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File: 27 KB, 659x412, feminist-red-hair-feminism-culture-destruction-marxism-family-anti-western-culture-659x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8035221 No.8035221 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so I just got out of a meet up in nyc, it was a two hour discussion on crypto investing. 20mins+ the panel spoke about women in crypto. Around 50% of all events I attend it is one of their topics of discussion.

The room I was in today was 60% female, the panel was 50% female, and one of the males was just clueless giving horrible info. Yet you people still want to.waste my time on this never ending topic whilst we could be discussing important topics.

Last time I checked to buy bitcoin you didn't have to confirm you are a male.

Q: Why is there less women in crypto?

A: men are driven to make money and gain a higher status naturally, it is how you attract females, and we are attracted to objects and material things.

Women are more emotional and have LESS desire to make money and so investing does not sell copies of mainstream female magazines etc.

Please stop wasting my time on this topic ppl im sure I'm not the only one. There are many 'Women in crypto' events where I am excluded as a male and zero 'males in crypto' events or in fact any places females aren't invited.

Additional note: sympathizing with feminist views will not get you laid, as most males I see 'encouraging diversity' are beta cucks who havent yet realized this. Grow some balls and tell them the facts that this problem is invisible.

>> No.8035268

>Q: Why is there less women in crypto?
Men act on behalf of themselves, their family, and their society. Women nag until someone takes notices and helps them. If they have to nag too much they start to think men are not hateful for carrying their burdens.

Think about supporting a family. If a man supports his family it what he is suppose to do. If a woman supports her family they act like she is some wonderful hero, and will turn a blind eye to all her faults.

Women will continue to be indirect actors, which is fine so long as they are lovely to be around. If not men withdraw and women will continue to have higher rates of suicide.

>> No.8035272

Lol anon i was there too

>> No.8035313
File: 801 KB, 1200x801, 1493175599716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're preaching to the choir, man.

If Bitcoin actually does become the NWO, it's basically game over for the little leeches like the feminists. The big leeches (elites) are going to look at Bitcoin as the thing that saved them from ZIRP.

>> No.8035339

We need some kind of secret code to identity each other at these things

>> No.8035390

Like something that dangles between your legs?

>> No.8035416
File: 46 KB, 564x564, 1486678414372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear a MAGA hat.

>> No.8035428

Also none of their feminist bullshit matters because its decentralised, if anything you can manipulate tumblrinas into pumping by having bullshit remarks about your shill coin and equality.

>> No.8035512

Lol it was shit man, we just listened to some guy who doesnt even own crypto calling it a bubble, and females moaning.
To be honest I think all men think this, they just know that I'd they speak up they will get all the women chasing them with pitch forks.

>> No.8035554

>Women will continue to be indirect actors, which is fine so long as they are lovely to be around. If not men withdraw and women will continue to have higher rates of suicide.
men have significantly higher rates of suicide

>> No.8035568
File: 8 KB, 216x234, brainlet-maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Please stop wasting my time with this topic"
>Wastes everyone's time with this topic
Seriously, just leave. Also fuck all of you.

>> No.8035613

I go around public and help women and monitores buy bitcoin and blue chip cryptos.

I give them little articles on how to buy and transfer and safely store crypto

I offer private lesson for money.

I have fucked zero women doing this and made about 400 dollars in 2 weeks from private meet ups

>> No.8035652

Thanks for your service.

>> No.8035682

Oh well maybe if more men commit suicide we should find out how to include more women

If my 10 mins of rant can save another room full of 50+ people having to listen to that shit, it's well spent imo.

Also women moaning about this shit is real, women being stopped from buying crypto isn't