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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8051349 No.8051349 [Reply] [Original]

it's one thing to try and give your employees a little handout, even maybe to fake a few twitter profiles to save the payout (Comms dept bump), but this is a pathetic reply.

>> No.8051510

Cmon anons.

bump for autist

>> No.8051625

Sounds like bs. Would a walton member tweet thanking his coworkers like a 15 year old, after winning 2 wtc

>> No.8051900

they fucking deserve that their shitcoin is going to hell

>> No.8051957

this. the response makes no sense at all. even if it was a team member you think they would refer to "us" or something when thanking the team.

>> No.8051991



>> No.8052014

Makes sense. There were other verified winners, so it’s clear they weren’t faking the contest, but this employee screwed up big league. They should fire him.

>> No.8052023

walton is a scam. they removed my posts and banned me from their subbreddit. im never buying or using walton in my fucking life

>> No.8052051

No shit, because you were probably spreading FUD about “muh scamcoin” like everyone else even though they already clarified what happened.

>> No.8052058

>trusting gook
you deserve it. you deserve to lose every penny to their scams and garbage.

>> No.8052088

page wont load screenshot plz

>> No.8052095

That would look even sketchier than it already does though. Blatantly having their employees win contests would look crooked as fuck. An employee accidentally won, tried to play it off like he wasn’t an employee, but forgot to log out of the WTC twitter.

>> No.8052117

rofl is this real life.

>> No.8052134

everyone is talking about some pathetic giveawy and not the fact they have just admitted their team pretend to be non team and praise themself..

>> No.8052139

OMG! Cant believe I won ! Thank you Walton team ! keep doing the great work.

>> No.8052146

oh yea about that, alot of times their website doesnt work and you have 2 remove the http part. WALTON CHAIN!

>> No.8052220

This is the bigger issue imo. The contest seems legit, but the fact that one of their employees was pretending not to be an employee is shady.

>> No.8052257
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skinnyfat old guy btfo

>> No.8052268

It's pretty obvious. Chinese are cheap bastards, so probably the person managing their twitter is a volunteer.

>> No.8052276
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Vechain shillers on overdrive as their price plummets, as they lose ground on partnerships and competing projects, they desperately lash out at Waltonchain.

All of this obviously coordinated FUD just makes me more confident that my income from Walton GMN starting next month will make me set for life.

Vechain shillers are so bad they got banned from plebbit, I must admit that's impressive.

>> No.8052280
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> teleports behind you
> "sorry kid, nothing personnel"

>> No.8052330

> my income from Walton GMN starting next month
and for more things that will never happen make sure you tune in after the commercials

>> No.8052337
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>Vechain losing ground on their partnerships
>Vechain working with BMW.

>> No.8052347

>All of this obviously coordinated FUD

kek, coordinated by walton ? did you look at op?

>> No.8052361

W-what if I have WTC, VEN, and ICX?

>> No.8052372

you know that the market hasn't settled on what to do with this coin yet right?

For somebody to profit off an investment in the last 2 months, WTC would need to bounce over 45%.

45%.... to be profitable rn...

>> No.8052397
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>Why would a supply chain and logistics company even host a Valentine's Day contest? Why would the team member act in such a childish manner? Why did the team member say Walton in the third person yet he's part of the team? Why did he get excited about 2 Walton? Why did you allow team members to compete in the first place? Why did this response only come now and not hours ago? Why is there censorship on telegram and Reddit regarding people fudding Walton? Why has Mainnet been delayed twice? Why did the accounts that did win only have a few followers with majority of posts about Walton? Why is this the second PR disaster in the last few weeks? As you can see a lot of unanswered questions, however I can make my own conclusions.

>> No.8052401


>> No.8052402

I would not want to take a punch from Zhao

>> No.8052506

If somebody believe that is full retard

>> No.8052712

how fucking brainless can you be, 2 months ago walton was $11

>> No.8052792


WTC has room to triple in price without breaking a sweat. It is criminally undervalued right now. Just sayin'. I don't need to convince biztards. I'm already comfy with my 20x gains holding since september.

>> No.8053431

believing in assets/securities because of their capacity to make you money is fucking stupid in crypto

>> No.8054349


>> No.8054421

You're right, but bag holders and paid shills will try to say this doesn't matter. The person who posted the tweet might be in this very thread right now.

>> No.8054473

if by clarified you mean they doubled down on their obvious fucking scam ya word. have fun with those heavy ass bags retard

>> No.8054495
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holy shit you are pathetic anon. if you actually believe that you deserve to lose all your money

>> No.8054515

the contest was not legit at all you fucking retard look up the other accounts that one. most of them less than a month old and all their tweets are shitting WTC. this company has no fucking web presence so they fake all their social media interactions lmfao its the most typically chinese shit ive seen all month

>> No.8054561


just think
if that dumbass employee didn't fuck up
they would still be able to fuck WTC supports up

that's fucked. They dont even realize the amount of damage they did to their image.

>> No.8054600



>lol lets be scammers and promote fake giveaways so people get more interested


>> No.8054616

I haven't traded any altcoin besides ETH since the Jan 17 crash.
Anyway, it's amusing how deluded Walton shills are. If you take one look at their subreddit, the posts are so fucking fake. It's like I wandered into a UFR shill thread.

>> No.8054639
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>> No.8054683

Even Confido rose by as much as 20x from it's ATL after the exit scam....20x gains from a coin isn't really impressive.

>> No.8054701


you're a brain dead bag holder if you actually believe these retards

>> No.8054708

Yeah you are not from fud army of vendiot shills?

>> No.8054748


lol maybe because he works for WTC and wants to tweet to help support the twitter he works for?

>> No.8054781
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>> No.8054894


lol you're implying walton wasn't INTENTIONALLY trying to scam it's supporters by giving away WTC to it's team members and having them post a thank you comment

>t. WTC cuck coping

the only other explanation is they're makig hte price lower so a partnership happens and they buy a shit load. But in any case, they have done so much damage that this company is now viewed as a scamming coin just as much as people look at XLM and say 'niggercharitycoin'

enjoy faggot

>> No.8054908

Maybe because it was a 17 year old Korean girl working as mod on twitter, glad she just winning free money, and made a mistake of not logging out of company account.

>> No.8054957


*catches breath*

*sharp inhale*