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File: 453 KB, 640x742, Fenns treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8023057 No.8023057 [Reply] [Original]

Lets use our collective autism to solve this riddle and find 2 million dollars of gold and other shit buried by this dude /biz/.


People are literally dying trying to find it but normies are plebs.

>Pic related
The actual treasure

>> No.8023085

Fenn, a former military pilot turned millionaire antiques dealer in 2010 concealed treasure somewhere in the Rocky Mountains between New Mexico’s Santa Fe and the Canadian border. This bronze chest, filled with valuable paraphernalia, jewelry, archaeological wonders and gold coins, has been estimated to be worth several million dollars, and the only way to find it is by using the clues in a short poem.

>> No.8023100

>be rich
>claim you hid a bunch of gold inside a mountain
>watch as people actually try to find it
Go have fun anon

>> No.8023132

I mean, the guy likely did genuinely leave it. It would fit his character if you read about his background, etc.

Just no one has found it yet

>> No.8023150

>somewhere in the Rocky Mountains between New Mexico’s Santa Fe and the Canadian border
well, that narrows it down quite a bit

>> No.8023171

Here is the short poem. He claims that you can find the treasure using this and nothing else:

As I have gone alone in there

And with my treasures bold,

I can keep my secret where,

And hint of riches new and old.

Begin it where warm waters halt

And take it in the canyon down,

Not far, but too far to walk.

Put in below the home of Brown.

From there it’s no place for the meek,

The end is ever drawing nigh;

There’ll be no paddle up your creek,

Just heavy loads and water high.

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,

Look quickly down, your quest to cease,

But tarry scant with marvel gaze,

Just take the chest and go in peace.

So why is it that I must go

And leave my trove for all to seek?

The answers I already know,

I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.

So hear me all and listen good,

Your effort will be worth the cold.

If you are brave and in the wood

I give you title to the gold.

>> No.8023321

you've probably seen this site OP:

>> No.8023342


wasn't draculas gold never found?

>> No.8023424

found this

>> No.8023465

Unironically spent 2 months looking for this treasure, surprised to see it mentioned in biz. Some great stories but no treasure of course, and I suspect someone already found it.

>> No.8023510
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MGRS coordinates. Easy.

>> No.8023557

In 2017 he confirmed that it still is there.

>> No.8023604

Ah, nice. Havent kept up with it for a few years

>> No.8023672
File: 260 KB, 885x1200, 9991979dbb973f0b86dc81069df7ae3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claim to have found the treasure, then stalk him. He goes to check if it is still there, then get the treasure when he leaves.

>> No.8023703

Chad is getting a blowjob from Stacy in his truck right now while reading this thread with his shovel in the back

>> No.8023724

He only checks once a year and not immediately after someone claimed it though.

He also doesn't announce when he is going to look and doesn't even tell close friends or family. He also only announces that the treasure is still there months after checking.

>> No.8023815


>Randy Bilyeu, who went missing in January 2016 and was later found dead in July of that year.[13] As a result, Bilyeu's ex-wife told others she thought the Fenn Treasure was a hoax.[14]

>Jeff Murphy, 53 years old, of Batavia, Illinois was found dead inside of Yellowstone National Park on June 9, 2017 after falling about 500 feet down a steep slope. The details of the investigation into his death by Yellowstone officials were not made public but KULR obtained the facts through a Freedom of Information Act request. KULR-TV reports that Murphy was searching for Fenn's treasure. According to KULR, Murphy's wife told park authorities that Murphy was looking for said treasure when she first reported him missing.[15]

>Pastor Paris Wallace of Grand Junction told family members he was searching for a buried treasure and later failed to show up for a planned family meeting Wednesday June 14, 2017. His car was found parked near the Taos Junction Bridge and his body was subsequently found 5–7 miles (8-11 km) downstream.[16][17]

