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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1200x420, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8012214 No.8012214 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this literally the only coin consistently going up and sustaining the uptrend in this shitty market condition?

>> No.8012305

People are realising this piece of gold is undervalued af

>> No.8012326

Because of awareness about it I guess.

>> No.8012342
File: 2.89 MB, 300x300, 1519702479109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget someone?

>> No.8013225

>/biz/ in a nutshell.
Keep on buying shitcoins, moon missions are done, you can't buy shitcoins for an easy 10x. But it's not too late you can stil make profit from omg this a $50 coin end of Q1

>> No.8013302

This coin cant even be fucked getting out of bed in the mornings, when it actually goes up, you will know about it

>> No.8013395

comfycoin, tbqh

>> No.8013402

fuck i just want it o retrace

>> No.8013407
File: 384 KB, 620x387, 6BFF02E6-3447-419E-916E-3B3513265408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought NANO at $5, NEO at $88 and OMG at $10 during the big dip, it’s been solid so far.
NANO is essentially bitcoin that actually works, if the security holds, and that’s a big if.
NEO is better ETH.
OMG is a shitty scam20 token, but zombies is an actual company with 450 million customers on their payment platform.

The only other project I’d consider was IOTA, but their wallet is such a piece of shit.
But basically you buy the tech, not the retarded hype.

>> No.8013427
File: 677 KB, 960x720, 61E1C70B-ABE9-4D3F-96A3-024C46CE3E30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice that Omise autocorrects to Zombies.

>> No.8013438

holy shit, you've captured the absolute state of biz retards in one post.

>> No.8013735

OMG is about to hit it's milestones. I'll say breaking its ath somewhere around March eom.

>> No.8013942

I bought in high, so it will definitely retrace now.

>> No.8013968
File: 37 KB, 321x333, 1509767047771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the tech, not the retarded hype.
>The only other project I’d consider was IOTA

>> No.8013985

And yet he is making a lot of money if he is actually buying st those prices

>> No.8014020

You are fucking retarded

>> No.8014094

because joseph the poon hound and money skelly are about to make it rain on all us filthy peasants

>> No.8014193

oh wow congrats on the big gains newfag you must be so proud. those of us that got here before november bought NEO at $30 and sold at $110 cuz it's a piece of shit. slow, centralized, does nothing original, fucking amateur wannabe chinese ethereum. nano is a pump and dump. OMG is the real deal. don't pretend like you know shit cuz you made a few bucks chasing reddit pumps you little pussy

>> No.8014444


Been in the cryto for few months and thinks hes an expert... ppfpfffhfhhahaha

I bought BTC at 200usd, LTC at 3 usd, ETH at 80 usd, Antshares at 3 usd and now OMG at 1.50 usd

Only coin that I've never had ambition to sell is OMG. I will be fucking filthy rich even though I started with a few bucks couple of years ago.

>> No.8015087
File: 1.09 MB, 828x828, pp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking stupid logo.

>> No.8015126


>> No.8016250


Swift is a programming language and Alipay partnered with Omise 5 months ago already

>> No.8016407


I sure fucking hope so. Because I sold a massive stash at 1800. Fml. I need to get back in!!!!!