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File: 55 KB, 1023x1280, 1505842181587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8027873 No.8027873 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW have 150,000 Link but want 300,000

Anyone experiencing feelings like this? Convince me to be happy with what I have pls.

>> No.8027904

give me 50k m8. What difference does 100m vs 150m do?

>> No.8027918

Holy fuck sit on ur hands for 2 years and have 10M plus. just chill

>> No.8027954

fuck you
some of us are struggling

>> No.8027957

Same feels. I have over 250,000 but obsess about having 300,000 because I used to have 500,000.

>> No.8027966
File: 13 KB, 395x395, 1401259491560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not with link but with another coin

I regret getting into crypto so late because collecting shit is kinda of addictive especially when you find a good project

>price goes up
>feels good

>price goes down
>buy more

>> No.8027970

whyd you blow it?>

>> No.8027988

Same. 50k link poorfag here, just want 100k to be comfy

nice fud

>> No.8028071

same here anon.
Sitting with 170k but wanna get to 200k.
I know deep down tho that when I reach 200k I will want 300k.

>> No.8028121

Same anon, same.

Does anyone have the HQ link logo or a HQ shadowfork?

>> No.8028148

I have 8000. You're fine quit bitching.

>> No.8028149

lol, as if you have 200K to drop on crypto

>> No.8028173
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>tfw only 25k link :(

>> No.8028174


post your ethscan

>> No.8028182

it maks so much sense. He needed bitcoin to create an organic competitive community that he could use to launch chainlink on. The blockchain developmental community crowd sourced a massive global infrastructure that he needed and he didn't have to spend a single dollar to do it. He has probably leveraged himself quite well if this is true, enough to get himself access and virtual anonymity within the ranks of the financial and fintech elite. Think about one man and a small group of devs executing this mutli decade plan on the global scale and remaining unknown just long enough for the kill shot. You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube as they say. To find this board utilizing meme majik that just got DJT elected in an apparent move to destroy the global cabal, also memeing this coin successfully and being able to stand under the belly of the beast with buckets as sergeys blade slices it open. Its the price singularity, its the actual singularity, and its the dawning of a new age of information, interaction, and value. It was never about bitcoin, it was always about chainlink. Hes taking over the world lads, and we're helping. Witness 1 DJT Witness 2 Sergey Nazarov Apocalypse Nao!!

>> No.8028183

stfu newfag. Not everyone is a dumb cunt poorfag like you who only got into crypto in 2017/2018

>> No.8028298

>tfw when 3k linklet

>> No.8028724

Fuck all of you i only have 1k

>> No.8028761

I only have 1.4k. Will I be allowed into the future pleasure domes or will I be cast into the irradiated wasteland?

>> No.8028806

You'll be comfy if you hold.

Iron hands lads

>> No.8028872

You will be with the Req holders just outside the interracial breeding grounds

>> No.8028937

Reeee I only have 7.8k I just want to make it to 10k.

>> No.8029021

I do but I'm completely unjustified. I bought 71k link on credit as a completely broke poorfag. I sold 21k to pay back the debt and I still feel shitty for not having 100k. I legit had 11 dollars in my bank account before this and by some miracle I have 35k in chain link but I still can't be happy

>> No.8029075

you did amazingly well m8, now HODL

>> No.8029128

gone from 200k --> 500k --> 750k ---> 1m
all jumps were motivated by the feeling you describe.

>> No.8029183

Dude. I have 143 and I want 1k. You're doing fucking fine.

>tfw boss poorly spent her company money and now my paycheck is unironically 4 months due

>> No.8029287

4.5k link here with another $1k AUD on its way. The accumulation never stops, but it's nice to know that I already have $5m worth.

>> No.8029566

I have 25k which is enough. Anything over a few dollars will allow me to dramatically improve my life.

>> No.8029669

what are you gonna do with your new better life?

>> No.8029670

Post the popuko and pipimi Chainlin forks pls

>> No.8029713


I want 5,000. I'm middle class fag so that's all i can afford if I accumulate for several months.

>> No.8029739

Fuck this whole thread I have 0.75 LINK, want to up my stack to 3.

