Thats why you saw so many niggers in bitconnect. Thats the best they can do. For a nigger the concept of time we have in the west isnt understandable. It will take a few more generations to get the monkey out of him.

>> No.8085381

black people are hundreds of thousands of years less evolved than normal people

it will take alot longer than a couple generations without eugenics

>> No.8085417
File: 65 KB, 500x516, IMG_9105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you've got it all wrong Chet, I too enjoy sex with animals

>> No.8085438

ironic considering black people first spread hiv to humans by raping chimpanzees in the forest

>> No.8085446
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shibbolethed a non-human non-white

>> No.8085479

>niggers cannot differentiate romantic interest from compassion since niggers cannot experience compassion

>> No.8085494

I have 1.5M mostly in BTC and ETH and I'm here

I've posted proof many times and nobody cared

>> No.8085520
File: 133 KB, 960x1186, 1520058444984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bouta cum up on yall niggas ass n boos em cryptos

Don't believe me? jus watch!


>> No.8085552

Say what you will about 80 IQ but when it comes to not taking responsibility for a child niggers are 300 IQ 11-dimenional Calabi-Yau manifold chess players

>> No.8085556
File: 22 KB, 615x462, 43fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when op's pic was a joke. now professors say that shit like it's common sense. what happened?

>> No.8085568

black here I guarantee I'm richer than everyone in this thread combined

>> No.8085588

Why are there so many niggers on 4chan? Where are guys from?

>> No.8085610
File: 693 KB, 822x580, nb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of here little wayne this is a white only board

>> No.8085619
File: 12 KB, 200x200, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh why are niggers using the internet wah wah I'm so poor fuck niggers haha why am i poor

>> No.8085627

i've been on here since 2008 i can't leave it's impossible I've tried so many times

>> No.8085637

No need to be insecure it was a genuine question

>> No.8085668

im not being insecure just thought it was funny that you think blacks can't be on 4chan.. like c'mon you have pajeets with DSL on here shilling LINK and DGB

>> No.8085688

There are no blacks in my country or the surrounding ones, that's why i ask

>> No.8085716

ah fair enough

>> No.8085717

you arent black if you post on 4chan. you're a uncle, not a real nig

>> No.8085761

These are poorfags who will never make it. You just know it.

>> No.8085800

so black people then?

>> No.8085872
File: 106 KB, 768x960, nintchdbpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well technically speaking im a mulatto with blue eyes and blonde hair

>> No.8085903

ayy mami

>> No.8085921

damn whotf is this, im willing to bet our spawn will be mostly aryan, the goyim will never know

>> No.8085925

you know the drill time stanp and tits

>> No.8085932


Sigh. Dumb retards this is Jena Frumes

>> No.8085965

>10% of the general population <80
try again

>> No.8085971

if it makes any of you niggas feel better im an overweight male version of her

>> No.8086000
File: 90 KB, 720x960, 1518734730217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel worse lose some weight fatty, keto and protein shakes or something

>> No.8086017

Hey jungle bunny, thank god for the sickle cell huh?

>> No.8086032

what a meme. my grandmother was 'aryan' or so I'm told, so when I was bored I researched the subject pretty thoroughly.
Turns out all it means is that all of your ancestors were born in the a mountain villiage in fucking (present day) armenia, azerbaijan, or georgia (Caucasus)
It's another word for 'caucasian' which is now synonymous with 'white' which means absolutely fuck-all.

>> No.8086049

/fit/ told me to use pills to lose all the fat then roid up but I'm scared

>> No.8086061

so? im still waiting for the time stamp and the tits

>> No.8086077

bro im kidding if you want to lose weight just cut carbs for a few weeks at a time don't roid that shit is for dicklets

>> No.8086116

staph ur making me blush hehe

>> No.8086132

i spend like $300 a week on food + just like every 4chaner I'm super lazy

>> No.8086311

Fuck off Kike

>> No.8086650

here's a dose of reality:
>niggers sees his white friends doing well with crypto
>nigger can't comprehend the investment of hours of time of research and a good gut feeling about where you put your money, resulting from it
>nigger thinks "whitey just picks at random, so iz gonna do da same thang. IZ BE KANGZ"
>wonders why he loses money, but is too "proud" (egoic) to humbly ask for help, so he just "goes with it" without admitting, what the subhuman considers "weakness" aka asking somebody competent and WHITE, for help
>due to him prone to chimp out when confronted with criticism, nobody tells him he's wrong and thus he continues on while white people talk and laugh about him, behind his back

>> No.8087391

Some states count BJs as sodomy

>> No.8087425
File: 969 KB, 360x322, 1519530362302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avg poster on here has more jew blood than me

>> No.8087775


Dude look at the dates for the conviction. He obviously kidnapped and raped/sodomised some poor woman.

>> No.8087921

sheet nigga ur 1k portfolio dont count u aint kang