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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8058962 No.8058962 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ready for trading API+ new engine + fiat trading over the next few months?

>> No.8059262


>> No.8059287

Nobody because it's fucking vaporware and nobody wants to do any more KYC/AML.

>> No.8059292

My extremely large penis is anon

>> No.8059307

>working product that's been paying out dividends for months


>> No.8059325
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>it's fucking vaporware

>> No.8059336
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pump it.

>> No.8059343

>he owns 0 COSS tokens in 2018

>> No.8059645
File: 71 KB, 640x477, PUMP IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my balls are tingling so hard thinking about the massive wave of volume coming to the exchange soon.
Trade bots with the api will take our volume x10 OVER NIGHT.
Once engine is ready to go we will be adding new coins DAILY
Plus fee split dividends from the fiat gateway?

>> No.8059660

Price predictions for End of Year?

>> No.8059707

20$+ imo

>> No.8059730

I hold no coss, though since you guys keep posting so reguarlly, not sure about your agressive shilling and the price keeps dropping.
You should be in Bitcoin right now not in some altcoin, especially one that hasen't proven itself yet.
Regarding COSS exchange itself, its a shit exchange, both in the long and short term right now. You can already see them listing butt loads of shitcoins, its disgusting.

>> No.8059761

Your thought is noted

now back to the poorhouse with you urchin
shoo shoo

>> No.8059817

When you see the price go under even more and when you ask yourself where did it go wrong, I want you to at least remember my post.

>> No.8059908
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I invest in the future, not the present.
I know i can make a fuckton more money from coss than buttcoin.
Or do you only buy high sell low?
It's not too late to get in anon.
It's a miracle coss is still under $1.... it will not stay that way for long.
We will blow past ATH of $3 this month. This is not speculation, this is a guarantee.

>> No.8059936

is 10k COSS enough to make it once the exchange takes off?

>> No.8059938

COSS is a shit fucking exchange. They had their chance to deliver and they didn't. Nobody gives af about them anymore. OP, your bags are heavy as fuck since 90% of the volume is on their own trading pairs. FUCKING SHIT COIN.

>> No.8059939
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>> No.8059949

If they can actually bring in decent volume we all finna be rich

>> No.8059980

You actually believe in this shit? Lmao

>> No.8059997

at $100 a coin that’s $1m USD Dollars

Fiat was always lined up for march. Anyone who unironically believed a new UI would boost value was a turbo brainlet

>> No.8060049

>believed a new UI would boost value was a turbo brainlet
Nobody believed that, but when it took months for and it still came out really shitty and buggy that is some crazy incompetence. Hope you guys holding this know nobody really cares for the coss exchange anymore.

>> No.8060120

>singapore based regulatory compliant fiat gateway with profit sharing, alt-fiat pairs, on platform icos and trading promos
>dude no one cares

Imagine how naive you’d have to be to be you. Times like this I wish 4chan wasn’t anonymous. I told everyone to buy and $0.06, and everyone who did will now be rich. I can guarantee you if you buy now you’ll also get a 10x

>> No.8060190
File: 20 KB, 243x283, rune_coss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$30 by EOY screencap this

>> No.8060306

You didn't read the word "anymore" did you? They already left a bad first impression and are way behind other exchanges and with DEX coming up, it's not looking too good for them. If I'm gonna be using a brand new exchange, they better be competent right away or become competent fast. Won't be buying back into this unfortunately since I put all my profits into another coin. I also had this thought that it might not go that high next pump since there are so many people wanting to dump at $1.50+.

>> No.8060517

Thanks to people like you i am already making a living off my coss payouts.
I cut my chains of wage slavery and i am free.
Can't wait to see how good the future is going to be for us cossmonauts :D

>> No.8060552

Celebration thread as far as I'm concerned
Fudders can suck muh BBC-EEECOONNNNNECT

>> No.8060578
File: 62 KB, 598x747, COSSplayer__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still in beta dipshit, and why would anyone dump at 1.50 if this moons? it's going to blow past 1.50 so fast your head will spin. when fiat pairs come out there's no stopping it, it'll hit $10 that same day and the dividends only incentivize long term holding

if you aren't holding at least 10k+ coss you're asking to stay poor

>> No.8060588

while yall fags are waiting im over at binance and kucoin trading my ass off. I login to coss once a month and its always the same garbage. A lot of false promises though which i guess gets some gullible peeps.

>> No.8060609


>> No.8060837

Lol @ people who think DEX will be used by normies in any country that cares about regulation.. You know, like us, China, Korea, Singapore, etc

>> No.8060853

Coss is gonna add a DEX
DEXfags btfo

>> No.8060954

That's true, yep, and they'll have full fiat and everything else on their roadmap already done

It'll be glorious

>> No.8061099

say it with me

COSS is gonna do it all, dex, fiat, merchant, dividends, its going to become one of the biggest exchanges of all time

>> No.8061250
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Checked for the /biz/niggers

>> No.8061352

kucoin wannabe

>> No.8061379

>kucoin wannabe
I'll only agree if COSS ever tries to pull down the fee split to 15%.

>> No.8061418

Kucoin, where all shitcoins (not kosher enough for binance) go to die.

>> No.8061518
File: 208 KB, 757x1117, cossbae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if not THE biggest exchange of all time.
Nobody else in the cryptospace is trying to be a ONE STOP SOLUTION.

>> No.8062424

I'm fucking done with trading shitcoins, chasing 10% "pumps" just to get dumped, buying rumors to sell on stupid news about vague partnerships that don't matter, getting FOMO'd and FUD'ed for all these coins that to me are exactly the same fucking thing with different names.

Last night, I went all in on COSS, the only coin that (1) has actual value to me directly, because of dividends and (2) has an actual reason that it will pump this month, because of API and FIAT coming. With the volume that will bring, there is no good reason to expect a major dump on the "news", since the news is what brings a shit ton of value to the coin.

I'm buying COSS, checking it a few times a day, and that's it. Fuck crypto, fuck binance, and especially fuck biz. LINK sucks you fuckin pajeets.

>> No.8062597

A real human bean
and an true hero

>> No.8062657

I read a lot of the FUD about COSS and it doesn't make sense. A lot of it is, "Oh, well most of the volume is the COSS token itself" or "Missed deadlines", etc.

Yes, I understand there were some missed deadlines. And maybe COSS isn't going to have, say, Binance's volume or even Cryptopia's any time soon. But its current daily volume is, what, around 1 million? Even if this were to go up to 50 million, which is completely reasonable and doable, you'd see some significant price increases.. Am I wrong? So not quite understanding this FUD, especially considering the kinds of shitcoins /biz/ puts its money into. I mean at least this one has a real chance of going somewhere, despite some of the recent setbacks.

>> No.8062751

Well said

>> No.8062801

This coin won't pump until they stop their "genius promotion" which means we're stuck at that price until mid April