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File: 17 KB, 250x241, 6850C9D3-77C1-4FE0-848A-71630039A7DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8048224 No.8048224 [Reply] [Original]

>mortgage/ (((rent)))
>car payment
>car insurance
>student loans
>health insurance
>misc expenses (sick kids, broke car)
>dental and eye doctor
>federal state and local taxes
>school expenses
>life insurance
>home owners insurance
>retirement fund
>rainy day fund

To do this you have to
>work 7 Days /week
>wear shitty clothes
>eat shitty food
>use shitty services
>forego anything fun
>forget about your wife staying at home
>drive a shitty car
>live in a shitty house
>do this for 50 years and raise kids this way
>your wage doesn’t even keep up with inflation
>even if you do this, you only see the payoff when you’re 70 and can’t enjoy it
> Bonus: to enjoy a barely above poverty level of existence; study STEM for 6 years and 100k+ for the chance to lose your job to a pajeet in 10 years

Where the FUCK do all these people get money to buy BMW’s and take vacations every year and wear Polo clothes and drink Starbucks? What the fuck.

>> No.8048304

Whenever i see these threads I remember how lucky I am to not be in a third world country such as America

>> No.8048328

So true. Middle class Americans are so cucked by the rich they don't even know it.

>> No.8048345
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[something about how not letting corporations fuck you is gommunism]

>> No.8048365

>for the chance to lose your job to a pajeet in 10 years
Try two years if you're in software dev. Motivated me to get off my comfy ass and do my own thing though.

>> No.8048444
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This. These people on vacations and living a lavish lifestyle have no savings, no retirement, and probably have 30k in credit card debt that they'll never climb out of.

>> No.8048465

>money from dad/boyfriend

Most are in crippling debt

>> No.8048490

literally how most middle class Americans live.

also nice trips

>> No.8048515


Checked. American dream

>> No.8048576
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I KNOW you are smarter than that. THE FACT that your here on biz trying to learn something, YOU WILL make it. SAVE MORE spend less. Live in a van if you have to, pay a monthly membership at planet fitness to shower and shit if you have to. Eat beans/rice if you have to. DO WHATEVER it takes. ITS EASY if you think its easy. If you think its hard it will become impossible. You can do it anon, Save while your young. If your not young, start saving. You just wont have much time as the younger folks

>> No.8048635

You god dis anon

>> No.8048664
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jesus, that's the most predatory commercial/service out there. They're actually mocking the people they're trying to rope into accruing more debt!

>> No.8048687
File: 46 KB, 333x499, richdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savers are losers. Buy cash-generating assets instead of hoarding federal reserve fun bux

>> No.8048743

well i think he knows wat to do when he saves.. hopefully

>> No.8048774

>Buy cash-generating assets
lol it's just that easy!

>> No.8048801

how to get rich
>make a lot of money
>don't spend it but invest it

>> No.8048814

Can you leftypol faggots just leave already?>>8048304

your subversion techniques are so shit, stalin is disappointed

>> No.8048829

If by 'investing' you mean gambling with crypto, sure. You might also just lose everything you saved by doing that.

>> No.8048831

Capitalism: not everyone can have a bmw
Communism: not everyone can have bread

>> No.8048848

God damn it smells like plebbit in here

>> No.8048851

literally just stocks on steroids

>> No.8048853
File: 2.86 MB, 720x480, working_class.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but america is the most expensive third world country.

it's not our fault if you're unwilling to accept reality and keep falling for the delusional American Dream that republicans are selling you over and over again.

>> No.8048856

>Where the FUCK do all these people get money to buy BMW’s and take vacations every year and wear Polo clothes and drink Starbucks? What the fuck.

Simple: they borrow it

>> No.8048882

>video of 9 pm post-game traffic

>> No.8048886

>cash generating assets
yes all those stocks like amazon, google, apple which don't pay dividends are bad

>> No.8048920

as if those sports consumers aren't locked into a 9-5 so they can afford overpriced tickets, beer, "food" at the game, their car payment, auto insurance, gas, registration, repairs, tickets...

>> No.8048938

the rich makes the poor live in a circus. the circus of DUMB FUCKING LIFE.

