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8059236 No.8059236 [Reply] [Original]

Came across this $20k somehow. Not a poorfag, but all of my worth is stored in illiquid assets. So this $20k and a few extra grand is all I have in terms of liquid savings.

Here's what I'm thinking:

>$5k BTC
>$3k ETH
>$3k NEO
>$3k LINK
>$3k EOS
>$1k JNT
>$1k AMB
>$1k ENG

What would rate that folio? And please, do tell me how much of a retard I am for holding LINK but not OMG, VEN, REQ, ICX, etc.

>> No.8059294
File: 23 KB, 600x600, comfibois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure out what your risk appetite looks like and go from there. Less risky? Maybe go more heavy on ETH / NEO / [OMG/VEN/ICX]. OK with risk but more reward? Keep it stinky / go for lower market cap.

>> No.8059318

Your first 3 are solid. Below that you may as well buy bitconnect

>> No.8059368
File: 58 KB, 500x281, IMG_4209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please, do tell me how much of a retard I am for holding LINK

>> No.8059399

7/10. I would go with more low market cap coins that have huge potential. I assume you are not going to actively trade that often and just hodl for like a year. Cut $2k from BTC and either pick another coin to put it in or put it in ENG, AMB, and JNT.

>> No.8059405

Is that pic from the Aussie tv show? What was it called again?

>> No.8059453

summer heights high
1. right click image
2. select 'Search google for image'

>> No.8059484


honestly don't have a problem with any of your picks. However, since I have less than half of your shit, I'm mostly in the small cap section of your list.

>> No.8059642


>> No.8059665

Don't buy anything right now dude this shit is all about to continue crashing.

>> No.8059702

Buy Cardano

>> No.8059957

>muh peer reviews
Pass. EOS has a better pedigree and more of shot of disrupting the dApps space

Dollar cost averaging, son. Buy the dips.

If I go too small, I'll be checking news constantly to find basic shit like roadmap updates and dev blog posts. With these picks, the teams are legitimate and the partnerships are already rolling in. Any further money I invest in crypto, I may put towards actively managed 2018 coins. For example, I already have $800 between 4 brand new 2018 coins.

It's amazing you're still here considering you're that bearish. I agree everything is overvalued, but when has that alone mattered, ever?

>> No.8059993

Get some Nano in there. Fast, free transactions would have saved me thousands last year alone

>> No.8060328

5k AMB
5k HPB
5k NEO
5k OMG

>> No.8060379

>Free transactions
>withdrawal fees, exchange fees
Pick one

>> No.8060407

>5k NEO
>5k ETH
>5k BTC
>2.5k AMB
>2.5k GVT or ETC

>> No.8060414

5k BTC
4k ETH
4k Neo
3k OMG
2k VEN
2k ENG

>> No.8060430

Nice thread. I'm still trying to figure out how to allocate $100k and my picks are very similar to yours.

>> No.8060755

decent chadfolio, but you're missing xmr

>> No.8060892

Just all in on bitcoin. Maybe $5k for other coins if you want.

>> No.8060907

amb and jnt are gonna moon hard this year

>> No.8061459


What happens when the first dirty bomb is sold via private crypto and gov'ts overreact?

>> No.8061530


>> No.8061648


>> No.8062115


This. Especially JNT. Consider 5k in it.

>> No.8063252



>> No.8063761

100% into Ark, unironically. That's about 5405.40540541 Ark, and if you stake, you'll be getting another ~540 Ark per year. It's like mining but with zero work. Plus, Ark is going to moon within the next year or two, so you'll be setting yourself up for life.

Read this for more info, this is a decent rundown which got me into Ark

>> No.8063868

you'll make it.
I'd split that 5k BTC into stellar, btc and bch though.

BTC isn't even gaining merchant adoption right now. BCH and Stellar is gaining the most, directly, and eth+tokens will be gaining when "pay with whatever and they receive whatever they want" services like omisego and req go online with fiat to ethereum blockchain capability

>> No.8063886


thanks for the info and link brotha.. I'm 95% in BAT but always see my logo sharing ARK in CMC lists. Going to read a bit here and may get a stack. Seems like a good entry point right now, yea?

>> No.8064053
File: 175 KB, 1080x1920, 1517289778491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying literally only what biz has shilled in the last week

No one ever got rich just doing what everyone else said to do