>> No.8029897


>> No.8029953

Lower middle class. FTFY

>> No.8030098

I have 14k and want 23k.
Feels bad

>> No.8030106


Be comfy

>> No.8030287


Probably true. oh well

>> No.8030324

Once we hit bottom in a few days, should I be 33%, 66% or 100% in LINK? I'm leaning towards 66%. We're still a few months out from a full release and I think I'll be able to acquire more later by building my stack via better trades until then. Halp me /biz/ I can't think for myself.

>> No.8030451

Not for long my friend

>> No.8030708

50 million dollars

>> No.8030789


God bless you, anon. I may be lower class but dammit i'm holding for life

>> No.8030840

I have ~99,800 and I'm suspicious about the fact that if not everyone on here is larping, almost all of the top wallets are biz wallets

Suspiciously round numbers there you larping weirdo

>> No.8030904

That's funny, I was 33% Link a few weeks ago, now I'm 66%, and thinking about going 100% depending on how Req does this month.

>> No.8030940
File: 110 KB, 2540x3176, LINK1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many fuggin times to i have to tell you to delete the shitty jpeg version and stop posting it?

>> No.8030994


We hit the bottom today imo 6300-6400

>> No.8031016

Don't do it anon i had 46k thinking I could swingtrade to 50k now I'm sitting at only 36k stinky linkies

>> No.8031043


I'm not larping, but only have 1500. I've wondered about /biz/ having all the top wallets, but I don't think there's that many of us on here. Judging from etherscan there's not a whole lot of people who own it, but I'm not entirely sure how etherscan works and takes into account everyone. It's a comfy hold those

>> No.8031050


I lost some Link doing that as well. Not with Link, but getting out of Link and going into tether waiting for BTC dump and Link to go with, but Link mooned instead.

>> No.8031072

I want 300k too but tough shit. Be happy that you're going to be richer than anyone else you know.

>> No.8031111

Already all in for crypto, but I swear to god if we get just one more good dip to less than .30c I'm truly going all in

>> No.8031151

No way you have a million link. Show me.

>> No.8031268

10k here
post ether scan you lying niggers

>> No.8031435

:( 3.2k here, all in

>> No.8031470

presale price was 9 cents, newfriend.

>> No.8031508

so what faggot
you didnt buy in the presale

>> No.8031626

oh yes i fucking did (a measly 50k LINK though).

>> No.8031686
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Fuck Yes. Been obsessing over thi very thought ever since the crash early February. Started selling 12-14k and finished selling all my alts at around 10k and didn't buy the dip at all because I legit thought Tether situation would spiral out and crash the market even further. Could have bought in at 29 cents and could have had just shy of 500k if I was nuts enough to go all in at the time.
I'm all in Link with about quarter mil and yes I realize it's a lot, but I can't shake off the feeling I could have almost twice as much Link and could have been my taxes and short term cash out and it's been literally eating me up ever since.
The greed is cancerous and grows exponentially to your portfolio size.

>> No.8031789


Yeah, lemme just find a suitable 1m+ wallet and post the link, that will surely prove I’m the owner.

>> No.8031928
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Going with link to the summit of human wealth, or to the grave

>> No.8031965
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>> No.8031978

ok seriously do you people mean you have 150,000 coins or $150,000 in coin...

>> No.8032006

>150 000 LINK
>150 000

>> No.8032093
File: 295 KB, 900x900, 1518559665610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have less than 1k.
I'm not gonna make it to a grand in time.

>> No.8032114

$400k is nothing to scoff at

>> No.8032147

r u me?

>> No.8032178

Genuinely excited to see the price EOY. Zero or 1000 Either way will be absolutely hilarious.

>> No.8032322

150 link

150000$ in 1 year

>> No.8032415

Who else does this every day?

>Calculate how much money you need to live off the interest
>Add extra for capital gains tax
>Convert to dollars
>Divide by what you think link will be worth
>This is how many stinky pinkies I need
>Adjust my prediction price constantly

I do this 10+ times a day. Right now I think I need 35k to make it. Only have 14k so far.

>> No.8032480

how can link succeed? literally if link hits 100 it would mean everyone here rich and has fuck you money how do

>> No.8032499
File: 47 KB, 500x500, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my other alt coin will go up this month the same day when chainlink will start going up

>> No.8032588

Gents. Say it hits 100 and I decide to sell on binance. I send the ETH to Coinbase, then sell that ETH, and that’s how you cash out ? Just want to make sure I’m not making a mistake

>> No.8032713

Used Kraken myself with no problems.