>> No.8048944

Name one that isn't rental properties.

>> No.8048956

Nice mental gymnastics.

>> No.8049010

Or they leech
Friend of mine is a flight attendant and she recently bought car, flat and new boobies. Her job will never be enough for that but her boyfriend inherited some money, so..

>> No.8049030

What even prevents me from accumulating a lot of debt, live an awesome life and then just die? They won't fuck me over until I'm dead anyway.

>> No.8049065


Doesnt the debt get passed down to your children?

>> No.8049071

cuz ull live feeling like a poorfag oneday when ur by urself

>> No.8049213

Not with a bang but with a whimper

>> No.8049396

Where do they get the money? It's all on credit cards, paid off every month. Most people I know carry enormous amounts of debt. Or they refied their houses, pulled the equity out, and spent it. The entire granite countertops/20k Disney vacation thing was fueled by that. Most of the growth in the US in the last decade was based off of it, not foundational growth. The good news is, foundational growth is returning, slowly.

Also, your list contains a lot of optional shit. You don't have to be married, own a home, or own a car. You can always find cheaper versions of everything. Most people could probably chop 25% of their monthly expenditures and not really notice it, like not spending $6 for a cup of coffee, or not wasting money on 200 cable channels you never watch. Cable was the first thing to go for me, it's a complete waste of money, and then you won't have people yelling at you through advertisements to spend more money you don't have on shit you don't need.
Keep your debt low, and only buy what you need. If you're single, you don't need a 3 bedroom house. If you HAVE to own, buy a small cottage or condo. More space means buying more shit to furnish, decorate, and heat/cool it.
Get your spending under control, get rid of the "owning stuff" mentality, and find reasons to exist that aren't based on an hourly wage or spending money. Live for what you do when you're not working. Don't live in big cities, live in small towns, have a small profile, and try to enjoy life.

>> No.8049428
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>> No.8049437

Not if they refuse to accept the inheritance. Also,
>implying anyone on biz gets laid

>> No.8049446


>> No.8049538

No, debt does not pass down, but it will eat away at your inheritance.

If your last remaining parent dies, with 25k in assets, but 50k in debts, the estate sells the 25k to pay off half the 50k, and any state/federal taxes. The executor of the estate does this. Anything left over is given to the heirs - in this case, you'd simply get nothing - and owe nothing.
That's why parents who are taking on new mortgages late in life are fucking their kids - they'll owe on the house, so the house won't pass to the kids when they die. I saw that happen to a couple people I know.
Banks and credit companies are trying to get the laws changed to extend the obligation to heirs, but thankfully they're shut down every time. So far.

>> No.8049540
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>Implying cash-generating assets are not federal reserve fun bux as well.

Fucking brainlet.

See pic. It's you

>> No.8049557

Debt doesn't get passed down, dummy. At least not in the US, or any first world country I'm aware of.

>> No.8049559

A SaaS business. The problem is if youre not a developer you won't be able to maintain it to keep up with the competition (and there will be competition). Another problem is that if its actually successful, you'll need to pay 10x the yearly profit (for a physical business its usually 3x), if its for sale at all.

>> No.8049612

I don't even manage to spend half of my salary every month in everything your listed. My salary is between the median and the average for my country.

>> No.8049632


This is believable when you still live with your mom

>> No.8049637

>Where the FUCK do all these people get money to buy BMW’s and take vacations every year and wear Polo clothes and drink Starbucks? What the fuck.

You don't buy new BMWs, you lease them and update when the lease is up. Never hold onto those things when shit starts breaking. A majority of all BMWs, Audi, Lexus etc drivers are posers acting like they have money. You can lease one for the same cost as owning a Toyota.

>> No.8049672

Are you retarded? Europoors can't even afford cars. Our middle class makes more than your "upper class" hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.8049693

Nobody can afford any of this
The companies that sell it all can't afford it either.
The only people consistently in the black are the banks.

>> No.8049705
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A wild brainlet appears!

>> No.8049729

Agreed. Most of the people that have that stuff have a lease or they aren't saving any money.

>> No.8049732

I live with my gf, we share expenses.

