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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 175 KB, 960x1280, MQIVEL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8083547 No.8083547 [Reply] [Original]

Should we start shamelessly promoting link to poltards?

>> No.8083555


>> No.8083583

Dude your link memes all look terribly bad.
I don't think anyone who sees them would buy in.

>> No.8083593

i don't get it. what does this picture have to do with link?

fucking retard

>> No.8083600

Link is everything they stand against

>> No.8083603

No, its pointless and cringeworthy. Go for a run instead anon.

>> No.8083627

The fuck is up with her toes

>> No.8083629

oldbiz left. nubiz is oldpol.

>> No.8083655

its called a shadow

>> No.8083657

Honestly we should shill BAT/Brave to them. If Brave is sucessful it would topple Google's ad revenue, something /pol/ has a vested interest in seeing happen.

>> No.8083668

LINK has always been a /pol/ coin.

>> No.8083682

I've been subtle shilling link there for months. Gonna keep doing it too.

>> No.8083684

this looks like jailbait. I'm not going to be put on a list for reverse image searching this with the keyword "porn" am I?

>> No.8083690

Honestly we should shill them tron and watch the brainlets get justed and post pink wojaks

>> No.8083703

>thinks /pol/ would buy a chink coin
spotted the nigger

>> No.8083746
File: 676 KB, 596x799, 1493828603361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only coin to shill to /pol/ is Bitcoin you retarded faggots.

holy shit you guys are stupid.

think about what your first crypto was, it's hard enough to convince people that a crypto like bitcoin is a better currency than fiat but to make them drunk on info relating to some fucking retarded ass crypto that they have to fucking jump through hoops just to buy, they aren't going to give a fuck.

seriously guys. Only coin worth shilling to no coiners is bitcoin. Once they get bitcoin thats when you hit them with the Bitbean and Trump coin, oh and maybe link

>> No.8083763

>founder follows Bernie Sanders
>talks specifically about reducing barriers to entry to financial services for *emerging markets*
>talks specifically about empowering the world's poor through access to financial services
>is a philosophy major
Link couldn't be further from /pol/. Funnily enough it's the Nano dev who is way more /pol/ friendly. Sell link buy nano if you're alt right.

>> No.8083782

/pol/ users who understand the implications of the tech have been invested in LINK since the beginning

>> No.8083821
File: 40 KB, 453x576, You+really+think+someone+would+do+that+just+go+on_981b71_3201562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ users who understand the implications of the tech have been invested in LINK since the beginning

>> No.8083828

I love the new culture of pretending /biz/ wasnt created out of /pol/ and /g/ crypto threads to begin with, reddit newfags are really starting to feel at home

>> No.8083862

yeah because thats where the money is

>> No.8083875
File: 264 KB, 484x489, 1518208979650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ users didnt migrate to /biz/ after learning about eth last year
>those same people havent been investing in link since ico
ok pal

>> No.8083878

There's still right libertarians there from ancaps and minarchists to classical liberals.

Decentralization coupled with lowered barriers to entry especially in low trust/high corruption nations could potentially be great for the world's poor and emerging markets.

Bernie Sanders can fuck right off though.

>> No.8083890

You retards would be better off talking to /x about what the fuck is going on behind the scenes in crypto.

>> No.8083909

cursing coons with ancient runes

>> No.8083911

It's already been done you fucking newfags

>> No.8083935

All of her toes are in a shadow, yet there's something off

>> No.8083938

This mass manipulation of people, 4d chess, fucking daily brainwashing by the media, subliminal messages, the suppression of link's price, insider info, meme magic. Chainlink and crypto is right up /x alley.

>> No.8083979
File: 48 KB, 502x432, 1472492653108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ users
>/pol/ users didnt migrate to /biz/ after learning about eth last year

>implying those that migrated to /biz/ still browse /pol/

>> No.8084000

/pol user reporting in.

I, no shit, owe someone from /biz 41,000 USD.

Frequent /pol browser, occasional shit poster. Had never heard of crypto, any of it. One day some /biz guy came on and stated a thread “how all of us are arguing about niggers and Jews while /biz is getting rich” (this is early 2017). I came over, and less than a week later was buying BTC (was about 3000 when I started buying in).