>> No.8032748
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Then you realize you can't cash out crypto and promptly kys

>> No.8032766

I'm going to be throwing $35 at it once I get my check in a few days. New to bitcoin and all this so alot of it is me just getting my first buys. I have about .01 worth of a bitcoin I bought a few months ago which is worth about 120 right now so this is all new.. hence why I am not sure and asked what people mean.

Reading these threads it seems like people are buying up $300k worth and sitting and that means im probably one of the poorest here . This stuff is all so new to me. I only learned about it after buying up some penny stock in some solar power companies.

Just trying to make sure I am on the right path and plus a bit confused at how many people on here seem to have piles of money or im just reading numbers wrong.

Either way Link is my next goto and first huge one I am going to go all out on for a bit and after all my readings seems a solid long term plan. Not sure i'll make it but I am going to try my hardest. Even working on cutting some bad habits so I have more money to put into investments.

sorry bout the blog just kinda dont really have anyone to talk about this since my friends are still on buy dumb things mode or oh gotta pay for my gf and kid mode and so I am most of the time feeling like I am wandering alone when it comes to this investment stuff,. I'm learning but slowly and im not a very clever person to begin with. anyways back to the important stuff link and it's future

>> No.8032785

there will probably be better ways to cash out by then

>> No.8032801

So pretty much everyone almost all in link? This will be legendary whatever the outcome will be

>> No.8032805
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>> No.8032825

yes but not the tax part because I don't have to deal with capital gains tax

>> No.8032838

>guys I only have $100,000 worth of this crypto that's going to make me ridiculously rich I want $200,000 worth so I can be even more rich :(
Neck yourself you dumb faggot
I'm not a commie but people like you genuinely need to be shot and have all your belongings repossessed, you're a kike by mentality if not by ethnicity

>> No.8032873

i got 50k stinkies. that'll be enough right? i'll be living large when it goes to 1k.

>> No.8032885

I used to have >10k, then I got greedy and decided I need 15k.
Now I have 6k.

If you traded like me, you'd turn your 150k into 90k
Imagine that feel.
You don't want to feel this way. So just hold.

>> No.8032894

Hot potato game
Make money by buying your favorite linkies!


>> No.8032907
File: 105 KB, 797x566, 1406311808804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to our subreddit, newfriend

>> No.8032943

Same feels man. Dying to go from top 200 to top 100 wallets. I hope we all have enough resolve to hold til $100+

>> No.8032958

nice blog faggot buy LINK and shutup

>> No.8032986
File: 20 KB, 400x400, igor-grichka-bogdanoff.jpg.pagespeed.ce.scxB7pxa-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on exactly 106,300. Dont know if I sell 6,300 or buy 33,700. Might sell this upcoming dip and rebuy later.

>> No.8033038

Nigga I only have 2k stinky linkies.

>> No.8033110


>> No.8033141

>fucking link stays between 0.60 - 0.70
wtf is happening? why can't we moon already?

>> No.8033150

Only other crypto I intend to put money into is FUN.

>> No.8033167

because I don't have any yet

>> No.8033196

I sold everything to buy LINK and DomainToken. I will be driving a yacht in 5 years.

>> No.8033279


>> No.8033303

Hopefully way more than enough. I have 40k and plan to sell about 20-25% at around 200-300 dollars then ride the rest to 1k. Praise kek and God speed to us all.

>> No.8033329

I have 110k LINK, hoping for a PRL pump before mid march. If I liquidated everything I could get 200k. Unfortunately I also bought VEN last week and got CHINKED - even though I sold the news, I kept part of my stack on the chance that it'd pump, but then VEN tanked. Oh well. Never buying a chink coin again.

>> No.8033354

>tfw only have 533 link
>In grad school, cant afford to toss shit loads of money at crypto


>> No.8033385

Thats still enough to become a millionaire by year end

>> No.8033459

Potentially fun gains.

>> No.8033528
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ITT chainlink bagholder psychosis

>> No.8033547
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>> No.8033551

confirmed for larp

>> No.8033703

Why wouldn’t he just make Ethereum then and not Bitcoin?

>> No.8033824

if true ill kms

>> No.8033871

if this is true so many people here will be fuck you rich how do?

>> No.8033964

is 11k enough id like to get to 25k...im not going to have time...

