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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 379 KB, 601x984, 2018-02-28 09_35_21-Charles Hoskinson on Twitter_ _Before you work on a cryptocurrency, make sure yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8020547 No.8020547 [Reply] [Original]

can y'all grow the fuck up, like right now?

>> No.8020573


>> No.8020575

get the fuck off this pizza forum and make me some money, charles

>> No.8020584

What a cry baby.
>Waaaahhhhh NEETS on 4chin are spreading fud!!!!

>> No.8020590


>> No.8020666

ah charles 'fired from every single project he was ever a part of because he's cancer' surfs /biz/, hope your third rate masonic copycat does well. never forget you would fit in here like a glove with your autism and toxicity

>> No.8020665

>waahh I ripped bunch of people off by selling them a useless shitcoin in ICO and now they're mad they're losing money
What a stupid cunt, hope he necks himself.

>> No.8020685

Buying an ICO off a redneck ameriburger HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.8020716

kek at you fags selling at a loss
never change

>> No.8020758

Wut? If anything the icofags that bought ada ico must be super happy
You know what the Ada ico price was?

>> No.8020843

Hey Charles,

You virtuesignaling faggot furreal kill yourself holyfuck

>> No.8020971

ADA is literally the biggest shitcoin in the top 100 right now. There is NOTHING worse.
And this piece of human garbage has the audacity to cry about what people say about it online. Fucking kill yourself Charles you worthless retard.

>> No.8021026

lol all you retards talking shit about charlie.

Hes the bravest person in crypto besides wat ever the fuck Satoshi Nakamoto is. Why dont you watch the one presentation Charlie puts on in front of a live audience off the top of the dome. He mentions a certain (((name))) that I havent seen ANYONE ELSE mention.

Also Cardano IS the reincarnation of the Library of Alexandria. Its hard to tell how big things are in the moment....

>> No.8021046

How is he toxic?

He seems very knowledgeable. I'd easily see how he would be the person to point out obvious flaws in projects he's in and make others ashamed of themselves to the point of hating him.

Hardly can't sympathize with him.

>> No.8021295

They just want him to tweet more death threats lol

>> No.8021321

Niggercucking is back on plebbit

>> No.8021373

I once posted a picture of this chucks face on /biz/ and called him the biggest fucking retarded cunt in cryptocurrency. I hope he read it the scamming fuck

>> No.8021399

This. Charles hoskinson is a fucking complete creep

>> No.8021424
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A face you want to punch into a bloody mess

>> No.8021474
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>> No.8021485
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God damn what a fucking faggot.
>waaaaah the internet hate machine waaaaah
Stay the fuck off this fucking board then faggot

>> No.8021496


>> No.8021521

Hahaha this twat is reading biz. He is never gonna make it.

>> No.8021536

He's a virgin sperg who got cucked by chad autists

>> No.8021584

Ummmm... OP? Can you stop being a pussy, faggot? Who gives a fuck.

>> No.8021622

hi charles

>> No.8021624

The whole point of being a crypto rich neet is we can say whatever the fuck we want with no backlash because we're going to be millionais who don't have to give a fuck

>> No.8021649

Fuck that Faggot. He hasn't been the same since he got kicked out of ethereum project before the chain even launched

>> No.8021674
File: 256 KB, 1000x1502, kys4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying on twitter because an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard is shitposting about you
neck yourself, charles hoskinson

>> No.8021787
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>> No.8021900

Charles is the greatest human being to grace the planet. He will clear the debris and build the final iteration of the blockchain, preventing the third world war.

After the fact, the blockchain will be known under a different name. It will be known as the Hoskinson architecture.

>> No.8021977

>It's impossible to be both toxic and knowledgable

He's just like the average /biz/fag, except he has thin skin. And thinning hair.

Or well, used to be like the average /biz/fag, before the newfags invaded.

>> No.8022024

Hey Charles, I don't know anything about you. Despite that I hope that in your lifetime you have to watch your child die.

>> No.8022075

Charles having a kid would entail Charles having sex.

Does this sound like a realistic scenario to you?

>> No.8022081

Hope he khs

>> No.8022107

>check if its true
>Holy shit he actually tweeted this
Thanks for the gains charles, 50x return. This was the easiest moon mission ever.
Stop being a bitch

>> No.8022140

This isn't a secret cave to the crypto autists. Even Vitalik is an old /v/irgin. Half the fucking cryptosphere are probably /v/irgins, including Charles.

>> No.8022212

my point is he got mad rich off selling vaporware shit with no real world use and now crying about autists hating on him because his shitcoin is tanking. He's acting like he did it as a charity and hasn't made a single bux on it
>wah I worked hard on this shitcoin
no you fucking didn't

>> No.8022220

Is this that faggot Cardano dweeb?

>> No.8022267

You know Charles is reading this right now.

That's right, Charles. You pussy cunt. Don't just sit there and cry. Defend yourself against what this anon said.

>> No.8022288

The point is that isn't toxic while being knowledgeable. Problems he had were with narcissists who couldn't admit to obvious crippling flaws. They prefer to react with toxicity.

Contrast his well crafted lectures to Vitaliks grandiose "Web 3.0".

>> No.8022321
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>> No.8022333

>no real use case
look at this fag

>> No.8022347
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Guess we found Charles.

>> No.8022371

fuck off bvoomer bitch

>> No.8022374

Seriously, what a fucking loser. It's one thing to be here, it's another to also be here and cry about every single tincture of bantz tossed your way.

