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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 190 KB, 1024x682, AE999E6B-692B-4547-8FC6-7A1352576B11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8017965 No.8017965 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8018628

Was extremely comfy until ive seen this pic...thats over 50 percent women...is this their marketing team or should i sell my bags?

>> No.8018653
File: 22 KB, 306x416, 438194E300000578-0-image-a-30_1503537032782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8018687

cringe fest

>> No.8018688

Don't worry that's just Sunny's harem.

>> No.8018700

The guys are developing / coding in a basement

>> No.8018702
File: 6 KB, 237x213, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in Vechain during ATH at 0.00081.
Today it's down 41% in Bitcoin value.
Feeling very comfy.

>> No.8018727

I believe in Sunny.
I believe PBOC rumor.
I believe I will be rich.
Too comfy for words.

>> No.8018781
File: 38 KB, 608x251, sunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8018818
File: 153 KB, 1419x782, 2018-02-28 14_07_48-VENBTC_ 0.00047627 ▼−2.49% — Unnamed — TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8018837

cringy as biztards are

>> No.8018843

The current state of /biz/..
> Yeah, nah get fucked cunt.

Just bought 100K

>> No.8019016

>we're totally not a scam
this image is literally bitconect 2.0

>> No.8019038

Which stage of grief is this?

>> No.8019050

>Partnership with University of Oxford's Mathematical Institute
Are you such a fucking brainlet that you don't realise what this means?
Some of the smartest people in the whole world will be working on VEN.

>> No.8019051

+ the daily FUD

buying more every day

>> No.8019067


>> No.8019092


>> No.8019176

Still comfy with my poor mans 50 vet

>> No.8019216


Literally only pboc news would save this sinking ship. Everything else is priced in until mainnet.

>> No.8019392

>"hey Oxford we're hiring interns got any?"
>yeah these two can spend five hours a week with you

I know this seems you degreless neets think its a big deal, but university do internship, research and work in so so so many fields and businesses it means nothing. Only in crypto is it an argument for muh moon

>> No.8019410

lol this pic, you guys are asking to be scammed by chinks

>> No.8019429

4500 not as comfy as I'd like to be. Could get a node but don't want to go all in

>> No.8019611
File: 44 KB, 600x701, ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly did consider buying, but no way I'm getting chinked after seeing this.

Tron 2.0.

>> No.8019930

lol when they say 80 emplyees this is what they mean

paid actors and models and marketing people

absolute vaporcoin

>> No.8019983

Might have been vapor but tron mooned lol. Marketing is half of the gig

>> No.8020069
File: 60 KB, 699x485, 1518518853514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got rice bitch got rice? got spice likes got food like us? ...

vchink is a classic yingyang scam professional to the level to lure DNVGL and that idiot breyer

>> No.8020073


>> No.8020185

How low it can go? Or its gonna bounce back in amy day now?
8 march new big one is coming also

>> No.8020298


> Knows literally nothing about the UK HE system, yet alone the workings of Oxford.

Holy shit, anon! Even *if* all that was going on was unpaid internships, Ox would not just loan out its grad students to just anyone, you ninny. The tutors at Oxford are incredibly protective of their students and don't want them spending time on anything but their studies. And just who do you think 'interns' are here? Undergrads? Postgrads? Postdocs? You are literally clueless.

You really cannot fathom how intelligent even the undergraduate interview rejects are at Oxford, let alone those we accept, the postgrads, the postdocs and the fellow tutors, etc. The fact you pass this off as 'interning' is simply evidence that you could not even begin to understand what is going on here...

>degreeless neet
There, I fixed it for you. Fucking brainlet...

>> No.8020304

Can someone give me a recap of why is this happening?
Did I miss something or was it simply overpriced for what it is?

>> No.8020323
File: 8 KB, 93x150, 4rtOKHt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot a rare pepe for good luck

>> No.8020330

why the fuck do chinks insist on cringe team/model pictures with their brand? salty walty does it too. they pay a bunch of models to stand on stage for photo ops. it doesn't make the brand attractive to me, it makes me want to dump

>> No.8020349

hurry up well faggot

>> No.8020396


>someone took time out of their day to do this lame-ass fud chart

i really feel bad for guys like you
if you really have nothing better to do than fud one of the most solid projects in crypto... then at least put some effort into it
this shit is just low-effort, its poorly executed. nobody except complete retards will fall for this. put some effort into it anon. have some pride in your work at least.

>> No.8020414

> shitcoin
> sinking like a brick
and yet, how in the fuck is sunny ALWAYS so smug?? Does he know something I dont?

>> No.8020426

You're a faggot