>> No.8034040

it maks so much sense. He needed bitcoin to create an organic competitive community that he could use to launch chainlink on. The blockchain developmental community crowd sourced a massive global infrastructure that he needed and he didn't have to spend a single dollar to do it. He has probably leveraged himself quite well if this is true, enough to get himself access and virtual anonymity within the ranks of the financial and fintech elite. Think about one man and a small group of devs executing this mutli decade plan on the global scale and remaining unknown just long enough for the kill shot. You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube as they say. To find this board utilizing meme majik that just got DJT elected in an apparent move to destroy the global cabal, also memeing this coin successfully and being able to stand under the belly of the beast with buckets as sergeys blade slices it open. Its the price singularity, its the actual singularity, and its the dawning of a new age of information, interaction, and value. It was never about bitcoin, it was always about chainlink. Hes taking over the world lads, and we're helping. Witness 1 DJT Witness 2 Sergey Nazarov Apocalypse Nao!!

>> No.8034054
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>> No.8034217
File: 136 KB, 640x426, gigglem9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an adorable conspiracy theory.

>> No.8034372


In case you were wondering if Sherlocklink is a fraud. Has a new name, clearly just retarded not autistic

>> No.8034782

Big if true.

>> No.8035507
File: 95 KB, 960x549, 1513836888104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no money to buy link, but I have a eth wallet.

Olde send me 10-15 link. I head it's going to be 1000$ EOY.

>> No.8035533

Link is like 6 months old you collossal cunt

>> No.8035878

I can't wait to see the happening threads when this shitcoin crashes to .003, if anyone fell for the endless shilling, you deserve to be broke.

LINK ATH will be $2 at most, I suggest selling and getting out as soon as possible

>> No.8035898
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>> No.8036000

You could buy one right now you faggot. You can get a nice Pacer for under $5k.

>> No.8036018

why would you want more of a shitcoin that's going to be worth $0 soon?

>> No.8036025

reminder that 65% of all tokens are owned and controlled by the dev team.

>> No.8036037
File: 460 KB, 1350x966, SMINEM SERGEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved all of my wtc to link today after their tweet....now currently have 2500 stinkys Will I make it?

Also made my first career meme for good luck

>> No.8036038

biz will crash if link hits $2 this month

>> No.8036061

You'll be able to stake for a nice secondary income and take your vacations to Stinky island and meet those who have /madeit/

>> No.8036066

well depends on what you think "making it" is, 2500 link is $2500000 EOY

>> No.8036097

200k checking in

should have got 500k

>> No.8036263
File: 218 KB, 634x425, 1518294490929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GODDAMIT come back to reality faggots, stupid 7s get inflated everyone's expectations


>LINK will spike to 60-70 USD, consolidate to 10 USD as the entire market consolidates, then grow to 150 USD as long term adoption grows

If you have less than 5 figures worth of LINK, you're not going to make it and you need to get more now when the price is still relatively low.

>> No.8036340

>link being 1000
>trillion dollar market cap

>> No.8036553

$100 link is impossible. no fucking way.

>> No.8036667

i agree, $1000 EOY

>> No.8037106

by the time I can get reasonable numbers worth it's gonna be way up in price. Going to buy my first batch worth once I get my check in a few days and after that all in til I get $10k put away over the next few years... I wont make it make it but i'll def be sitting comfy compared to now.. should have gotten into link far sooner but only really learned about it in the last few days since I am fairly new to coins and even this board. ah well gonna do my best to get in on this and enjoy what I have going on right now.

>> No.8037381

18 link poorfag here

>> No.8037795

Because people won't hold that long...I guarantee that when LINK hits 10, most people holding will dump their bags.

>> No.8037834

350 billion with token sequestration for nodal priority and moar returns.

>> No.8037908

Just buy 500 links if you don't mind losing some money. It's under a freaking dolar right now.

>> No.8037918

prove it OP, you cancerous shill

nevermind, just go on and mass suicide with the rest of the linktumors

>> No.8037919

Wtf is DomainToken. It isn't even on CMC

>> No.8037922

Assblaster was wrong about nano. He us not the end all be all price predictor crypto authority. Link will be stasked in nodes making the price increase exponentiaslly as they won't be in circulation additionally chainlink will make blockchains have more value because they will actually have real worrld use sllowing link to rise even higher

>> No.8037932

People won't hold that long.

>> No.8037958

No. Most people here hold less than 10k. That’s not really fuck you money at all. That’s why it’ll be 1000 eoy, that’s fuck you money

>> No.8038001

How much is fuck you money?

