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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8028197 No.8028197 [Reply] [Original]

REAL TALK: if Walton went to such lengths to rig a petty contest, for a company valued at half a billion... what could they be covering up/rigging on a much larger scale?

>> No.8028254

scam coin, literally nothing but a whitepaper

paid pajeets to shill on 4chan and reddit

>> No.8028302

to save 50 bucks....

If whoever runs the goddamn coms dept at Walton didn't think that the risk/reward of rigging the contest was fucking non-existant than you know we're all fucked.

I thought this was FUD for a half hour until i lost nearly a grand.

Fucking assholes.. for 50 FUCKING BUCKS!!!

>> No.8028317

Fake partnerships for sure.

>> No.8028323

it was just a retard greedy intern. They made it worse by censoring this.

>> No.8028348
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this was the first thing that struck me too, jesus fucking christ those guys are inept. Even if it was a PR intern who fucked up someone is the boss of that person who royally fucked up trusting him and someone is the boss of that person again royally fucking up trusting them to have control of the interns my GOD what a fucking situation. Glad I'm not holding those bags

>> No.8028356

at this point that's possible.

I'm not even going to bother shilling anymore I'm never touching this fucking scam.

I honestly think 99% of what 4chan negatively says about coins is garbage, but if anons are really willing to risk after this then they're idiots for not listening rn.

Beyond this fucking site, i'm actually really pissed rn.

>> No.8028399

>rigging the contest
it's not about rigging the competition, although that is just retarded and shooting themselves in the foot for even letting employees in on the competition.
The real egregious act is that they're obviously astroturfing. Like, blatantly obviously. That's probably why it's dumping
not because
>hurr they scammed $50 in their own competition

>> No.8028419

The house of cards is tumbling

>> No.8028493

Maybe they are not covering anything in particular, just general sloppy execution...

>> No.8028532

every company does this

still sold that shit kek

>> No.8028587

So now instead of being fraudulent, they are incompetent.


>> No.8029231
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congrats on this, seriously

>> No.8029236

Huge scam.

>> No.8029276

Someone explain what the fuck happened.

>> No.8029364
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>> No.8029422

basically walton held a giveaway contest for valentine's day. and today they announced the winner's. well, someone posted from their main twitter account that they had won and were so grateful. they promptly deleted the tweet, started banning a bunch of users in their telegrams and subreddit, basically tried to go down to super lock down mode, still no "official response" persay other than a telegram admin basically saying it was a mistake and to pound salt. so now people are questioning why they would go to such lengths for a contest, what other paid shills they have been running to the public but keep confined within their company, and whether or not they may or may not be rigging more important things

>> No.8029455

Sold my bags fuck this shady shit, just bought more trac, ary, and ven

>> No.8029469

thanks for all the cheap wtc u weak handed faggets

>> No.8029475

walty status = salty


>> No.8029574

>letting employees in on the competition
i doubt that even happened. sounds like they just faked the whole contest and winners

>> No.8029582

As much as I hate it, they will obviously get away with it and moon later like nothing ever happened.

>> No.8029623
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>> No.8029635

Stinky linky here, they chose fucking MOBIUS, the absolute worst choice in the oracle space to be their oracle provider.
They're a year away from having anything tangible. Literally any of the dozen other options would have been better.

Stay away from walton, it's clear they're just trying to keep the scam up as long as possible.
>protip: vechain is just as bad

>> No.8029680

CCK called it a scam in a nice way. DID YOU NOT SEE? "so called competing chain"

>> No.8029806

>started banning a bunch of users in their telegrams and subreddit, basically tried to go down to super lock down mode
I was thinking about buying once it stopped freefalling because it looked like an extreme overreaction but they've lost too much trust irremediably and I'm not going to bet on a real comeback. RIP.

>> No.8029840

>The irrelevant and the fraudulent ones will be put to eternal dust.