Cashed out 70,000 USD on Gemini in December when it was about 17.5.

I would have heard of BTC w/o the /biz anon on /pol because it started making CNN and Fox when it blew threw 5000. But there’s no way I would have already been set up and buying at 3K without that #based biz anon

Thank you all.

>> No.8084043


>> No.8084111
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>> No.8084114

is that a benis

>> No.8084138
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>> No.8084153

that was probably me as i used to make a lot of troll threads like that on /pol/. glad you made it out with some cash. i lost everything.

>> No.8084174
File: 2.06 MB, 2400x1146, BizAfterPol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's what this board needs, a flood of /pol/ posters

>> No.8084541

former polock her.

eth was never discussed on pol last year. deffinetelly not in the first 3/4 of last year.
Very dissapointed with pol. have not been back there for 6 months. with exceptions to check happenings.

pol really dropped the ball on the biggest finicial happening last year.

>> No.8084872

I made it out with +40K in Dec (I’m that guy but switched WiFi spots so different ID maybe) but of course I got caught up in the insane Dec / Jan moons that I ended up putting all 40 I made BACK in in Jan which was.....

Hoping this Dec makes it all Ok again. Anyway I thank you anon (if it was your post that hooked me)

>> No.8084901

>being this desperate

>> No.8084942

I'm from /pol/

I bought LINK because of the seven sevens

I've seen what meme magic can do

>> No.8084943

nice trips

>> No.8084944

fucking take your reddit coin back to plebbit, faggot

>> No.8084969

she has a disease, you can tell by her arm

>> No.8085002

Nu-/pol/ doesn't like crytpo and wants to suck shekelstines dick

>> No.8085043

/pol/ users were the reason /biz/ exists. /pol/ needed a containment board for all the Bitcoin fags back in 2012 or 2013
I wish I bought bitcoin when it was being shilled on /pol/

>> No.8085152

REEEE why the fuck are so many fags dropping the second slash when referring to board names it's upsetting

>> No.8085155

No, don't do that. I came from pol myself but LINK is for biz fuck those faggots

>> No.8085172

>nervous street diarrhea intensifies

>> No.8085218
File: 3.07 MB, 414x382, 1479855489743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ users were the reason /biz/ exists. /pol/ needed a containment board for all the Bitcoin fags back in 2012 or 2013
>I wish I bought bitcoin when it was being shilled on /pol/
the amount of trolling with this post reeks of cringe desu senpai

>> No.8085233

well said

>> No.8085241


Not to mention Barack Obama follows Steve Ellis on Twitter and Steve was a TA at NYU

>> No.8085371
File: 43 KB, 429x360, 1478032731519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixing politics and investments

Yeah, that's an easy way to lose money.

>> No.8085790

So you're the asshole that's made me thousands of dollars!>!? How dare you! I made up for an entire year's worth of stock market losses on your advice, you should be ashamed!

>> No.8085844

Yeah so I guess I can be honest now since I'm almost done accumulating. Yep pretty much this.

>> No.8086163

He's right poltards aren't as tardy as we make them out to be

>> No.8086267
File: 464 KB, 480x238, linkforthepeasant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8086272


>> No.8086281

Most of /pol/ is already here you gigantic fucking retard

>> No.8086306


/pol/ is a cancerous mistake that spread all over 4chan

it was the proverbial 'poison pill' that moot left us to swallow, so we never reach our former glory

>> No.8086310

SERGEY is a jew loving socialist, this is the the opposite of what you should shill to pol.
He is also a refugee lover.

>> No.8087173

Report him, for nsfw posting

>> No.8087227

/lit/ users actually migrated to /biz/. The end is nigh.

>> No.8087292
File: 81 KB, 656x338, 1409720124828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8087385

LINK is not for nazi's ( sergey is a good goy that doesn't hate jews)
/pol/ would make this place even shittier than it is right now

>> No.8087400


>> No.8087447

I only browse biz and pol.

Buy link

Heil hitler

>> No.8087570
File: 153 KB, 1013x1000, 1518644543158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8087912

Last post best post

>> No.8087961

please no

>> No.8088017

there are far too many degenerates here as it is