>> No.8038037

Sergey wouldn't waste this time making a coin that would be worth anything less than $1k

>> No.8038103

That's a nice start to a career anon. Saved.

>> No.8038147

I have a lot that is split up between five or six different wallets and exchanges. Don't just go by the rich list.

>> No.8038155

About tree fiddy

>> No.8038178

Okay SERIOUS TIME. Do /biz/antines in this thread actually think LINK will hit $1000EOY? What are your REALISTIC expectations.

NO LARPERS ALLOWED (yeah fucking right).

>> No.8038210

>thinking he cares about the price

I get that we would all love to see 1k, including me, but his goal is mass worldwide adoption and connections like this world has never seen before. To him price is just and afterthought but a bonus for us.

>> No.8038268

I'm sorry Anon but I'm afraid you might be Jewish

>> No.8038284

I think 1000 is possible in 2020

>> No.8038316

Muh dick. If his vision comes true 1000 is the absolute bottom

>> No.8038385

Of course, this can apply to any coin. Cautionary tale. I felt the same way about my stack of XVG. I lost a good third of it all.

Fortunately, I still profited big in the end when I finally sold it off on January 2. But I could've sold much more that day if I'd been more careful.

I've learned how to trade better since then, as well as read charts, trends, and all that good stuff. Either hold onto what you've got, or go balls deep in learning how to play the market before you put anything on the line.

>> No.8038487

It didn't say which year.

>> No.8038495
File: 41 KB, 450x461, ben garrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To buy just 15 000 Links today, would cost you 10 000 USD. It's overpriced as fuck.

>> No.8038529

or you're poor as fuck.

>> No.8038608

yeah, needing to spend the equivalent of buying a small house on a memecoin just in order to have simply the possibility of maybe "making it" isn't a very attractive idea

>> No.8038740
File: 25 KB, 316x160, IMG_6499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont let these anons troll you, just go to the nearest fiat currency dealer and they will walk you through the entire process

>> No.8038835
File: 373 KB, 1920x1620, 1518312325471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would you ever wanna do that? That defeats the whole point of crypto.

>> No.8038859

EOY you will get 15 links for $15000

>> No.8038866

Is there a way I can print a LINK paper wallet onto this?

>> No.8038912

>does not understand what overpriced means

Here's a reality check for you: Take XMR or ETH or BCH, for example, all three cost way more than Link. And they're not overpriced.

>> No.8038972

lmfao what

>> No.8039100

Fuck yessss

>> No.8039115

Take your digits and go get some stinky linkies.

>> No.8039263

fuck that's a good one. If you change anything, consider that Sergey's eyes are a bit excited for the photo, given the context.

>> No.8039541

feel sad and depressed OP knowing that I have 300k in the top 150 holders of LINK the most absurd coin of the decade
>stay mad

>> No.8040036

1750 here comfy

>> No.8040396

I gotta pay for my lambo somehow

but really at some point I want to cash out just enough that I can not do the whole wageslave thing
I got like 5 sets of taxes and insurance to pay and I don't think they'll accept linkies

>> No.8040903

Holy fuck man. I wish I could have 500 more link lol. You are going to be one of the richest people in the world!

>> No.8041619

Lurk more before posting faggit

>> No.8041638

still holding 330'000 Link. Waiting for $3

>> No.8041743

500 EOY
1000 2020

>> No.8041907

50 eoy

>> No.8042333

Someone hasn't got enough Linkies

>> No.8042411


Sell 5k LINK @ $30 = $150k Q2 2019
Sell 20k LINK @ $100 = $2M Q4 2019
Sell 10k LINK @ $300 = $3M Q4 2021

here's what i'm planning

>> No.8043379

lol did you really just compare dark dogecoin to chainlink

>> No.8043623

Of course it won't really go to $1,000, but if the overall market performs well and link goes up in the rankings of coins as well, then $50 is possible this year, maybe even $100, who knows. Even $20-$30 would be great.

>> No.8043651
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Good plan but very stinky.

>> No.8043697

Look at the market cap dumbass. It's not overpriced

>> No.8043838

Fuuuuck, is it even possible to make it with 1.1k link?

>> No.8043862

Depends how long you hold for, 2025 one will be 10k

>> No.8044298
File: 201 KB, 724x800, 1403686724320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so close, fren, so close