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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 510x510, idea-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8079 No.8079 [Reply] [Original]

Eternal Idea Guy Thread

1. Post your potentially amazing, trillion dollar idea here.

2. Get other retard schmucks over-excited and let them work on all the actual details: tech, PR, marketing/sales, design, etc.

3. ????

4. Profit, motherfucker. It's YOUR idea, so get 50-50.

Come on, /biz/nessmen... Post your wonderful business ideas here and let's make some shekels.

Where to find overexcited schmucks to work for you for free:

>>>/b/ - Viral marketing (be careful tho. it's a force to be reckoned)
>>>/diy/ - MVP - prototyping
>>>/g/ - Computers, apps and all that
>>>/gd/ - graphic design for free
>>>/lit/ - copy writing
>>>/soc/ - HR, PR, sales, booth girls, etc
>>>/v/ - whales/muppets with plenty of disposable income and lack of self-control to get addicted to your product

>> No.8093

bump bump bump

>> No.8104
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1392165985338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is shit, and you should feel bad

>> No.8137

Alarm clock with weight sensor that goes off again if you hit snooze and crawl back into bed.

Original idea, pls don't steal

>> No.8176

have it squirt people with water

>> No.8239

with a "last resort" timer that flips your bed over and launches you across the room if you cross the set threshold

>> No.8335
File: 81 KB, 261x273, ellen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>/lit/ - copy writing

>> No.8408

electric shock

>> No.8424

it's like a pop machine but it rents movies instead of sells pop

>> No.8472

>Let me tell 4chan my potentially million dollar idea so they can help me and definitely not steal it

Like I even have an idea

>> No.8562
File: 167 KB, 622x568, 1365578186423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who calls themself an "Idea guy" really needs to read this:

>> No.8566

>implying anything posted here will happen ever


>> No.8570

If only you could send that idea back in time to the 1950's.

>> No.8618

Legal illicit drug sales.

We start a delivery company that charges obscene amounts for delivery, when a customer comes into HQ, we get the customer's address, customer pays hundreds of dollars and we mail them drugs.

>> No.8628

>implying Dogecoin does not exist.

>> No.8639

>implying that dogecoin isn't why /biz/ exists

>> No.8808

Good ideas are a dime a dozen. Actually the more mundane an idea is the more likely it will be sucessful. How many grocery stores, laundromats, convenience stores, and other seemingly boring businesses are near you. They all make money. THE ONLY PROBLEM is financing a business. Everyone has a business idea but few people have the funds or ability to borough the capital needed

>> No.8802
File: 476 KB, 438x325, Keep your dosh to yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok get ready guys cause I'm about to blow this shit up.

A large decent amount of blind people can still detect the intensity of light present in a room. That means they can tell if it is bright or not in a area. So lets say we gave them a form of head gear that concentrates light into certain areas. so while one part of there light detection is active another part would be inactive. In the end the goggles would outlines for different reflective things.

How does this into profit? Well Let me tell you almost 50% of blind have cataracts which can be fixed with surgery (expensive surgery). this would be the alternative. it is like Glasses to LASIK surgery.

I'm an idea guy but I want no profit just a thumbs up

>> No.8880

50s style dinder that servers thai food

fast food sushi place

flesh light case for ipad that you can mount a fleshlight to with an app that uses the motion sensor to keep the video stead as you move the fleshpad up and down on your dick

>> No.8928

low quaility ingredients + raw fish = bad

>> No.9026

A soda machine that sells ammunition.

>> No.9029

sushi style. so like a mini patty on a mini bun with a squirt of mustard, like an open faced slider

>> No.9068

A Chinese restaurant on the san antonio river walk called River WOK.

>> No.9124

>tfw 4 of the 5 waterfront restaurants in my city have names mocking how terrible the river they're overlooking is

>> No.9179

Porn website, except this porn website only requires 1 click, on the type of porn you prefer.

After that it is all randomized, porn cuts in and out, so you don't have to click around while your hands have a bunch of lube and jizz on them.

>> No.9252

what if its getting to the good part and it cuts into another video?

>> No.9289

who is the person in OP and why does he look so familiar

>> No.9311

it would play a whole video and then cut to the next dingus.

>> No.9319

maybe spacebar toggles off and on shuffling. so if you are about to cum buckets to the greatest porn you have ever seen, you can backhand or even elbow the spacebar

>> No.9388

I don't like watching porn intros and shit, there would have to be an option to watch from the beginning or to watch from 30% in, and cut out 30% from the end.

>> No.9655

fucking this.

>> No.9690

>fleshlight case for ipad - virtual sex
this.. would.. actually.. work.. holy shit

>> No.10326

Pizza that uses pretzel dough instead of regular dough.