>> No.8049751
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, discountFrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a moneylet appears

>> No.8049785

Most people have no savings.
Most people owe more than they can ever hope to repay.
40% of Americans have less than 15k in retirement funds.
Too many people are counting on Social Security for their retirement.

SS is the ticking time bomb. Now that waves of Boomers are starting to retire and draw from it, it's going to collapse. Most of the SS funds are IOUs from Congress, who spent it all on pork barrel projects for their buddies, and on bailouts for banks.

There's a shitstorm offshore, and moving closer every day. I hope I'm dead before it hits, but more and more I think it will, before 2030. And when it does...it gets ugly. Really fucking ugly. Like, the American public finds out the cupboard is bare, the government spent it all, and there's nothing left.

>> No.8049907
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>> No.8050115

>mortgage/ (((rent)))
>car payment
>car insurance
>student loans
0€ lol
>health insurance
15€ (also included in taxes)
>misc expenses (sick kids, broke car)
maybe 40€/month if I travel a lot
>dental and eye doctor
0 (covered my health insurance)
>federal state and local taxes
800€/give or take
>school expenses
>life insurance
>home owners insurance
>retirement fund
0 (included in taxes)
>rainy day fund
Salary is 2750€/month

>> No.8050913

Wage cuck detected

>> No.8051182

>>mortgage/ (((rent)))
save up or buy a cheap house first to minimize loans
>>car payment
buy a cheap one if you really need a car in the first place
>>car insurance
not a huge deal
>>student loans
like what?
>>health insurance
is this a burger thing?
>>misc expenses (sick kids, broke car)
shouldn't really kill your budget
stop driving around everywhere
>>dental and eye doctor
you normally see these maybe once in two years
>>federal state and local taxes
these aren't really a part of your budget in the first place
>>school expenses
you listed this already
>>life insurance
literally why in the everloving fuck?
>>home owners insurance
this shouldn't be that big of an expense

I don't get it, unless you have a really shitty job or your country is shit, you should be able to accumulate a nice amount of savings regularly.

>>work 7 Days /week
yeah, unless you figure out other sources of income or live frugally
>>wear shitty clothes
oh no, baby can't buy SUPREME brand clothes?
>>eat shitty food
eating well isn't expensive
>>use shitty services
what in the fuck
>>forego anything fun
I'm literally crying :'(
>>forget about your wife staying at home
surprise surprise, normieshit frogposter
>>drive a shitty car
well boohoo
>>live in a shitty house
live in a house that matches your wealth

I'm not saying your country isn't shit, but if your finances are shit it's most likely your own fault.

>> No.8051535

kinda this
it's not that hard to escape wageslavery if you're not a normie retard
>buy a cheap reliable japanese car if you need one
>live with your parents as long as you need to
>save money/invest
>forget about normie activities like going to cinema or a fucking concert, you have everything for free on the internet anyway
>take overtime if it's paid well
>buy a small house/flat
>don't fall for the consumerit jew, you don't need a new iphone every month contrary to what the society wants you to think
You can literally take advantage of stupid normies, they will wageslave til 65, a non-retard shouldn't have a problem retireing aroun 40 (or even less if you want to retire in a cheap nice country like Croatia for example (many western euro oldfags go there with their pensions)

>> No.8052538

>Where the FUCK do all these people get money to buy BMW’s and take vacations every year and wear Polo clothes and drink Starbucks? What the fuck.
The vast majority of people who live this consumer-centric lifestyle have no savings, tons of debt, and no assets, which is exactly what (((they))) want.

Don't buy into the scam bro, live modestly, invest prudently, and you'll be fine.

>> No.8052618


>Niggers commiting crime means the justice system is racist

Yeah i guess you should release them from prison, don't want to be seen as racist huh?

>> No.8052791
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you forgot nutricionist/diet specialist there in your list

>> No.8052835

>Where the FUCK do all these people get money to buy BMW’s and take vacations every year and wear Polo clothes and drink Starbucks? What the fuck.

Credit my friend. Credit. They're all in 30k worth of debt but all their friends are in 30k debt too so they don't worry about it.