>Eric Ashby, 31 years old, was identified as the treasure seeker found in the Arkansas River on July 28, 2017. On 26 January, 2018, Fremont County Coroner's Office received the DNA report from Colorado Bureau of investigations positively identifying Ashby. Ashby is the third reported death in search of Forrest Fenn's treasure.[18] It is alleged by some of Ashby's family members that Ashby had moved to Colorado in 2016 to look for the treasure, and was last seen on June 28 rafting on the river, 10–15 miles (15-25 km) upstream from where the body was found. The raft overturned and Ashby had been missing since that time. [19]

have fun they said

>> No.8023860


Forrest has said that multiple people have given him the correct solve for the first two clues - and that multiple people have been within 200 to 500 feet of the treasure, without even realizing it. Presumably the same ones. This tells us that the 9 clues probably refer to a very small area. Like a few hundred feet total. Not miles and miles and miles. People who have solved #2 correctly - got within 200 feet of the treasure.That means that it’s highly likely that clues #3 through 9 are also within 500 feet of the treasure chest!

As I have gone alone in there

And with my treasures bold,

I can keep my secret where,

And hint of riches new and old.

>1. Begin it where warm waters halt

>2. And take it in the canyon down,

>3. Not far, but too far to walk.

>4. Put in below the home of Brown.

From there it’s no place for the meek,

>5. The end is ever drawing nigh;

>6.There’ll be no paddle up your creek,

>7. Just heavy loads and water high.

>8. If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,

Look quickly down, your quest to cease,

>9. But tarry scant with marvel gaze,

Just take the chest and go in peace.

So why is it that I must go

And leave my trove for all to seek?

The answers I already know,

I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.

So hear me all and listen good,

Your effort will be worth the cold.

If you are brave and in the wood

I give you title to the gold.

>> No.8023876
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i just want to be happy

>> No.8023917


Boiling River (halt, right on border) -> Gardiner Canyon -> Brown died in Gardiner Canyon

>> No.8023921

where did you look? was it where this guy said? >>8023424, it seems like a good solution in most part

>> No.8023933

If you aren't happy now. A ton of money and a girlfriend will not fix it.

GF/Money is not some magical fix that gives you happiness. They are amplifyers of feeling not creators of joy.

If you are depressed a gf and tons of money will likely result in your suicide/death one way or the other. If you are happy a gf and money will complete it.

>> No.8024107

of what exactly

>> No.8024136

lmao nice

makes it more interesting t b h

>> No.8024170

Wish I lived in America so I could search for this treasure desu

>> No.8024199
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I just think it'd fucking rock to find a treasure chest full of gold - how many people in history get to have that feeling?

>> No.8024202

>A ton of money and a girlfriend will not fix it.
It has in the past, the money part at least and not a ton of it. everyone has a minimum level of comfort and freedom that money can buy and for me I am nowhere near that level.
I'm not talking lambos and f22s in the garage here, i suspect theres plenty on here who would say the same, right now im renting a tiny flat and earning dirt-tier money that means i have a monthly budget for food.

i was earning 4x what i am now back in 2012 working with a small family run firm selling fucking gourmet coffee wholesale, i grew up with one of their sons and nobody there gave a shit what they paid the staff. they sold up and the new company obviously didnt want to pay us all comfy wages so i left.
back then i didnt have to make decisions like 'is it cold enough to justify having the heating on tonight'..

your advice is sound for those with their head in the clouds, people who reach whatever their level of contentment is (and for some it will be high end luxury) yet still need to keep going beyond to be happy, you shouldnt presume this is the case for everyone here

>> No.8024238

finding treasure is the patricians hobby

>> No.8024245

Who /ChesterCopperfield/ here ?

>> No.8024246

i agree

>> No.8024270

E. Lee Spence reporting in

>> No.8024304

i have July - August off of school and work, i've never been farther west than kentucky. Somewhat skilled in outdoors shit from backpacking in west virginia.

Maybe i'll drive out there and look for it. Gonna run to vegas and pawn that shit, relax on a beach in bulgaria for the rest of my life.