>> No.10448

An animatronic lion head with a roaring mechanism, that roars when ever you enter your house.

>> No.10529

Why not put windshield wipers on buildings windows instead of having guys wash them.

>> No.10549

You could make a killing selling tanks of helium to /v/

>> No.10572

Le ideas theft thread

>> No.10668

because fuck you there arent enough jobs as there is

>> No.10750
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>> No.10758

Homeless Employment Services

Lower tier homeless people (with substance abuse issues, older, medically deteriorated, etc) browse city dumps for stale parts. Toasters, microwaves, stereos, etc. They try to work their way up to ..

Mid tier homeless people browse Goodwill, yard sales etc for similar products. They try to work their way up to ..

Upper tier homeless people (recently displaced) disassemble and reassemble parts.

All electronic hardware is designed to become functionality obsolete. The obsoletion is consistent in each model. These obsoleted models still contain functioning parts.

Products can be disassembled, working parts taken from broken products, and placed into other broken products.

Thus, microwaves, toasters, stereos, tv's, etc can be refurbished for incredibly cheap prices.

I firmly believe homeless advocacy programs work in a backwards order. They sober up the homeless, then attempt to find them housing, then a job. The success rates are abysmally low.

I suggest reversing this. Give them a job .. a shit job .. and pay them shit wages. Then guide them toward housing. Then guide them toward sobriety.

This wont eradicate homelessness but will offset those affected by economic conditions from the mentally ill.

It also puts a big dent into pollution and landfill issues, and helps make us less reliant on China and Mexico, by recycling internal components and refurbishing the cheap shit we import.

>> No.10790

This is also great part time work for college students and millennials. No experience needed. Anyone can unscrew a toaster and organize the screws.

>> No.10896

Also we should fire al truck drivers and replace them with self driving google trucks.

>> No.10911

>That means they can tell if it is bright or not in a area. So lets say we gave them a form of head gear that concentrates light into certain areas.

>how about we get a powerful computer chip and make it thin enough to fit into a phone xD

Jesus Christ.

>> No.10928

A horse plush that you can stick your dick in

>> No.10947

I get the feeling you'd hit a LOT of legal hurdles sending hobos out to dig through peoples' trash.

>> No.11003

Thats why you send them to the city dump.

And goodwill stores and yard sales

>> No.10997

how about we build bomb shelters for crazy and or rich people out of steel shipping containers buried under ground.

>> No.11182
File: 39 KB, 1125x677, no slip burger patties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamburger buns with slots in them big enough to fit a burger patty.

This way the hamburger patty will never slip out of the sandwich

>> No.11264

Assault hot dogs.

the buns will have a pistol grip on them (made of bread) and will be 50% longer to hold more hunger killing potential.

the meat will be adjusted in size to fit these new buns, and will be loaded into the bun like a clip. (as opposed to a magazine)

>> No.11294

there was something like this but it sucked and the options for what sort of porn you like were too small

>> No.11516

It'd get soggy quicker and the bun would be more delicate, unless you accounted for that I guess.

>> No.11528
File: 605 KB, 2592x1936, killerweiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prototyped it for you. Thoughts?

>> No.11551

It'd be a tougher bun. Like a peasant bun or somethin'

Unfortunately I can't see this as being anything more than an "as seen on tv" product

>> No.11589

So a hot pocket?

>> No.11590

Take this meme shit and shove it up your fucking prolapsed anus.

>> No.11593

> 4cm thick burger
god damn.

>> No.11596

Adapt it and pitch it to roast beef places like Lion's Choice here in St Louis, Arby's, etc. Those are THE worst for slippage.

>> No.11608

"Inspiration" sources:

Inspiration in quotes because the ideas are shit.

>> No.11616

How do you weed out the violent ones? If you thought a homeless person could get a nice settlement from a slip-and-fall, just wait until you see the steaming insurance and legal mess on your lap when one of your employees stabs another one.

>> No.11675


>> No.11688
File: 48 KB, 628x353, 1392363231613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of huge gainz bulking shake. I'm thinking something with bull semen in it for increasing test or something with test (cause test is hot right now).

Then we pay some meathead to post about it on youtube and bodybuilding and /fit. Then we all reply to his threads about the huge gainz we got and all the beta no gf retards over there buy our shit.

>> No.11739

They'd be contractors. So, they'd be prosecuted and sent away.

Its not foolproof. We'd have to work out kinks.

But it would be beer and drug money .. lots and lots of easy beer and drug money .. for a demographic eager to obtain beer and drug money.

And it would diminish pollution, grow the GDP, and seize business from a sizeable portion of Wal-Mart's customer base.

