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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, Scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8046584 No.8046584 [Reply] [Original]

what a scam. very disappointing performance after rebrand. this is no NEO. zero gains. no moon potential.

VeChain is officially a scam.

this is a no buy

>> No.8046613

top 5 this year, get poor anon.

>> No.8046629
File: 11 KB, 201x251, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol. in your fucking dreams, kid.

>> No.8046646


Bet me 1 BTC then with a smart contract faggot.

>> No.8046739

this thread is retarded and so are you

>> No.8046977

Jim is that you?

>> No.8046998

top 5 of the bottom

>> No.8047006

Ever since I saw that video showing off their "advanced technology" and it was this dodgy 3D printer in some third world office, deep inside I lost trust in Vechain.

>> No.8047113

Did this Saltie Waltie lose the giveaway? lmao

>> No.8047146
File: 56 KB, 621x702, brainlet4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8047160

I rode the VeChain pump for a while, but let's be realistic about what to expect from here on out. A proper valuation of VEN will ultimately reflect the markets consumption of THOR, but in order for the network to succeed, THOR will need to be offered to businesses at a very cheap price. The bigger expense for enterprises on the network will be buying the RFID tags. VeChain offers a valuable solution, but companies will only use it if it provided a cost savings to their current systems. This should be the case, since the blockchain is decentralized. VeChain will be huge, but that doesn't mean your tokens will be worth very much. This isn't a traditional security....you aren't invested in VeChain.

>> No.8047197
File: 95 KB, 924x287, shill faggot scammers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaooo you should have seen their rebrand

"we hav gut 41k pepal on subleddit"
"we hav biliyun of pepal on leleglam app"

they even bring out a cringeworthy hammer of Thor and grabbed it as if we they're doing something revolutionary, all this tech will do is scan wines.

their national level projects have been exposed too, China officially confirmed a big giant BAN on foreign and domestic ICOs, source = south china morning post newspapers, read it online if you don't believe me.

Vechain has started a giant crackdown on telegram and reddit, banning and removing any posts questioning the shitcoin

This is Verge 2.0

>> No.8047232

It's been two days since the event. It was doing fine before that, and then had to deal with "sell the news". You kids expect this to work like a slot machine.

>> No.8047389
File: 307 KB, 1264x729, shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaining 7% and then losing that 7% by the next 4 hours with an addtional loss of 4%

hahahaha meanwhie shitcoins like nano were doing 30% and stabling by losing 10% only

>> No.8047503

>he thinks current performance predicts future results

>> No.8047559
File: 215 KB, 979x745, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitcoin got gains only during a bull market when every other shitcoin got gains

>shitcoin got justed during a bear market when only every other worthy coin got gains

>shitcoin got exposed by vitalik and china national level partnerships turned out to be pure bunk

>shitcoin purposely makes claims about partnerships when reality is he partners with someone who knows someone and that somone knows another person in BMW, thats how they make their connection and claim partnerships
total bogus

>> No.8047613

>thinks he knows better than Dr Ching Chong from Oxford university and the owner of the most successful ice cream brand in the world.
>connects dots that aren't there and gets random conclusions
I'd slap you with my glove if I wore gloves

>> No.8047655

instant gratification appealing utter shitcoin, sensationalised, impatient marketing with obvious paid shilling in every corner. it will see a 50-60% retracement to weed out the retards and to take time to build up proper fundamentals, but by then NEO would have already dominated the space.

>> No.8047728

when the fud comes, then you know the pump is imminent

so I enjoy reading these posts, keep them coming

>> No.8047821
File: 122 KB, 1300x954, john-abraham-GD563T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no proof of any of the partnerships except for DNV gl and jim breyer, the rest have all been debunked and still thinks ven is going to moon when they lied this much


>> No.8047962

This. I know the CEO of Chinese tobacco personally, and was disgusted to see the fake lookalike on that stage.

>> No.8048065

>biztards believing this shit will be worth 200B EOY
Fucking retarded pajeets

>> No.8048166


This is something I have been wondering. How much will be THOR valued? Or better said, how much value will be created because of THOR?

THOR is burned. So its marketcap should reflect the total money spend in THOR (maybe a bit higher). But how much is it? And whats the lowest ROI someone will tolerate from VET?

I assume the ROI will be higher than stocks index, as blockchain has "higher risks" and running a masternode isn't as passive as just buying indexes.

It has to be something between 10-33% or more the starting years, so, VET will be from x3-x10 the total marketcap of thor. If only we knew how much will be spend on thor...

>> No.8048294

All you have to understand is how much is being lost in disruption of the supply chain. That was, according to BSI in 2015, $56 billion annually. And, we aren't even touching on the value Vechain network's potential for reduction in counterfeit or dapps/ICOs will bring.

>> No.8048333

Meanwhile smart money sitting comfy in OMG.

>> No.8048371

The part that I find unsettling is that master nodes will be generating 80-90% of THOR. So if you don't hold a master node, what's the point?

>> No.8048396


>> No.8048419


>> No.8048534

Yeah it's start to make sense. Let's say that they just get 10%-20% of that with the added value,

5 billions in thor --> from 15 billions to 50 billions in vet
10 billions in thor --> from 30 billions to 100 billions in vet

So it's pretty safe to say that VET has at least another x10-x15 from here

It'll be one of the only staking coins that has a real service. This makes the risk/reward better than others coins. And if you want higher ROI, go with GVT

>> No.8048925

this thread smells like linkish double bluf fud
what is sadder is that most of the people seriously reply

>> No.8049087
File: 12 KB, 469x355, Thor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually incorrect as far as I know.

>> No.8049113

I got into ven when it was 2 bucks lol, It's been good for me so far.

>> No.8050148

These pajeets FUDing are getting less shitty and that's saying a lot.