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8052450 No.8052450 [Reply] [Original]

Still can't believe I missed out on this. Used to see threads about it around November and I just skimmed through them. Will there ever be another mars mission like rail blacks again?

>> No.8052475
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>> No.8052490

Operation RAPE Dogecoin
Operation Coblee KEKCOLD
Next operations we are taking down ETH BCH BTC XRP
>Nano Marines report in!

>> No.8052500

I had a dream last night that nano was the number 1 crypto, in fact it dominated the global economy. I don't remember the exact price but it was the low 6 figures. Colin LeMahieu was on a record length 7 hour Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Some years from today the nano protocol is found to have some previously obscured capability. It changes the world. It brings about the singularity and weird theories on infinity, quantum physics and some shit about string?
Anyway after the snapshot of our future world I go into this sequence of dreams playing out scenarios of the lives of everyday people in this post-nano earth. There's one where a group of scientists run simulations of this village that's essentially a microcosm of earth, but half the population hold nano and half are nocoiners. Every time the sim is run the nano holders become some kind of supreme rulers or elite class, sometimes they become this untouchable aristocratic class, sometimes they outright enslave the nocoiners, and sometimes they become benevolent dictators, but they're always on top. Then next in the sequence is this scene from an upper-middle class family home, it's a family dinner, but any piece of food that is consumed is accompanied by some trivial decimal fraction that displays on the fridge, the entire door of which is a huge AMOLED screen, any waste in thrown into some kind of smart-bin and another decimal fraction appears. These must be micro-transactions. What a perfectly efficient world we will live in. Then something strange happens, at one point the wife turns to husband and says "Oh honey, it'll be so nice to have a night out for ourselves later now the nanny's coming over", and then this thing comes through the door, the silhouette of an overweight woman but 7ft tall with a muscular frame. But her skin, it's like Mystique from x man but stripes of the original Raiblocks colour scheme. This part I have no explanation for. It was all so vivid and wild.

>> No.8052515

was seeing it shilled at 2.8k sats but completely ignored it and after having a glimpse at it I never thought itd be anything major compared to GBYTE/IOTA, still think its a shitcoin although plebbitors are all over it

>> No.8052524
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Get raiblacked

>> No.8052525

Same OP. I thought XRB was just an XRP meme when I'd read the titles of the thread and never actually read them lol fuck us

>> No.8052537

Read the white paper and it seems impressive

>> No.8052541

No problem, everything gets shilled and fudded here, eventually one of those coins will moon
XSH did 2100x. Did you see any thread about it?
XVG did 1800x, nothing but fud.

>> No.8052557

This coin literally made my portfolio 35x.
December was a good month and I think there is more to come.

>> No.8052558

Byteball is much more impressive tech wise with a 10 times smaller marketcap

>> No.8052566

will probably hit $20 today or tomorrow.

>> No.8052569

I had chance to buy in at 10 cents, literally backed out at the last second. I would have been retired now.

>> No.8052578

nice shill
I won't be buying

>> No.8052592

newfag spotted, enjoy your bags kek

>> No.8052683

Why is byteball more impressive?

>> No.8052698

There will be but not for you, it's obvious you can't spot an opportunity or have the balls to pull the trigger.

>> No.8052706

yeah and 0 marketing and name recognition even in the crypto community.

There are tons of great projects with great tech that don't know how to market and will die out.

>> No.8052716

I was impressed as fuck seeing the byteballs website for the first time and all they can do. It's just a shame that they have fees instead of zero fees and that they do this entire overcomplicated thing with bytes and blackbytes. The name and logo is also retarded as fuck.
Why did nobody fork it yet to make it better?

>> No.8052718

I kinda just wanna fomo all in on the next pullback with my poormoney. Been seeing coinbase rumours and shit, if that's true, this will probably overtake litecoin in mcap.

>> No.8052783


it will by EOY. there is literally nothing litecoin does better than nano in terms of technology.

just wait for some better wallets to be built and this will hit triple digits

>> No.8052854

The thing is i'm a poorfag and would rather flip shitcoins in the short-mid term rather than hold long because even if this 100x's by eoy I haven't made all that much

>> No.8052859

Same goes for bitcoin.

