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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8035877 No.8035877 [Reply] [Original]

Other than crypto, of course.
What does biz spend it's time doing.
>if you want to be successful, you must surround yourself with successful people.

>> No.8035894

I race sailboats, shoot handguns and lift weights.

>> No.8035939

Nice, I race open wheel cars, shoot guns, and lift weights.

>> No.8035944

Weight lifting

>> No.8035950

Read. Good books not normie trash.

>> No.8035956

i surf and read

>> No.8035981
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Browsing /pol/

>> No.8036009

book recs? I've already got a fat stack of nonfiction books so I'm more interested in hobby reading

>> No.8036044

Nice, I race BRAPS, shoot BRAP darts, and lift weights.

>> No.8036053

I like reading vintage trading and TA books. Truth of the Stock Tape is the goat book for me, along with reminiscences of a stock operator.

>> No.8036067

Camp of the Saints and Turner Diaries. :^)

>> No.8036088

I like to fly my MIG-29, shoot guns and larp.

>> No.8036098

Run, fly airplanes and go to pubs

>> No.8036156

Amateur racing is not as expensive as you might think. I have been sail boat racing as well though it was as an extra dude on another guy's boat. This is my jewtube.

>> No.8036167

Martial Arts/Combat sports
Building things
Cold approaching women if you're single

>> No.8036191

Grow mushrooms. Feels like your making gains

>> No.8036207

cheap scotch

>> No.8036237

african hunting safaris

>> No.8036369

I study for 9-14 hours a day does that count?

>> No.8036385

shooting handguns and lifting aren't hobbies, lifting is necessary for health and shooting handguns...so you just go fucking shoot for no reason? that shit aint fun.

>> No.8036418

I dunno about that guy, but I run IPSC and 3-gun. Its like racing but with guns. Lots of fun.

>> No.8036497

Play in a 3 person band where I do the production

I'm usually the wealthiest of my friends. I code for a living.

>> No.8037346

Lifting weights and travel.

>> No.8038488

Work trades
Learn Japanese, German next
Build 1/72 WW1 model aircraft

Too bad I suck at all of them.

>> No.8038500

golf, horse riding, tennis, chess

>> No.8038577
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Cycling, Sailing, Mountain Biking, and Jiu Jitsu. I find Jiu Jitsu to be by far the most beneficial for self improvement across the board.

>> No.8038970

watch anime, play video games, and lift weights

>> No.8039227

Play piano and guitar
Martial arts
Surf web and Youtube
Make music
Sometimes go out with friends

>> No.8039754

i cycle too, midwest here

>> No.8039774

dancing, cycling, reading, watch a lot of shit when im depressed.

>> No.8039788

im guessing that the all time favourite approved hobby is larping on /biz/

>> No.8039919
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Magic the Gathering.

You get to buy high and sell low when you're taking a break from buying high and selling low.

>> No.8039948


jew jitsu is best martial art. i feel alot more comfortable in danger knowing how to break an arm.

My most recent hobbies have been lifting, archery, and messing with a 3D printer (building it and tweaking it)

>> No.8040121

I study behavior of malware and classify it based on it's behavior for fun. also i like to make music

>> No.8040152

cars and bikes

>> No.8040246

>I study behavior of malware and classify it based on it's behavior for fun.
What? Why?? Are you autistic?

>> No.8040437

Yeah I might be. My brother has aspergers syndrome and we exhibit a lot of the same behaviors. I have studied computers furiously since I was 8 years old and have found them to be a continued source of curiosity/inspiration. I routinely struggle to interface with humans :)

Hence my 4chan browsing and malware studying :)

>> No.8040479

Honestly though I make like 200k after taxes and work in cyber security for a large ecommerce firm that I'm sure you know the name of. So it's not a curse really, but just something I have to figure out how to work with.

>> No.8040507

You do you shawty

>> No.8040525

watch anime, fap to traps and lolis and play the vidya, mostly rpgs. I also make music sometimes but haven't gotten good at it yet


same, except for the 9-14 hours a day part
hows r/TheRedPill
alpha asf
super homo

>> No.8040553

oh look it's Joe Rogan

>> No.8040630
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Weight lifting, endurance training and motocross. Pic related.

Anyone else here into motor sports?

>> No.8040748

If you are going to shit talk everyone else hobbies, what do you do?

>> No.8040793

anime, shitposting and parents a couple of times a month

>> No.8040794
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Its no lambo but its quick. I also race karts. >>8036156

>> No.8040860

Is japanese actually that difficult to learn or is that a meme?

>> No.8040904

muh nigga

>> No.8040913


>> No.8040920

Live music

>> No.8040929

stoner metal band, board games, gambling

>> No.8041201


Formula ford?

>> No.8041235

I just play videogames all day. I didn't get into investing so i could be running around all day doing exhausting shit.

>> No.8041301
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>5 spiced braised shortrib, veal demi, sous vide carrots, sauteed pea shoots

>cost of ingredients: $10

>> No.8041314
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Here’s another: Prime Rib cooked in a wood fired oven 6 hrs at 250F

>> No.8041337
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One more: Wood Fired Pizza

Dough: Levained with sourdough yeast

>> No.8041379


i love cooking too but that shit is next level anon. 10/10 presentation, would eat

>> No.8041428
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Thanks. Best way to cheap out: get a sous vide. It makes the cheapest cuts taste fantastic without wasting time trying to figure how to braise etc.

Plus it makes steaks god tier without overcooking it.

>> No.8041468

My favorite is fried rice.

>kimchi fried rice: bacon, scallions, sesame oil, kimchi, reduced kimchi juice, onions, garlic, old rice

>cost me $5

>> No.8041550

Adderall, Ambien, driving at night, BMWs, film photography, video production (music videos mostly), thrifting, google streetview, fapping

>> No.8041568
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Nice! I do a bit of a cooking myself occasionally. Just as a hobby, of course, but it's fulfilling and I'm quite proud of it.

>> No.8041673

lol R3. You are yet to /makeit/.

>> No.8042263
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