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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8065341 No.8065341 [Reply] [Original]

Get in while you can or stay poor pajeets

>> No.8065365

Sure jewXRP isn't going to die but there are bigger growers. Don't be the guy extatic that you finally did an x2 end of march with ripple

>> No.8065392

being more than $1/coin defeats the object of XRP. red the white paper

>> No.8065398

should be happy with 10 bucks per xrp.
i also have a bag, but 100 bucks is just so far off, its nuts.
also wont help the reputation of the asset, ffs.

>> No.8065405

100$ Market cap

>> No.8065413

another bs story. David Schwartz stated somewhere that in his opinion an ideal price would be somewhere in the twenties......

>> No.8065459

Tfw nujack pajeet shill

>> No.8065481

theres already 100 billion usd of ripple

>> No.8065489

>jew coin going over 1$

>> No.8065490

$120 anon, $120
David is smart and it is very feasible to hit triple digits in the next 18 months.

>> No.8065506


>> No.8065638

Stay poor brainlet

>> No.8065657

Nice larp faggot

>> No.8065663

>unlimited supply
>$100 EOY

>> No.8065673

This ain't no LARP you'll still be in the gutter while I'm in Lamboland pajeet stay poor