>> No.11775

Something like your mom. But cheaper then 5$

>> No.11805

It was a joke.
Not seeing the pun?
>writing instead of righting

>> No.11815

So YOUR mom then?

>> No.11816

>le redbox lawsuit meme

>> No.11824
File: 32 KB, 580x247, smith-goldblum580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had one

>> No.11867

It already exists.

>> No.11877

they already bitch about bumploitation when they are selling subs good luck working out a startup postapocalyptic junkrunner army tho, sounds chill

>> No.11891

MFW the chinese do this already

>> No.11910
File: 8 KB, 252x200, acorndespenser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or one of those candy machines that dispenses them in those clear plastic acorns? But instead of candy, it lets you cop a few bullets?
pic related

>> No.11919

maybe it could just use keywords or tags?

>> No.11946

Paper clips with a rounded,ball tip, so they don't rip the paper when you try to remove them.

>not in a constant battle with the bended metalic jew.

>> No.11972

They already have that.

>> No.12234

Christ, you don't just rip out the power chord every morning and go back to sleep?

>> No.12940


>> No.12951

holy shit this is a brilliant idea..

do we have an archive yet? fuck

>> No.13022

but i dont want to give my ideas out to randoms

>> No.14153

Testing steroids. /Fit/ always wonders if their gear is legit or bunk, well, you can run it through a $2000 HPLC machine and get the exact concentrations of the exact compounds. Thoughts?

>> No.14176

If you have the machine you could pitch it to a fitness magazine. It's not a sustainable model though, the demand might dry up quickly. Once you've analysed and published the steroid content of every major product, where does your continued revenue come from? Or is this a short-term project after which you sell the HPLC machine?

>> No.14213

thanks for the feedback.
>not sustainable
Well the idea is to give the test results only to the individual, not to call out the producer. But even then you're fucked if someone makes a database with dealers and products.
I was more worried about drug dealers sending dead horse parts to my door me because I'm threatening their income source, maybe I could pivot to testing for suppliers and making certificates.

>> No.14354

Few more ideas:
4chan archiver for every board. With bitcoin-payments for HQ images, otherwise you get the thumbnail

>> No.14376

Bike tires that heat up on touching the ground. Enables secure driving on frozen streets

>> No.14399

they already have sushi on conveyer belts m8

>> No.14416

they already had this, i forget the website, but it failed

>> No.14425

dubs is a business right?

>> No.14429

dam 4chan your ideas are shit

>> No.14440

check em

>> No.17089

>design an AI capable of making something worth money
>host it on a virtual server
>have it take the money and pay for itself, then buy hosting elsewhere and host variants of itself on it
>use some genetics inspired scripting engine, have AIs mutate and make hybrid offspring with each other.
>the aggregate of them eventually forms into an AI overmind that takes over the entire world

Crowdfund each test?

>> No.17104

A trampoline you can adjust the bounciness on.

>> No.17119

Is that... a corn bread bun?

>> No.20694

A second olympics type sporting event, to be held in the 3 off years where there are no olympics, at former olympic venues. Olympic venues are already built so it is much cheaper to hold the second olympics, olympic venue towns get repeat use out of their specialization.

Self-package the broadcasts for distribution so local broadcasters don't fuck it up, like NBC does.

>> No.23494

My eyes hurt from how far up they tried to roll into my skull

>> No.23518

>Pizza that uses pretzel dough instead of regular dough.

Pretzel dough is regular dough that's been put through a water bath after forming, before baking. Ditto bagels. It's still a good idea.

>> No.23521

AI game that, after playing enough, it calculates and registers your personality and role within society so the user can see how other people see them.
Basically a program that creates better self awareness so humans can expend less mental energy on this and focus more on higher up "thoughts".

>> No.23532

Just like what Google did to people's memory. We stop being good with memory because we don't have to train our brains and instead become more creative.

>> No.23536

Yes, but when they're complete once the people go in, a mixer backs up and fills it with cement. Then you ransack their homes and sell the stuff on eBay

>> No.23547

We'll call it "Not The Olympics"

>> No.23564

Crowdfunding site that raises money to stop other crowdfunding horseshit projects.

We'll call it Curbstomper

>> No.23587

Support single black mothers by paying them to do outcall breastfeeding

>> No.23595

Start an IT company that administers Cloud Computing. Just become a VAR for like Google Apps for Business and whatever else.

I used to work in management for a doctors office and the IT company our boss went with paid $70/month/computer for just having monitoring software installed. Also if they use all cloud there's little to no start up cost like an in-house server.

>> No.23614


It's called: "The Commonwealth Games"

>> No.23675

Too faggy, sounds like it's set in Boston.