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8057676 No.8057676 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, one of you faggots ventured to /pol/ and mentioned LINK, which got me to look into it, and now it consumes my thoughts.

Bought 1k of it as a test (this is my first foray into crypto) and transferred it to a Ledger nano s. After the initial heart attack that i lost it all, i learned how to view my LINK balance.

Question: how the hell do i send it off the nano when i finally want to? And is there a Ledger LINK wallet app so i can view the balance easier? And must i go through Evil Inc (chrome) to run the app?

Pls no mean words, am cryptonewbie

>> No.8058198

I haven't tried to send anything through MEW using my Nano yet, but I assume you just punch in the address you want to send it to and have a bit of ETH to send it.

Yes, you have to use (((Chrome))) to use MEW and other wallets.

>> No.8058265

Seeing as you're /pol/, I'll help you out OP. First off, you're using myetherwallet.com with your nano s right?
> how the hell do i send it off the nano when i finally want to?
You need some ETH in the wallet that has LINK in it.
>is there a Ledger LINK wallet app so i can view the balance easier?
Try finding your wallet on etherscan.io
>And must i go through Evil Inc (chrome) to run the app?
I use google chrome to connect my nano s to myetherwallet

Hope this helped, let me know if there are any other questions. LINK is how /pol/ is going to save the world. Good to have you aboard, brother.

>> No.8058281

Why are we promoting this in /pol/? They literally stand against everything Sergay and Steve have taught us.

>> No.8058283

There is no "ledger LINK app". LINK is an erc-20 token meaning it can only be stored in ethereum wallets. Don't go sending it to any old eth wallet though, make sure you're using myetherwallet.com

>> No.8058293

Go spend a few months lurking /pol/ and don't come back until you fully understand what has happened to the human race.

>> No.8058354

Keep at least $10 worth of ETH in MyEtherWallet and when you get ready to send it off to an exchange or elsewhere you go to the "send ether & tokens tab" (pretty obvious) but here is where it gets tricky: at the top right of your screen you're going to see a gas price that will by default say something like 20 or 40 Gwei, in order to ensure that your LINK gets to the desired exchange you need to set this to at least 65 Gwei. Personally, 80 Gwei is what I choose because otherwise you're going to wait hours and more likely days for your LINK to go through and during that time you're going to be stressing the fuck out, trust me. Yeah you're paying a higher price for your transaction to go through BUT it goes through a lot quicker than if you were cheap.

>> No.8058396

No point in saying this until 2023

>> No.8058485

Have in mind this is a long time investment. Check back at december or next year.

>> No.8058812

Thanks all, this clears it all up

Looking forward to encroaching on (((their))) territory using LINK. I can't help but feel like (((they'll))) end up with a large controlling interest in it, but /ourguys/ will be there too


Yup, figured that out after much reading, but thanks for the heads up

Don't worry, I'm in this for the long haul. And to me that means well into the 2020s

>> No.8059076

Use Brave instead.
>Uses Chromium
>Cuts out Google's data mining and ads
>Eats Google's Lunch as it Fucks Google's wife.

>> No.8059132