>> No.8052889

I didn't buy at cents because of the pajeet exchanges it was on, kms senpai

>> No.8052974

What I don't get is why NANO has such a fast and immediate confirmation algo while IOTA goes on implementing MCMC and all sorts of things just to make sure sybil attacks are unattainable.
Dunno, NANO seems unsafe to me, but I got some anyway just in case.

>> No.8053020

If in a few years nano reaches current BTC market cap it will do ~89x.
The question is if you want to be patient or take risks.

>> No.8053613

Same dude.
Coin went 100x in 3 months. I saw it on /biz/ when it was 1k sat. Then see it again 2k sat and didn't buy in.
ALL I NEEDED TO DO IS BUY 1k worth and would be millionaire by now

>> No.8053673

Turtlecoin is your best option

>> No.8053781

How realistic is $10k eoy?

>> No.8053864

if you dont have a lot, i say swing trade and accumulate. Fib, trendlines, RSI, MACD and MA only will go a long way.

>> No.8054306

I was on the website ready to look at the white paper late November, never could get past the name it should’ve just been called nano from the jump. But now fuck nano.

>> No.8054363

10k per nano would need 1000 trillions injected into crypto. GDP of entire world is like 30 trillion

>> No.8054452

So whats being shilled on biz that reminds you off xrb or neo

>> No.8054769
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>> No.8055500

But muh moon mission

>> No.8055595

dude it's $15 bucks right now. Getting it to even 150 is a pretty good moon.

>> No.8055602

moon mission has barely begun, $60 atleast EOM

>> No.8055729

wrong you fucking idiot trillions would not need to be injected into crypto

>> No.8055867

Here I'll do the math for you.
Nano currently at $17 with 2 billion cap.
It'll need around 600x for 10k to hit. That's at least 1 trillion.
That's assuming nano is the only crypto. Now you add other crypto. Then you have other trillions in play. Assuming they aren't dead. Yeah I exaggerated with 1k trillion but you definitely need trillions for nano to hit 10k anyway

>> No.8055992

posted this in the other thread but i'm posting it here too because i'd really like for a nano shill to explain this for me. why does no one care that nano is centralized? the devs control the voting. this is the only reason it works. everyone pointed out the iota coordinator (and rightfully so) but nano has also not proven itself as a working decentralized currency. it's also got a ton of red flags if you read about its history. i get that this market is idiotic and all that matters is hype, so nano may very well go much higher. but how can anyone analyze it objectively and claim that it's worthy of the hype at this point?

>> No.8056016

People care. I cared. I care so much that I don't touch it.
There's just such an abundance of idiots surrounding this coin that they drown educated opinions out. So I don't give a fuck. Hold nano, get burned.

>> No.8056052

600 reping in

>> No.8056081

dont hold nano, stay poor

>> No.8056097

>Being this retarded...

Here,Ill do math for you. I have 10 coins, value each at 1$, therefore its market cap is 10$. I put 2$ as price for my coin and no one buys it, but the one retard (you) comes up and puts 0.3$ for my coin at price of 2$. Suddenly, you "pumped" 3 cents into my coin that now has market cap of 20$. Double the amount it was before you "pumped" it with 3 cents.

This entire market is smoke and mirrors.

>> No.8056155


>> No.8056209

I dont know why
I had a feeling
about NANO
not sure why
but I bought 500

>> No.8056215

People actually need to buy your coin at $2 for it to consider market cap of 20. If no one buy it, market cap is $10.
Yes market is smoke and mirror but you definitely need trillions for nano to be 10k

>> No.8056228


>> No.8056426

Well, obviously a retard bought it. In fact, thats how washtrading is done. Bots will pump up price by buying smallest amount possible. That way market cap suddenly goes from 2B to 3B and there wasnt 10m put into it actually.

>> No.8056474

Nano is the next raiblocks

>> No.8056532

It's picking up steam. My proprietary algos suggest $10k by 2020

>> No.8056770

I got bombered, I'm a retard.

If anyone out there has any work need done, I'd love to earn my 300 xrb back, it was my whole savings.

I have a masters in engineering and can do whatever spare work needs be.

Thanks bros


>> No.8057703

Saw this shit at 70 cents didn't buy because was on pajeet exchange Kek
>no ragrets