>> No.8024375


>> No.8024380

nah some of it is rare collectors pieces like an aztec gold amulet apparently

>> No.8024417

Damn autocorrect. Thanks m8

>> No.8024484

That seems to be the main clue...

> Forrest reconfirmed searchers have been within 200 feet (60 m) of the treasure and many within 500 feet (150 m)

What evidence is there that it is still there? Does Fenn check on it on occasion? Then why not social engineer him somehow to install a tracker on his phone or car?

Stalk the guy and get some pretty woman to borrow his phone while he is shopping because she needs to send a text message on facebook or some dumb excuse, instruct bimbo to download app. wait and profit?

>> No.8024501

I'm gonna laugh when it is hidden in the back of a broom closet at a park ranger station or something. That's what I would do.

>> No.8024576

I think he said its not in a man made place

>> No.8024598

a smart old coot like that anit gonna give his phone to some bimbo.

>> No.8024602

I think he knows that from people who send him pictures when they try find it, and then he can tell how close they are etc

Or just reading the net I guess. People publish where they searched

Also, this is him anon
I don't think hes gonna fall for that ruse

>> No.8024643

So find the one where the architect that designed it was a woman or some dumb shit like that. This is an eccentric dude who hides an actual buried treasure to entertain himself. They would totally do some shit like this.

>> No.8024653

11 lines
Then 2 lines starting with T
Then alternating wording for numbers. Etc etc

>> No.8024654

surprised no one has just kidnapped him and forced him to reveal the location

>> No.8024661


>3. Not far, but too far to walk.
Obviously you cannot walk there, you have to climb or something.

>There’ll be no paddle up your creek,
>Just heavy loads and water high.
> If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
> Look quickly down, your quest to cease,

Sounds like you have to climb down a waterfall if you ask me.

>> No.8024795

>Put in below the home of Brown.
He's talking about the only nigger in the area
>Tarry glint
Hey guys...

>> No.8024858

Well go get your treasure then dude

>> No.8024868


brb googling every single waterfall found near the rocky mountain areas

were solving this tonight boys

>> No.8024937

Explain in detail how you ended up there though I can't see it

>> No.8024985

This makes perfect sense considering his army career.

>> No.8025052
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>anons face when finds it in one post

>> No.8025053
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>> No.8025228


>> No.8025262

is this anywhere near where other people have been saying it is?

>> No.8025702

Biz I've solved the first part of the riddle reply with your email address and send me 1 ETH and I'll reveal my secrets.

>> No.8025778
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1511249248246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I've unironically solved it
Not even joking

>> No.8025805

was just about to post this. see you there, bro

>> No.8025865

Where do you think it is
Give a clue

>> No.8025906



>> No.8025918

That makes 3 of us then. Can we split it as 1st gets 60%, 2nd gets 30%, 3rd gets 10%?

>> No.8025942

Montana or New Mexico
i'm not saying which one i think is most plausible for obvious reasons

>> No.8025952


This chick got pretty close it seems:


Plus the Brown home reference definitely seems to have been solved here:


Fuck it'd be so cool to find a chest full of gold - still, lol, 4 people have fucking died so far. You've got to wonder how the guy feels about it at this point.

>> No.8025981

Good luck.
I'm 100% serious by the way.
I'm not American so how would I go about this shit

Doesnt exactly narrow it down anon

>> No.8026009

How do you know noone found it?

>> No.8026026

no shit, i'm not going to say where exactly.

>> No.8026032


If you're sure, book a flight to the US.

>> No.8026057


>Write a literary atrocity that no sane person will read

>Shit better get chumps on board


> Millions of dollars later


>> No.8026062

>tfw i can drive to the treasure

>> No.8026084


I just want to see a biz timestamp on that haul.

>> No.8026118


I think it's in Colorado personally still, but I'd love to hear your ideas if you're not going to go after it anyway.

