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8048533 No.8048533 [Reply] [Original]

Ite /Biz/

Was reading through the Linkpool website today and saw this. I have performed staking before with various cryptos and never have the tokens have needed to be actually sent too the pool. Is it possible that Linkpool is a scam trying o steal tokens?

>> No.8048563 [DELETED] 

Follow this link if your not on it yet https://stakeunited.co/ - stakes for you.

>> No.8048580

the node's reputation is based on LINK tokens, fagbot

>> No.8048603

im only doing linkpool if they post their personal info. That way if they run with our stinkies I will have them killed.

not trusting random biztards with my stinkers

>> No.8048691

A scam (Linkpool) within a scam (Chainlink) within a scam (Ethereum).

>> No.8048745
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>> No.8048799

Bro, look up what "pooling" means.
You can stake Link on your own without pooling all you want. It's just that there are benefits (and risks) to pooling.

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8048800

With other coins you simply need to stake to an address while your coins are still in your wallet, no need to send them, I understand that nodes are based on reputation

>> No.8048813


>> No.8048833

Nice replying skills.

Protip: if you want to reply (like I'm doing), all you have to do is type @ and then the post number you want to reply to.

>> No.8048844
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>> No.8048858


>> No.8048875

thank you for teaching me this, I will do it from now


>> No.8048933

You have to type the number manually though, if you copy you're also copying hidden HTML code and it doesn't work.

>> No.8048965

just click the fuckin number

>> No.8049017

>via smart contract
Seems safe enough for a moron like me

>> No.8049026

tokens will have limited utility in the chainlink network anyway. aside from the basic commodity data everyone will be providing like exchange prices or voting/sport results, which will have so many people competing there won't be much chance of you ever getting picked, they'll be "official" oracles of information, either from specific websites or companies. this official data which by definition can't be spread out between multiple oracles, even something like swift, means they won't even need a single token to "back up" their claims, because you're forced to use them if you actually want their exclusive data.

>> No.8049046

>hey goy send us all your monies
no, why should I do it, I not stupid, is a scam
>hey goy send us all your monies, is a smart contract
ooo sending it now my dear

>> No.8049091

Do you even know what you're investing in?

>> No.8049120

>hey goy send us all your monies, is a smart contract
no I no stupid you can still steal
>Do you even know what you're investing in goy?
oh no I no know sorry sending now my monies

>> No.8049409
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>> No.8049472

the road to $1000 linkedchains will be riddled with honey pots.

>> No.8049550

They're on the slack and their info is ontje website...
Dunno if I would trust them at first though

>> No.8049570


>> No.8049596

I wouldnt trust an official oracle that dosent put their money where their mouth is

>> No.8049914
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>> No.8049953

You are both braindead retards, sell your LINK it's not for brainlets

>> No.8050246

This is so boring. Both the linkpool guys are active in the development community...they're known. They are not going to exit scam with other people's coins. That said I wouldn't trust sending my coins to someone else. There's no choice if you want to run a link node, you have to do it yourself which means learning some computer science

>> No.8050559

made me chuckle

>> No.8050607

The confido team was active and known too

>> No.8050609

made me laugh

>> No.8050663

The whole thing is likely done through a smart contract. Do you believe in ETH smart contracts? Do you not expect the linkpool smart contract(s) to be verified by people smarter than you? If you don't believe any of these things, why invest in a smart contract platform?

>> No.8050765

no they weren't. nobody had ever seen them in real life and the pictures they used were literally stolen from some random college students

>> No.8051558

The contract is what is trustworthy, not the people, but smarter people will look into it is how bitconnect happened.

>> No.8052591
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>> No.8052708

What? BCC was a known scam project. Once you've set up a smart contract on the eth network and it's audited and people don't find any security holes in it, what is the issue? Carlos Matos could be the guy who wrote the smart contract, doesn't matter.

>> No.8053330

They already did.

They're two faggots in the UK.