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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8015818 No.8015818 [Reply] [Original]

So is this country just full of the largest concentration of scammers and shitheads?

>> No.8015856

In China they teach their children that if you’re not cheating people whenever possible you are a literal brainlet.
Your western ideals of morality are completely alien to them.

>> No.8016402

Or maybe the biggest population in the world has most scammers? Nah it's probably the racist explanation that's right.

>> No.8016420

things are fucking cheap in china though.

>> No.8016421
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This is true. When it comes to business, they are the absolute most soul-less cocksucking bastards, nigger is too good of a word for them. They will fuck you in any way possible for even the smallest gain, almost like they get some sick pleasure out of it.
Consider this before buying their crypto, it's almost too much of a risk to even be using the same exchanges as them.

>> No.8016450

Fuck off snowflake, you obviously have never had to do actual business with these creatures.
t. Manufacturing Engineer

>> No.8016470
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>> No.8016475

What about Pajeets? Or are they just a smarter version of those?

>> No.8016476

Get a load of this reject. Please go back to plebbit where your state mandated opinion is valued. Faggot

>> No.8016498

He's not wrong though, and I'm half Chinese. Morals when it comes to cheating in China is almost the exact opposite of that in the West. In most aspects of the culture, cheating to get a head start is encouraged. Failing because of morals is a disgrace.

>pointing out difference in cultures means you're a racist

I hate you plebbit homos so god damn much. Suck my half Chinese dick.

>> No.8016538

yes the chinks will always favor short term scamming over long term value creation this is why they are known as the niggers of Asia. (also their subhuman behavior.)

>> No.8016551

You're not even aware how your young impressionable mind is being turned to shit by the likes of /pol

>> No.8016577

Shut your whore mouth, you ignoramus. You know nothing about the culture of China, and pointing out differences in cultures is not an attack on race, you absolute fucking cretin.

>> No.8016578

Theres a white guy who makes videos about living in china, he drops a lot truth bombs. Most chinks are shady

>> No.8016621

They have a chip on their shoulder from being assraped thorough a few centuries.

Can't blame them.

>> No.8016639

Does anyone have that copypasta of that anon that works with Chinese companies on a regular basis? He confirms that the Chinese will try to backstab you whenever they can.

>> No.8016643

>cheat in school

>cheat in university
>cut corners in products
>hack technology ip
What do you think brainlet

>> No.8016655

Taiwan and signapore, literally the same shit but they have morals unlike the mainland chinks

>> No.8016796

I have degrees in Asian Studies / Business and Chinese language, and this isn’t racist at all.
It’s a cultural difference you retarded burger.
If you’re not scamming then you’re being scammed and you’re going to end up at the bottom of society and that is a big fucking deal in a country with a population like China.
Your white knighting “but that’s racist” shit will be manipulated and used against you by actual racists.

>> No.8016856

Is it true that if you type about the massacre at the square in chink you get kaboshed?

>> No.8016873
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MODS, delete this right now.

This is pure fiction.

>> No.8017007

I heard they have mobile execution vans that also harvest organs. Fucking brutal, but I guess it's a step up from Chairman Mao having you shot, then sending a bill to your family for the bullet.

>> No.8017062

Enter a Chinese telegram group, coin of your choice.
Look at the amount cancer and fud they spread and ask yourself if that’s normal.

>> No.8017063


>> No.8017065
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big time ... its literally documented

you pass out in the public sphere > people will flee, they don't want responsiblity nor the chance of getting scammed somehow

countless fucking scams

known to cheat throughout school/tests < check out their ridiculous measures to counter it

known cheat in business as its common practice

... chinese are the definition of soulless bugmen

doesn't mean there ain't no chinks that arent uprigheteous or disgusted by this ... but it hardly changes the rough ethos of an entire country

same goes for the disparity of rich and dirt poor

... disgusting

>> No.8017154

Scamming is a highly ideologically individualistic thing

>> No.8017163

Nah that would be India
>T. Worked in both countries
Americans/Aussies/Brits tend to be assholes or sanctimonious claptraps.
Europeans are chill tho

>> No.8017220

Falun Gong is an actual cult on par with Scientology and they exaggerate their treatment by the government.
Look up who their leader is (living in nyc) and the kinds of claims he makes.
The Epoch Times is their propaganda outlet. They’re very good at manipulating westerners into the “Chinese government is oppressive” narrative.
Falun Gong Bad.

>> No.8017265

this is true.

did a mandarin course in Beijing a few years ago.

got scam by my lanlord for my last month rent.
got scam by fake hookers.
got scam by fake tea party.

man i was glad to leave.

>> No.8017327

Chinese goverment pays to shill on biz? Where do I sign up?

>> No.8017333

I worked with a sonar company.

They tried to reverse engineer right under my nose

>> No.8017381

>literal mongrel

Go kill yourself you subhuman piece of shit

>> No.8018221

DYOR on Li Hongzhi brainlet.

>> No.8018261

i dont invest in chinese cryptos.. they are all scammers.. all of their partnerships are fake.. fuck them