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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8058069 No.8058069 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw actually gonna pay my taxes
feel like such a cuck faggot desu, but I've made too much and I'm scared.

>> No.8058114

Well worth the liberating feeling that accompanies it.

And paying taxes is fine. Pretend its going towards the parts of the government you actually support.

>> No.8058172
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>tfw I have 0% capital gains tax here

but I empathize with you OP

>> No.8058520

why not go to another country fag

>> No.8058574
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>Pence posting

>> No.8058645

Empathy is when you relate it to your own situation.

>> No.8058664

Just pay or eat cock meat sandwiches everyday

>> No.8058693

Honestly, good. There are a lot of anons who aren't reporting. Anyone who thinks the IRS is not aware of that is deluded. Anyone who thinks the IRS will not go after this market aggressively in response is even more deluded. Not paying now means paying more, with interest, and possibly facing jail time in the future.

>> No.8058850


That is Anderson Pooper

>> No.8058898

Anderson Looper

>> No.8058903

Only 300 people paid taxes to the IRS for crypto
300 people
out of a nation of 300 million
obviously they dont all own crypto
But the issue stands
The IRS is out of their depth and relies on you coming to them to tell them you have crypto
This is the point of crypto
To take the gun from the common mans head and redirect it to CORRUPTION

>> No.8058975
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>tfw I owe 40k in taxes from my 130k
Should I just buy monero and fake my death

>> No.8059030
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baited this exact reply

>> No.8059039

Me too (;

>> No.8059073
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>paying for Jaleel’s child support

>> No.8059077
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>> No.8059084

I felt this way before Coinbase and Gemini started pushing out 1099s to all their >$20k holders and reporting their users. Feels like shit but I have too much to risk having the IRS coming down on me desu.

>> No.8059088

>giving back to your country
You are an honorable man. You should be proud.

>> No.8059161
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If you were using an exchange based in the US or had to identify at any point and didnt expect them to share details with tax authorities, YOU'RE A BRAINLET

>> No.8059230

so how are you planning on cashing out then bud? you think mr. taxman isn't going to ask questions when you suddenly deposit $50k into your bank account

>> No.8059237

The fuck is wrong with this whore body.

>> No.8059264

Set up a bot that withdraws 9.8k at a time to different accounts

>> No.8059337
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pure crypto marketplaces exist
people have used cypto to buy and sell property, cars etc
crypto marketplaces are in their infancy but they are being developed

cashing out into a bank account = no shit you would be liable for tax

friendly reminder
only 300 US citizens paid taxes on crypto
the IRS has no means of finding out if you hold stacks unless you, being a brainlet, used an exchange based in the US/ identified to use an exchange DESPITE THE ENTIRE POINT OF CRYPTO

>mr taxman
mr taxman is a queer

its called having assets while not being a fatass
that and perhaps a little photoshop but probably not

>> No.8059364
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>> No.8059729

>Being worse than trump

>> No.8060366

If someone theoretically came up with a wa,y to legally circumnavigate capital gains taxes on crypto, in the UK.

A )Would you legally be able to sell this method?
B) How would you market and sell this to anons?

>> No.8060523

they will fix any loopholes m8

>> No.8060603

If you use a loophole before it's fixed then you're off scott free correct?

>> No.8060620

if you retards think you can get away with dodging tax on crypto you are not even dumb, you are flat out naive to their capabilities

they tracked down the people who broke Gox, it took 4 years but they did it

at this point the majority of crypto is being tracked wallet to wallet, after a while any crypto that enters the system that wasn't tracked will automatically be assumed to be fraudulent and be seized, and its owner arrested

the only way to dodge crypto taxes is live in a country where they aren't taxed

as for me i am handing over my gemini excel sheet to my CPA and that is the end of that

>> No.8060623

If its a legit legal loophole, yes anon of course

>> No.8060650
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aren't we all?

>> No.8060690

t. IRS
yeah they are really going to be able to filter through hundreds of thousands of people while its all still going on and even more people are entering, decentralised exchanges are cutting into the pie, and a host of anon coins are being established

the original intent of crypto was to divorce corrupt authority from your money

of course there will be a fight over it
but at the end of the day

if its mass adopted (looking that way)
and the world starts to use it without regard for respective tax and bureaucratic ideals
then tax will have to adapt
government will have to adapt
not the other way around

>> No.8060726

Good on ya, pal. I gotta get my neet bux from somewhere.

>> No.8060732

>at this point the majority of crypto is being tracked wallet to wallet, after a while any crypto that enters the system that wasn't tracked will automatically be assumed to be fraudulent and be seized, and its owner arrested

Monero, retard. Lean how to use it.

>> No.8060747

there is no statute of limitations on unpaid taxes. good luck sleeping at night.

>> No.8060784

>government will have to adapt
>not the other way around

no matter how big bitcoin's dick gets the governments of the world can still step on it

in the near future the crypto market will bifurcate into two camps, legit (registered for tax and criminal policing of fraud) and illegitimate (off the books, crime, laundering)

the legit crypto will get all the big dev money and legal protection and eventually some kind of loss insurance framework, illegitmate gets to keep their taxes but everything else gets worse - more danger of theft, more opportunity cost, more probability of crackdown, seizure

the majority of bitcoin is already registered with exchanges and their governments

>> No.8060860

t. IRS bitches
I am not even holding any crypto, makes it easy to not get emotional about it and see obvious taxman shilling for what it is.

The entire premise of crypto is to take away the third party ability to leech

of course they arent going to go down fighting
but neither is crypto
hence the DAILY development and progress towards decentralised, anonymous money

obviously you little bitches are on the side of tax agents
enjoy being a little bitch

>> No.8060942

you sound pretty emotional. might be one of those down syndrome mood swings.

>> No.8060975

>obviously you little bitches are on the side of tax agents
>enjoy being a little bitch

if bitcoin ever, you know, goes to the moon for real i want to be able to buy cool stuff with it in first world countries, you know, like houses and cars and stuff, rather than just black market drugs and guns

>> No.8061072

pay for it in btc...