>> No.8030001

Walton is shady as fuck, remember that 'competition' they supposedly won? They look like they're standing outside a community swimming pool

>> No.8030036


>> No.8030044
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WaltyCucks BTFO holy shiy

>> No.8030159

kek BTFO

>> No.8030895

well like the other anon said, now we have to wonder what else they're willing to rig or manipulate, or how incompetent they are

i'm glad i wasn't holding any of this shit and i'll never buy any after this

>> No.8030901
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What did they mean by this?

>> No.8030945

if its chinky it stinky

>> No.8031077

nothing was rigged or manipulated, an intern won $40 entered the twitter contest, big fucking shit?

>> No.8031093


>> No.8031126

they're giving an intern full control over their social media department? ya right

and on company should allow their employees to enter contests regardless of how insignificant the prize amount is, even more so in this case where the whole point of the contest is to market to the public and "hook" new investors, giving it to employees is completely counter to this goal

they fucked up bad whether you want to acknowledge it or not, it isn't the dollar value that matters, you're completely missing the fucking point

>> No.8031191

Literally 4D chess causing a dip so insiders can accumulate more, once they release the tech no scandal is large enough to stop the moon mission

>> No.8031220


Holy Shit I never jumped on the WTC bandwagon but I just read they their Mainnet isnt even operational? Holy fuck, that means the LINKIES have a real chance at $5 in a few months. Incredible.

>> No.8031249
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>moon mission
they have a new destination now

>> No.8031421

haha yes please sell into me you weak handed fucks. You never deserved the gains walton was going to bring you anyways

>> No.8031461


>> No.8031498

CCK has been hinting at WTC having fake partnerships for weeks.

>> No.8031510

You played yourself.

>> No.8031536

fkn lol'd

>> No.8031632
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>> No.8031670

> cant run a fucking ama
> 3 delays so far
> wallet from the fucking 80s
> website taking 3 months
> now absolutely lobotomized behaviour and actions only conceivable to a chink mind during the giveaway
all of this shit is fucking kindergarten level. Imagine them producing their own chips (assuming its not all just a scam)... fuck me this shit will crash and burn so fast or will be fucking backdoored by the chinese gov in seconds.

>> No.8031703
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>> No.8031916

Tried swinging this...nope everybody wants out.

Shame...I was going to invest in WTC soon. Good thing this clusterdicking happened now.

This is the highest risk lowest reward scam to try and pull off....idiots

>> No.8031999
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>> No.8032016

some wtc shill mentioned they used a script to pick the winners ... yeah right a script that picks the winners from a pool of your twitter accounts and tweets the message "thanks .... " on some


wtc is getting slaughtered now on faggit as well lol so much for better tech than vchain

not that i trust any chink project much like crypto scams as a whole

>> No.8033053

Trezarcoin did a similar fake giveaway for new years. They gave away the prize to a brand new account with next to no activity. Fake giveaway = scam shitcoin

>> No.8033937
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>muh best tech
>can't operate fucking twitter.

Sell this shit before they exit scam on all you fucks. Network traveler is running a scam having you send him Masternodes on the side not to mention all the fake partnerships, broke an NDA, cant run an AMA, main net delays etc etc

>> No.8034038

one of the winners lmao

>> No.8034107

They literally blamed the twitter mishap on the intern.

Which begs the fucking question.

Why did the least experienced person at WTC have full control to one of the most important and powerful media platforms for the company???

Let's hand the helm of the Titanic to the waiter...

>> No.8034381

The telegram and reddit are run by fanboys of Walton.

>> No.8034402

Who is they because the company hasn't said anything, its night in china.
All you have heard is speculation by reddit fanboys.

>> No.8034459

And none of those bosses have gone damage control defcon 5, grinding everything to a halt and immediately issuing an a apology and synposis of 'what went wrong'. Either coming clean or cooking up some retarded excuse. Instead, just radio silence, which is always the biggest indicator that leadership is inept and has no fucking idea what to do when a crisis strikes.

>> No.8035191
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>> No.8035234

They rigged and lied about everything they ever did - including their patents, history, tech, etc. They even stole the name of this guy Walton and claim they have RFID patents. They can't even fucking design a basic website that took 6 months to make.
>only 4 partnerships on website now
It loads like a fucking fax machine and has no SSL hahahahahhahahahaaha