>> No.8026152

when i get it, i'll post a pic on /biz/ w/timestamp of course
that will be my announcement to the world

>> No.8026182

be sure to tell the news ur investing it all in crypto

>> No.8026186

Why Colorado?

I have another suggestion which I think is a good bet. It has a "Brown" landmark and a place where theoretically warm water could seem to stop abruptly.

>> No.8026227

selling the treasure, all in DGB

>> No.8026270

I'm actually in the Rocky Mtn region and have thought about this, if you guys come up with legit consensus, I will go check it out, people have been very close

>> No.8026280

Why didn't these idiots bring a metal detector?

>> No.8026330

desu i dont think its buried in the ground

>> No.8026332

>no proof that he actually hid it
>no one has ever found it

Would you tell the government that you want to pay them couple of million in taxes? Lol

>> No.8026383

send me 0.1 eth to indicate you are serious about this offer, i am definitely interested, sir.

>> No.8026400

Brown canyon, BV, hot springs, cold water runoff convergence

>> No.8026421

checked but incorrect, imo

>> No.8026444
File: 11 KB, 373x135, The big W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is beginning to remind me of this movie

>> No.8026520
File: 2.45 MB, 1396x746, 09231230202300030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... ?

>> No.8026595

the Fenn guy said people have been within a few hundred feet, and some people have literally walked right over it or by it.

>> No.8026650

>Put in
It's in Russia

>> No.8026674


>> No.8026756

Exactly. Is everyone retarded? He said he put it in a non dangerous location. I can't imagine why a metal detector wouldn't help.

>> No.8026817

that is one possibility, but i'm thinking of somewhere else. once NANO 3Xs i'm going to pick it up. i will post my haul to biz before May

>> No.8026849

Put it all in a crypto you hold and tell the news that you're putting all the money got into that crypto then sell when its pumped by normies

>> No.8026854

you're a brainlet, that's why. it's also why i'll find it

>> No.8026885

It's probably somewhere near/on Mt. Brown in Glacier National Park. That hike is a bitch and it fits some of the other clues. That anon with the GPS coordinates is right on that mountain

>> No.8026894

absolutely, but i will post caps of this thread to biz beforehand along with the coin i'm going to shill on the news. that way we all make it together

>> No.8026918

After we find this can we band together to find DB Cooper's remains and treasure?

>> No.8026955

If I was in the states I'd carry the shovel for you anon but me helping you pump your bags will be enough.

>> No.8026996


>> No.8027033

>I mean, the guy likely did genuinely leave it. It would fit his character if you read about his background, etc.
You dumb faggot, you actually fell for his LARP

>> No.8027046

take him hostage and torture him, then have him lead you to the treasure, he digs it up, then after have him dig his own grave so you can execute him

>> No.8027066

>Forrest has said that multiple people have given him the correct solve for the first two clues - and that multiple people have been within 200 to 500 feet of the treasure, without even realizing it.
If you knew their paths you could easily find this if it was real.

But it's not and Fenn is more likely to be a larping faggot.

>> No.8027098

I don't understand you faggots, of course money can make you happy. If I get rich then I can finally stop being a wagecuck and travel the world or just chill doing whatever the fuck I want.

>m-muh women
yeah well no shit, most of you are socially retarded, fat nerds. Get /fit/, experience the world and actually develop a personality that people find interesting if you want to have success with women.

>> No.8027099


>> No.8027104

Not really

He never said it was treasure hunters who came close to it did he?

>> No.8027116

Thanks. Just found $100k

>> No.8027157

well meme'd my dude

>> No.8027304

>The gallery, which he began by purchasing sculptures from struggling artists and casting bronzes of them, was located in Santa Fe, New Mexico and sold everything from artifacts to fine art, openly selling forgeries of Monet, Degas, and other artists.
Literally a con artist.

>> No.8027587

Rocky Mountain anon here. Been loosely following this treasure shit for years. Almost joined some dude with terminal cancer who was convinced he knew where it was.