>> No.8022381

It doesn't have a use case. It's only use was to make NEETs rich, which it horrible failed.
The shitcoin will die, along with Chralie. Because some people will surely kill him for their lost money.

>> No.8022497

All bantz aside, Charles.

I genuinely believe that you are one of the most knowledgable people in the cryptosphere, with a lot to offer. Which is why it fucking pains me to see you work on vaporware like Cardano.

Make amends with Money Skelly and go back to Ethereum, or if you won't do that, at least send a job application to ChainLink, Hyperledger or some other project that actually has a chance of impacting the world rather than just be a pure speculative asset.

>> No.8022526

Why would Charles even come on /biz/, there's barely any intelligent conversation here just a lot of opinions based on emotion, ironic shitposting and pajeets shilling their bags.

Maybe browsing /biz/ is something he likes?

>> No.8022563

See >>8022140

He's almost definitely an old /v/irgin who found his way here to keep an eye on what we filthy casuals think about his project.

>> No.8022620

Wouldn't he know then, that all projects get shit?
I mean look at /v/ it seems like they actually hate games the way they talk about them
Same here

>> No.8022624

Lol rekt

>> No.8022704


Wow. I was curious about Cardano but this solidifies that I'll never buy it, ever. Could you imagine any successful business person who has made it (Bezos, Musk), complaining about haters/meanies on an obscure anonymous internet board. Wow

>> No.8022707

The more I see people attacking Cardano, the more I will buy.

>> No.8022819

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.8022851
File: 70 KB, 500x715, 1517685892457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charles letting a 3 reply nobody thread on /biz/ get to him

really makes you think

>> No.8022857

the real problem i see here is that devs know were to shill their shit coins now

>> No.8022928


Did you miss the part where we were invaded by single digit IQ amoebas and pajeets during the last 3 months? If they knew where to come, so did every dev wanting to shill their shitcoin.

>> No.8022952


>People are throwing money at me regardless of what I'll actually do for them because they want to buy the next bitcoin. Because of the coinrush there have been unscrupulous people propping up coins to make money and have absolutely no intention of making a practical product. Because of that everyone is under high scrutiny for what is practically free money. WHAAAA WHAAAA WHAAAA, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

If someone is not smart enough to understand why they will be under attack in this business then they are literally retarded. I don't want a retard's coin so this faggot can get fucked.

>> No.8023114

this t b h
the man could be a genius in his area of expertise, but you can't be so fragile emotionally if you want to be a leader/figurehead
money skelly gets 100x the abuse and handles it with much more maturity despite being in his early 20s
>inb4 some autist points out one tweet about sharting
that's the point though, vitalik disapproves immaturity but doesn't whine about him being a target specifically. you can see the difference with charles, for whom everything has to be about him. is that the kind of guy you want leading your DEcentralized protocol?

>> No.8023357
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>> No.8023912


dumped their shitcoin with a 80$ loss would've been much more had i sold later ...

cardano for now is less than hot air

>> No.8023957
File: 752 KB, 640x775, 1518236278253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to random posts made about you on 4chan
doing it wrong

You know Vitalik probably lurks here occasionally but he never responds to anything. Why? Because he's smart.

>> No.8024054

lol what a bugman

>> No.8024139

Charles pls go

>> No.8024383

ironically this shit is getting ready for a fat ass pump

>> No.8024421


$80k? Or are you seriously complaining about losing $80 in crypto? What the fuck happened to this board

>> No.8024496

Fuck off you little cry bitch! If I knew who you are I would rape you before slitting your throat! YOU ARE WORTHLESS!!!



>> No.8024625

charles pls go...

>> No.8024642

>tfw this is where all the ico money went

>> No.8025009

Hey guys,

Honestly, you don't know how hard it is to launch a project. And yes I do browse biz sometimes, but every so often, it does get to you.

I know this place is toxic but I still enjoy it because it is a hub of smart intellectuals who focus on cryptocurrency. It is the only place where I can get the unaltered truth and opinions on various projects. Unfortunately, it comes with it's downfalls.


People like this, who have the nerve to say explicit things about me or my project over $80.

Look, at the end of the day I want Cardano to change the world. But realize, no matter what you say, I still won. I'm rich and you're not. So keep squabbling away, while I continue to potentially change the world. At a certain point, you'll realize that is what matters.

>> No.8025542

>unironically caring about what social misfits and autists write on a gook cartoon website
>whining about it on twitter with screenshots

What the fuck. Just lost all respect for hoskinson.

The only thing worse than a normie is a nazi normie trying to limit anonymous opinions.

>> No.8025912

I think he is implying that he was fortunate to only lose $80 from cutting his losses, and could have lost much much more if he decided to baghold.

>> No.8025945

>vitalik is toxic
He's one of the most humble people I've ever met in tech.

>> No.8025946

What do you think about Chainlink?

>> No.8025997

People shouldnt be so mean to Charles, he delivered an awesome working product and changed people lifes.

>> No.8026005
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meanwhile, Sergey doesn't even acknowledge that we exist

>> No.8026215

If I had a coin and I dumped a bunch of bags on /biz/ I'd just come and talk shit. Fuck is this guy's problem?

>> No.8026627

There's a common type of person I've met at various workplaces.

He/she is incredibly helpful and nice ... if he/she is the only person inhabiting a certain domain exclusively. If anyone tries to tackle the monopoly, one encounters resistance up to violence.

Those people are ultimately poisonous, even if incredibly productive in setting up their domains of influence at the begging. Incapable of cooperating.