I'll seriously go drive and search whatever coordinates/locations you brilliant autists can come up with. Probably for a small ETH fee, but I'll fuckin do it.

>> No.8027762

Nice place to live

I think its Colorado 100%

>> No.8027802


I'm based out of Colorado. Great place to live. Not planning on moving anytime soon.

I also think it's Colorado or Santa Fe, especially based off of the pinyon nuts comment.

>> No.8027983


>> No.8028224

it's probably a few hundred feet from the stream where people canoe past it not literally tresure hunters

>> No.8028314

You got any recommendations on where to move to in Colorado? I've heard Denver is cucked, but that's only a small part of the state.

>> No.8028544
File: 488 KB, 1800x1200, boulder-colorado-1-copy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I live in downtown Denver. Not cucked at all. If you're scared of spooky progressive libruls and their culture, maybe go to Colorado Springs.
If you got the $$$ or work in tech, I'd recommend Boulder. Hands down the best place I've ever lived, no debate. Pretty liberal, but it's not shoved down your throat.

Entire Boulder/Denver corridor is where you want to live if you want a good QoL. If you're concerned about cucks, go live with all the retards in Colorado Springs.

>> No.8028640

Google the place. It's in the Rocky Mountains, not far from a road, but you can't walk there. You don't even need the worded clues, but they pretty much confirm it must be in that sector.

>> No.8028874

I propose a biz meetup in the area, with a good 50-100 of us we will be sure to find it and cover the cost of the transport to get there.

It's either that or battle royale once the treasure is found.

>> No.8028886

You sound like a bitch ass cuck. I'll ask someone else

>> No.8029014


you wouldn't fit in here. don't move here and enjoy fucking fat chicks. ill enjoy my 10/10 life, stay mad.

>> No.8029536

Just checked out Boulder and it looks awesome added to the list of places to visit on my next USA trip.

>> No.8029828


Buy a place somewhere cheap/shitty like Pueblo, and reap the rewards in 10 years when your house price has tripled or more.

Denver/Boulder housing is already fucked.

>> No.8029917


Yeah but the rocky mountains are a long way from India.

>> No.8030318

I've spent time all over that area, and honestly Boulder was my least favorite.
Denver is dirty, FULL of homeless, and overpriced.
Boulder is pretentious but pretty.
FT. Collins is my favorite place in that area.

With that said I'm moving to Boise, ID in a couple weeks.
that's the real hidden treasure valley.

>> No.8030485

I was looking at Boulder to use as a base and then everyday drive out to one of the trails/parks.

Ive seen cool cities in America my main target next is awesome scenery are there better places than Boulder that are close to the parks?

>> No.8030658

100 autistic 4channers fighting for neetbucks, it would be glorious

>> No.8030734

Thoughts on this?


>> No.8030762

I'm telling you man.
Look into Idaho.
prettiest place in the country

>> No.8030810

I would immediately win as I am not obese, I have no worries about losing my fedora, my neck is clean shaven. Id be like fucking terminator in full stride compared to you fat filled jugs

>> No.8030815

is it cheap to buy a house there?

>> No.8030863


>> No.8030886
File: 43 KB, 736x981, yoo rofl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he's got deer cams in trees

If he does, someone with countersurveillance equipment could get close

>> No.8030982

Don't be so sure, I'm a triathlete.

>> No.8031002

Ive just had a look, it does look amazing but not sure theres much to actually do there. Looks a place to live rather than visit.

>> No.8031021

jack of all trades master of none

>> No.8031586

i found it last week?

was full of spidies n some weird yellow nuggets.. binned it all

box is pretty cool tho

>> No.8032073

There's no hidden treasure. He was just trolling.

>> No.8032764


Cheap cost of living.
Houses are very reasonable.
Just look up Alice lake, sawtooth mountains, or McCall, ID.
Plenty to do
if you're looking for views